WIR 8/8-8/14

Wednesday 8/8: Walked edge of Forest Grove to the landfill without much. No shorebirds at Purgatory Cove.

Thursday 8/9: North end of the Cambridge Res. Numbers down a bit, 1 Lesser Yellowlegs, 3 Semipalmated Plovers, etc.

Friday 8/10: Didn’t get out but two quick passes of Hardy Pond had nothing.

Saturday 8/11: Cambridge Res: nothing. North end: about the same. Duck ponds: nothing.

Sunday 8/12: North end Cambridge Res: less than previous days (no Semi Sandpipers).

Monday 8/13: Osprey and Zabulon Skipper at Rock Meadow.



Osprey was the first new bird for the patch in 2 months. Zabulon was a lifer.

Tuesday 8/14: BBN: tanager, redstart, couple Warbling Vireos, interesting oriole that I eventually decided was just a Baltimore. Heard-only Red-breasted Nuthatch was another year tick for the patch (everything but the tanager was at the farthest point possible so of course I didn’t have time to track it all down).

WIR 8/1-8/7

Wednesday 8/1: Duck ponds, water levels up again. One Solitary, one Fawn Darner.

Thursday 8/2: North end of the Cambridge Res was pretty much the same as it has been.

Friday 8/3: Few Least and a Spotted Sandpiper at Purgatory Cove. Only 2 Wood Duck.

Saturday 8/4: Rock Meadow: buckeye, hummingbird, most of the usual. BBN had a first of fall redstart (although it could be local) and more of the same. Duck ponds were pretty much the same as Wednesday with a bit more mud.


Sunday 8/5: North end of Cambridge Res in the afternoon was hot. Usual peeps and plovers (decent number of juv Least) but no yellowlegs or anything new.

Monday 8/6: Prospect Hill: hummingbird, family (presumably) of Great Crested Flycatchers.

Tuesday 8/7: Finally got a Giant Swallowtail (been a huge invasion this year) at BBN. First Black-and-white of the fall was singing but otherwise birds were quiet. Besides the swallowtail added Painted Lady and Appalachian Brown for the patch year list as well as the first Autumn Meadowhawk of the year.

WIR 7/25-7/31

Wednesday 7/25: BBN was pretty quiet. First of year Band-winged Meadowhawk plus another Mocha Emerald and Painted Skimmer were about it (Warbling Vireo may or may not have been wandering).

Thursday 7/26: Finally found a migrant waterthrush (Northern) at the duck ponds but otherwise very quiet. Still lots of mud and still nothing on them (beyond a rabbit and a robin).

Friday 7/27: North end of Cambridge Res: 3 Semipalmated Plover, Pectoral, 3 Semipalmated, many Least Sandpipers, Great Egret.

Saturday 7/28: Eventually wandered back to the Cambridge Res. Pretty much the same with a Greater Yellowlegs replacing the Pectoral. Stopped at the duck ponds on the way back and found 3 Solitary Sandpipers, along with a (probably another) waterthrush.

Sunday 7/29: With nothing better to do, Cambridge Res again. Started at the south end, where an adult Bald Eagle was sitting on the shore. North end was almost the same as yesterday, with a Lesser Yellowlegs being an addition. Wandered over to Great Meadows in the afternoon, got the Whistling-Duck for the second half of July but otherwise very little. Ran into Bob there and we went back to the Cambridge Res and had basically the same birds (unfortunately the raven Bob had there earlier didn’t return). Also saw the Hardy Pond egret moving from rock to rock before I left (on the yard list).

Monday 7/30: Nothing much at BBN (mostly along the parkway). Good stuff down the street though with 4 Green Herons on the morning walk and a presumed Cooper’s in the afternoon.

Tuesday 7/31: Pretty much the usual at Rock Meadow although no bluebirds. Phoebe down the street in the morning (did hear it yesterday but saw it today).

WIR 7/18-7/24

Wednesday 7/18: Quiet (as expected) at Paine.

Thursday 7/19: The usual at BBN. Good numbers of butterflies. Big swarm of mostly Spot-winged Gliders around the neighborhood in the afternoon.

Friday 7/20: Parents found an egret on Hardy Pond, so made a quick stop there at lunch to pick it up. Headed to the north end of the Cambridge Res, where there were a couple Least Sandpipers, my first Solitary Sandpiper of the fall, and several Spotted Sandpipers. Found the egret again in the evening but couldn’t get it onto the yard year list.

Saturday 7/21: Started at Dunback, which had the usual. North end of Cambridge Res again after, where there were more Least Sandpipers but otherwise the same (did confirm the Ring-billed Gull as a juv).

Sunday 7/22: BBN and West Meadow to start. Birds were slow but bugs were good with patch tick Broad-winged Skipper and Swamp Darner. Also pulled out the net and chased some of the Somatochloras on Turner Field, getting a couple Clamp-tipped and a Mocha Emerald. Mink ran in front of me on the way out too. Quick check of the duck ponds had very little.



Monday 7/23: Purgatory Cove had nothing different.

Tuesday 7/24: Prospect Hill: very distant kestrel was it for birds. Lots of Wild Indigo Duskywings and Northern Broken-Dashes, plus a Spinylegs eating a still fluttering whitetail.

WIR 7/11-7/17

Wednesday 7/11: Duck ponds were pretty quiet. Mud growing but only a Killdeer.

Thursday 7/12: Found something. North end of the Cambridge Res had a Spotted Sandpiper family and not much else.

Friday 7/13: Not much at Purgatory Cove.

