Week in Review 10/20-10/26

Tuesday 10/20: Prospect Hill at lunch: Raven, Mourning Cloak, Autumn Meadowhawk.

Wednesday 10/21: Met State: Blue-headed Vireo, another cloak and meadowhawk, not a whole lot else.

Thursday 10/22: Owl. Turns out to be #100 at Prospect Hill as well.

Friday 10/23: Hardy Pond on the way to work: 3 Ruddy, 1 Pied-billed Grebe, 1 Grackle. Lot 1 at lunch: Swamp Sparrows, first of fall Hooded Mergansers.

Saturday 10/24: Cambridge Res: Black Scoter, 2 Hooded Merganser. Flint’s Pond: 2 Hooded Merganser. Merriam’s Corner: Pipit, huge flock of Savannah Sparrows, 7 Bluebirds. Nine Acre Corner: huge flock of blackbirds.

Sunday 10/25: Rock Meadow/McLean: not much of anything. Great Meadows was totally dead other than a surprising number of meadowhawks still around, along with one presumed Shadow Darner (a presumed one in the yard as well).

Monday 10/26: UMass Field Station before work to check on a possible Clay-colored. No luck, but the sun was just coming out above the trees when I had to leave so there wasn’t much activity. Lots of blackbirds overhead and 2 herons went by squawking at each other.

WIR 10/13-10/19

Tuesday 10/13: Purgatory Cove at lunch. Luckily the rain let up as I finished eating and I was able to get out and scan. Highlights were 40 Wood Ducks and my first Pied-billed Grebe for the Charles. Yellow-rump show around home slowed down but robins were going over nonstop around 5:00 PM.

Wednesday 10/14: Scoters! While not finding any at the Cambridge Res at lunch, Hardy Pond had a Ring-necked Duck.

Thursday 10/15: UMass field station before work, nothing of note. Beaver Brook ponds at lunch, decent numbers but nothing exciting.

Friday 10/16: Snow. Surprisingly not bad at lunch, so went to Paine. Swamp and Savannah Sparrows among other things (Savannah apparently new for the site).

Saturday 10/17: Led a Menotomy walk to Waltham St. Fields. Vesper and White-crowned Sparrows seen briefly, lots of Savannah and other common stuff. Raven flew over Dunback on return to cars. Drove around a bit afterwards: 4 Ruddies on Cambridge Res, 100+ crows at School St, Acton, and many geese in Concord but nothing jumped out as interesting.

Sunday 10/18: Raining and snowing, didn’t go out and nothing in the yard.

Monday 10/19: Lyman Pond at lunch: 22 Wood Ducks, 1 Autumn Meadowhawk. Kestrel and late Pewee at the end of the street on a late afternoon walk.

WIR 10/6-10/12

Tuesday 10/6: Met State before work, one good flock but nothing too interesting. Two sharpies weren’t bad. Paine at lunch, quiet.

Wednesday 10/7: Didn’t do anything

Thursday 10/8: UMass Field Station at lunch, 2 Cooper’s Hawks kept everything else down.

Friday 10/9: Hardy Pond at lunch: 3 Shovelers, 1 Ruddy.

Saturday 10/10: Besides the Lark Sparrow, Danehy highlights included an adult White-crowned Sparrow and an Orange-crowned Warbler. Arlington Res in the afternoon, lots of wigeon, a Pied-billed Grebe, and 1 Green-winged Teal. Nothing beyond Yellow-rumps in the trees.

Sunday 10/11: Started by joining the Menotomy walk to Rock Meadow. Fairly late Eastern Wood-Pewee was the main highlight, lots of the regular stuff but nothing overly exciting. Quick run around the Lindentree Farm fields in Lincoln after. Pileated called a couple times and not much else. On to the Wayland community gardens. Ran into the BBC trip, who informed me that there had been a Nelson’s Sparrow up above early in the morning. No luck with that, but a Merlin buzzed over. Ended up with a decent number of butterflies (for this year at least) including a Painted and two American Ladies, a Monarch, and an Eastern Tailed-Blue but no Bronze Copper. Around the neighborhood late in the afternoon, there were a boatload of yellow-rumps.

Monday 10/12: Beaver Brook North report tomorrow. Great Meadows in the afternoon, very quiet outside a harrier, 2 Pied-billed Grebes, and 7 pintail. No Brown-chested Martins.

