WIR 6/20-6/26

Wednesday 6/20: Little bit in the morning, didn’t get out at lunch.

Thursday 6/21: Nothing new at the duck ponds.

Friday 6/22: No work, went to Great Meadows fairly early. No bitterns but Virginia Rail on the path, Hooded Merganser, etc. Cyrano Darner was also nice.



Saturday 6/23: Wandered around Dunback midday. Less butterflies than I expected but I managed Swamp Darner flight shots.


Sunday 6/24: Twitch

Monday 6/25: Too rainy and nothing at Hardy Pond.

Tuesday 6/26: Didn’t get out. Oriole in the yard for the first time in a few weeks.

WIR 6/13-6/19

Wednesday 6/13: Nothing at Hardy Pond or the res.

Thursday 6/14: Aurora Damsel at BBN, plus the Field Sparrow was finally singing.

Friday 6/15: 35+ Wood Ducks, BC Night-Heron at Purgatory Cove.

Saturday 6/16: Up to Vermont for a short weekend (via New Salem, Luna Moth there). Lincoln’s Sparrow in my uncle’s yard was the best thing there. Drove to Mud Pond in NH but nothing exciting.




Sunday 6/17: Took forever to get going, went to a private lake with minimal access in NH, then back to New Salem. Family of tanagers working the yard was nice.

Monday 6/18: Wandered Ethan’s area a bit then gate 22. Blackburnian topped the warblers, which also included Chestnut-sided, Redstart, BT Blue, BT Green, etc. Huge eagle and a loon at the water, a few thrushes and vireos, and that was about it.

Tuesday 6/19: Usual at Rock Meadow.

WIR 6/6-6/12

Wednesday 6/6: Habitat survey again. Nothing unexpected but at least there were birds this time. BBN at lunch, looped the parkway. Couple Indigo Buntings and Tree Swallows that looked interested in one of the dead trees were the highlights.

Thursday 6/7: Final Rock Meadow survey, more of the same more or less. Phoebe with 2 cowbird chicks was the most interesting. Night-heron among the usuals along the Charles at lunch.

Friday 6/8: BBN again, Painted Skimmer was the only thing different.

Saturday 6/9: Lazy.

Sunday 6/10: Did my Minuteman survey finally. Two Red-breasted Nuthatches (where did they come from?) and a Veery were new for the survey. Numbers of the usual stuff probably a bit down, but it was on the late side this year. GPS points and new signs made it much easier to run.

Monday 6/11: Quiet at Prospect Hill. Another Swamp Darner and one of those extra dull Pine Warblers were about it.

Tuesday 6/12: Nothing too exciting at the duck ponds. First of year Clamp-tipped Emerald was the main highlight.

WIR 5/30-6/5

Wednesday 5/30: Ruddy Duck still at Hardy Pond. Purgatory Cove had the usual suspects.

Thursday 5/31: Killdeer, 2-3 herons, Tree Swallows, pewee all a bit unexpected at the duck ponds (emphasis on bit).

Friday 6/1: Slope at Prospect Hill had very few birds. However, Silver-spotted and Dusted Skippers, Wild Indigo Duskywing, Prince Baskettail, Painted and Twelve-spotted Skimmers, Black Saddlebags, and Swamp Darner were all first of year bugs. Swamp Darner is also my first recorded one in Mass, although I’ve seen several way up that I haven’t been quite convinced about.

Prospect Hill Swamp Darner

Saturday 6/2: ‘Led’ a BBC/MBC trip to Great Meadows. Since it was pouring, only one person showed up and we scanned for no more than 10 minutes from the tower before bailing.

Sunday 6/3: Tried Great Meadows again. Most of the usual but no luck with Least Bittern and gallinule.

Monday 6/4: Habitat survey in the rain was not exactly fun. One possible creeper. Hardy Pond and Cambridge Res had nothing of note.

Tuesday 6/5: Rock Meadow survey had the usual. Blue-winged Warbler and Willow Flycatcher were new from the previous one. Young Barn Swallows at the duck ponds.