Saturday 7/14: Concord 4th of July Butterfly Count. May post more eventually but decent numbers of mostly the usual butterflies. Not a whole lot for other insects (although a ton of Cicada Killers was nice) and quiet for birds. We did end the day with three or four Osprey flying to and from the nest in West Concord.

Sunday 7/15: Refound something.

Monday 7/16: Nothing at the duck ponds. Killdeer flew over the yard.

Tuesday 7/17: Charles: Powdered Dancer was about it. Lots of Blue-fronted as well but not much for birds or butterflies.

WIR 7/4-7/10

Wednesday 7/4: Waited for the rain to clear then checked Lone Tree Hill and Rock Meadow for butterflies. Not much around. The good-looking spot at LTH had two families of turkeys so I couldn’t check thoroughly. Tons of milkweed at Rock Meadow but nothing beyond Monarchs. Usual birds around.

Thursday 7/5: BBN was pretty quiet. First Wood-Nymphs of the year and some presumed Mocha Emeralds.

Friday 7/6: Purgatory Cove: 2 BC Night-Herons, 6 (only) Wood Duck. With the cleaning in progress, probably not going to be much for shorebirds this year. Late Common Baskettail was interesting.

Saturday 7/7: Great Meadows fairly early, nothing much doing. Apparently just missed the Least Bittern.

Sunday 7/8: Quick walk around the duck ponds in the morning. Family of Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and what appeared to be several groups of Harvesters were the highlight. Purgatory Cove in the afternoon: different night-heron, Fish Crow, Red-bellied presumably at a nest.

Monday 7/9: Prospect Hill had nothing interesting.

Tuesday 7/10: Looped the marsh at BBN without much.

WIR 6/27-7/3

Wednesday 6/27: Prospect Hill was fairly quiet. Too cloudy for insects and nothing exciting for birds.

Thursday 6/28: Had the day off. Great Meadows, nothing different. At Alan Ankers’ recommendation, checked out the Cranberry Bog in Carlisle for odes. Nothing exceptional today (although the possible reddish saddlebags would have been had it stayed around) but lots of potential. Quick stop at Fort Pond Brook didn’t have much.

Friday 6/29: Half day off so came home at lunch and then lazed around.

Saturday 6/30: Lot 1 and West Meadow in the morning. Blue-winged Warblers off Walnut St were presumably another pair (or offspring). Delaware Skipper, Banded Hairstreak, and Dun Skipper new butterflies for the year, plus a couple patch year tick dragonflies.

Sunday 7/1: Joined the MBC trip to Horn Pond Mountain. Found the usual hairstreaks, a buckeye, etc. Orchard Oriole was the best bird, nothing exciting among the odes.

Monday 7/2: Nothing doing.

Tuesday 7/3: Not much at the duck ponds. Skimming Bluet was new for the patch this year. Evening twitch of the Black-bellied Whistling-Duck at Great Meadows went much better than last year’s.

WIR 6/20-6/26

Wednesday 6/20: Little bit in the morning, didn’t get out at lunch.

Thursday 6/21: Nothing new at the duck ponds.

Friday 6/22: No work, went to Great Meadows fairly early. No bitterns but Virginia Rail on the path, Hooded Merganser, etc. Cyrano Darner was also nice.



Saturday 6/23: Wandered around Dunback midday. Less butterflies than I expected but I managed Swamp Darner flight shots.


Sunday 6/24: Twitch

Monday 6/25: Too rainy and nothing at Hardy Pond.

Tuesday 6/26: Didn’t get out. Oriole in the yard for the first time in a few weeks.

WIR 6/13-6/19

Wednesday 6/13: Nothing at Hardy Pond or the res.

Thursday 6/14: Aurora Damsel at BBN, plus the Field Sparrow was finally singing.

Friday 6/15: 35+ Wood Ducks, BC Night-Heron at Purgatory Cove.

Saturday 6/16: Up to Vermont for a short weekend (via New Salem, Luna Moth there). Lincoln’s Sparrow in my uncle’s yard was the best thing there. Drove to Mud Pond in NH but nothing exciting.




Sunday 6/17: Took forever to get going, went to a private lake with minimal access in NH, then back to New Salem. Family of tanagers working the yard was nice.

Monday 6/18: Wandered Ethan’s area a bit then gate 22. Blackburnian topped the warblers, which also included Chestnut-sided, Redstart, BT Blue, BT Green, etc. Huge eagle and a loon at the water, a few thrushes and vireos, and that was about it.

Tuesday 6/19: Usual at Rock Meadow.

WIR 6/6-6/12

Wednesday 6/6: Habitat survey again. Nothing unexpected but at least there were birds this time. BBN at lunch, looped the parkway. Couple Indigo Buntings and Tree Swallows that looked interested in one of the dead trees were the highlights.

Thursday 6/7: Final Rock Meadow survey, more of the same more or less. Phoebe with 2 cowbird chicks was the most interesting. Night-heron among the usuals along the Charles at lunch.

Friday 6/8: BBN again, Painted Skimmer was the only thing different.

Saturday 6/9: Lazy.

Sunday 6/10: Did my Minuteman survey finally. Two Red-breasted Nuthatches (where did they come from?) and a Veery were new for the survey. Numbers of the usual stuff probably a bit down, but it was on the late side this year. GPS points and new signs made it much easier to run.

Monday 6/11: Quiet at Prospect Hill. Another Swamp Darner and one of those extra dull Pine Warblers were about it.

Tuesday 6/12: Nothing too exciting at the duck ponds. First of year Clamp-tipped Emerald was the main highlight.