Week in Review 9/28-10/5

Monday 9/28: Stayed home, Red-tail over the yard and Turkey Vulture down there street. Jays were excited by something at the corner but couldn’t find anything.

Tuesday 9/29: UMass field station and gardens at lunch. Palm Warbler, House Wren, Black Swallowtail.

Wednesday 9/30: Purgatory Cove: 40 Wood Ducks, 4 Rough-winged Swallows.

Thursday 10/1: Prospect Hill in the morning: Cape May Warbler (new for Waltham) and quite a bit else that I didn’t have time to cover carefully. Checked out the Met State boardwalk at lunch, 3 turkeys and my first Marsh Wren for Lexington.

Friday 10/2: Hardy Pond, same as last week pretty much. Beaver Brook ponds at lunch, good flock of things that I didn’t have time to go through but Red-eyed Vireo and BT Green Warbler among them.

Saturday 10/3: Rainy.

Sunday 10/4: Rock Meadow: Kestrel, few warblers, Lincoln’s Sparrow or two, 5 phoebes. Nine Acre Corner (or nearby): Black-tipped Darner, lots of geese. Waltham St. Fields: not much.

Monday 10/5: Prospect Hill at lunch: Swainson’s Thrush, Savannah Sparrow (#98 and #99 for the park). Great Meadows after work, finally got the Glossy Ibis and then huge (450+) numbers of Wood Duck and 4(!) American Bitterns as it got dark.

Week In Review 9/21-9/27

Monday 9/21: Lyman Pond at lunch, lots of Wood Ducks, a kingfisher, etc.

Tuesday 9/22: Paine, not a whole lot.

Wednesday 9/23: Hardy Pond on the way to work: 4 wigeon, Green Heron, several Blackpolls. Prospect Hill at lunch, 1 interesting warbler (90% sure it was a Mourning) but not much else other than my first Question Mark in Waltham this year.

Thursday 9/24: Back to Prospect Hill to see if the warbler was hanging around. No luck with that, but Wilson’s, Nashville, several Blackpolls, and a Black-throated Green. Jays also picked up a Sharp-shin going overhead (which didn’t seem to actually be looking down at all).

Friday 9/25: Met State before work. Lot of activity near at the cemetery, including a Tennessee Warbler and first of fall Yellow-rump and Golden-crowned Kinglet.

Saturday 9/26: Started at Dunback. Fairly quiet (first Lincoln’s Sparrow of the fall, Blue-headed Vireo, few Blackpolls) but wandered around with a few people. Led Waltham Land Trust walk to Beaver Brook North (Met State) but didn’t really look at birds. Afternoon walk around Arlington Res had a few wigeon and Green-winged Teal.

Sunday 9/27: Rainy, lousy day. Stayed in for the most part. Red-wings were vocal at the end of the street for the first time in a while.

Week In Review 9/14-9/20

Monday 9/14: Prospect Hill in the morning (Big Prospect and Whitney Trail). Good number of migrants including first of fall Blackpoll, Junco, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and Blue-headed Vireo. Paine at lunch, singing Pine Warbler and a few more migrants.

Tuesday 9/15: Prospect Hill at lunch (base up to top of the slope). One White-throat was about it, although a Mourning Cloak was nice.

Wednesday 9/16: Met State before work, not much. UMass Field Station at lunch, nothing.

Thursday 9/17: Beaver Brook Ponds at lunch, nothing really there. Big flock of geese at Fernald.

Friday 9/18: Hardy Pond on the way to work, Spotted Sandpiper was the most interesting thing. Met State at lunch, a Wandering Glider actually landed but otherwise nothing.

Saturday 9/19: Busy with family.

Sunday 9/20: Dunback and Waltham St. in the morning. Not too bad with 7 warblers, a few Broad-wings, and 2 Common Loons overhead. Great Meadows in the afternoon, incredibly quiet.


Week in Review 9/8-9/13

Tuesday 9/8: Met State at lunch, Wood Thrush and nothing else.

Wednesday 9/9: Prospect Hill before work, almost nothing. Paine Estate at lunch, also nothing. Did hear Carolina Wren in the yard for the firs time in a few weeks.

Thursday 9/10: Beaver Brook Ponds at lunch, nothing really of note. Not much at home but big numbers of robins around the neighborhood at dusk.

Friday 9/11: Wigeon at Hardy Pond at lunch.

Saturday 9/12: Rainy all day, stayed in.

Sunday 9/13: Went to Lincoln in the morning. Two Indigo Buntings, a few Savannah Sparrows, and some hawks. Afternoon trip to Arlington Res, very little, water level way up.

Week In Review: 8/31-9/7

Monday 8/31: Prospect Hill at lunch: Pileated! Maybe two as the one I saw didn’t appear to be making the calls I was hearing. Also 3 redstarts and a Black-and-white. Redstart at the end of the street and in the yard as well.

Tuesday 9/1: Met State before work (already miss summer hours). Prairie, BT Green, Nashville, and a Warbling Vireo. Paine at lunch, Least Flycatcher and Hummingbird. Single nighthawk feeding over the house at night.

Wednesday 9/2: Beaver Brook at lunch, nothing. Nothing around the house either.

Thursday 9/3: Beaver Brook Ponds at lunch, not a whole lot (Solitary, Kingfisher). Very few dragonflies even.

Friday 9/4: Dunback in the morning. Singing Parula, Blue-winged, and Least Flycatcher were about it. Out to New Salem after work where there was a big swarm of Aeshna and Somatochlora but none low enough to catch.

Saturday 9/5: Few warblers in New Salem but none cooperating and then a drive up to Lunenberg, Vermont. Poked around there a bit, White-faced Meadowhawk being the highlight. See some photos from the weekend.

Sunday 9/6: Went to Pondicherry in New Hampshire (early afternoon though). Few warblers and a Gray Comma. Back in Lunenberg, Variable Darner was a highlight as was a Barred Owl calling.

Monday 9/7: Sat around in Lunenberg for a couple hours with bluebirds, a few warblers, and sapsuckers flying in and out. Back to New Salem and then home without much of note.

Week in Review 8/24-8/30

Monday 8/24: Paine at lunch, nothing beyond a ton of chipping sparrows. Two nighthawks and 6 Great Blues over the yard at night.

Tuesday 8/25: Met State in the morning, Chestnut-sided was about it. Beaver Brook ponds at lunch, Solitary Sandpiper and 2 Kingfishers. Nighthawk count was 7 tonight and 2 pigeons flying by were yard bird #50 on the year.

Wednesday 8/26: Purgatory Cove at lunch. No shorebirds but looked like some good numbers of Lilypad Forktails icluding a couple of the ghostly pruinose females (need to get back with a camera one of the days).

Thursday 8/27: Prospect Hill in the morning, 2 BT Greens, 2 Redstarts, Black-and-white. Two nighthawks at night.

Friday 8/28: Dunback in the morning, 1 Black-and-white and a big flock of Cormorants was it. Paine at lunch, another Black-and-white.

Saturday 8/29: Rained all day.

Sunday 8/30: Joined the Menotomy walk at Great Meadows, which was one of the best walks I’ve been on in a long time. Started with Black-bellied and American Golden-Plover, then added Short-billed Dowitcher and Baird’s Sandpiper. Also had a Peregrine and an American Bittern that wandered around right in the open for a couple minutes. Went back after lunch to try to get another look at the Baird’s without anything different. Great Egret over the yard at night was #89 for the yard list.

Week in Review: 8/17-8/22

Monday 8/17: Met State in the morning, Black-and-white Warbler or two and the Blue-winged continues but not much else. Beaver Brook ponds at lunch, nothing much there but the pond may start drying up enough for some shorebirds soon. Many Band-winged Meadowhawks around the neighborhood and a Prince Baskettail actually landed in the yard (first one I’ve ever seen land). Also found a frog in the yard while dumping some water and had a clearly migrating Eastern Kingbird buzz by a little after 6.



Tuesday 8/18: Hardy Pond at lunch, 1 kingfisher, 3 cormorants, 1 cygnet, the usual odes. Sat outside from about 5-6:45 tonight watching mostly Chimney Swifts. Most were very obviously molting, which means they were adults. One Red-tail and a Widow Skimmer were the only other things of note.

Wednesday 8/19: Phoebe at end of street, not much at Paine.

Thursday 8/20: Dunback in the morning, absolutely nothing. Walked the new trail from the high school to YMCA at lunch, 1 redstart. Great Meadows after work: Sora, Little Blue Heron, White-rumped Sandpiper, 8 other shorebirds. Nighthawk walking to Papa Gino’s.

Friday 8/21: Charles at Watertown: Harvester, Kingfisher, Spotted Sandpiper.

Saturday 8/22: Trail building at Beaver Brook but nothing really seen.