WIR 5/23-5/29

Wednesday 5/23: North end of the Cambridge Res: BT Green, Redstart, Parula, Blackpoll, Spotted Sandpiper, kingfisher, etc. Good number of dragonflies although lots too far to ID.

Thursday 5/24: Habitat survey early had the usual plus a parula and blackpoll. Duck ponds at lunch had first pondhawk and jewelwings of the year.

Friday 5/25: Rock Meadow survey had the usual. Not much at Purgatory Cove or near the landfill.

Saturday 5/26: Lincoln

Sunday 5/27: Ended up being lazy. That turned out to be good when John Hines stopped by to report having a Summer Tanager at Prospect Hill. We ran right over and were able to hear, but not see, the bird. That’s 199 for Waltham! Also Prairie Warbler and Ovenbird.

Monday 5/28: Back to Prospect Hill. Ran into Cliff and then Glenn and Vin and had no luck.

Tuesday 5/29: BBN: first Red-spotted Purples of the year, plus Blue-winged Warblers in possibly a new spot.

WIR 5/16-5/22

Wednesday 5/16: Duck ponds: waterthrush was about it.

Thursday 5/17: Prospect Hill before work. Magnolia and another waterthrush to start. Redstart, Pine, Blackpoll, Parula, Yellowthroat on the hill. Black-and-white at end of Whitney. Indigo Buntings all over. Lots of Red-eyed Vireos on the road (4 in one spot). BBN again at lunch, circled the marsh and found mostly Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.

Friday 5/18: Tried Lone Tree Hill for a change. Nice selection of butterflies including first of year ringlets but not much else.

Saturday 5/19: Lazy day. Karsten’s Black Vulture report finally got me going early afternoon. Ran to Spy Pond and then though better of it and went to the tower at Mt. Auburn. Eventually picked up a (the?) Bald Eagle way off but no vulture. Two minute drive through Lincoln for Marj’s Kentucky Warbler didn’t turn it up.

Sunday 5/20: Walked to Rock Meadow and back. Mostly residents but first of year Willow Flycatcher and hummingbird plus a few local firsts. Butterflies were better and included 3 Pepper-and-salt Skippers in the West Meadow. Also had a huge snapping turtle on Trapelo.

Evil Blue-wing

And caught up to this guy (5/10) with a camera (click through for video).

Monday 5/21: Fairly quiet along the Pine Ledges trail at Prospect Hill. Did have a Stream Cruiser at Big Prospect.

Tuesday 5/22: Hoped for some storm birds on Hardy Pond or the Cambridge Res but found nothing but a cormorant at each.

WIR 5/9-5/15

Wednesday 5/9: Duck ponds had lots of orioles, grosbeaks, and catbirds but no warblers.

Thursday 5/10: Spent most of lunch at BBN chasing down a 4 parted warbler song and finally found it to be from a Blue-winged. Quick run through the rest added Black-and-white and 3 Solitary Sandpipers plus Red Admirals and Question Marks everywhere (3 admirals in the yard as well).

Friday 5/11: Paine was fairly quiet but did have Red-eyed Vireo,Black-throated Blue, Parula, and Indigo Bunting. Also Great Crested Flycatcher walking into work.

Saturday 5/12: MBC Big Day. Reached 100 (plus a Harvester), maybe more later.

Horn Pond Worm-eating Warbler


Tiny Muskrat

Sunday 5/13: BBC at Mt. Auburn: Tennessee, Wilson’s among 15ish warblers plus my first Bobolinks for Mt. Auburn. Parula and Black-and-white at Hardy Pond.

Monday 5/14: Flowed Meadow had a Northern Waterthrush (new for me along the Charles) plus a couple other warblers. Unfortunately it also had a flood by the bridge, so I had to turn around and jog back instead of make a full loop.

Tuesday 5/15: BBN: Indigo Bunting, couple redstarts, first Whitetail and Little Wood Satyrs of the year.

WIR 5/2-5/8

Full report soonish, but

5/2: Various river spots near Conway, SC with nice dragonflies, Zebra Swallowtail, and Mississippi Kite.

5/3: More river spots with more of the same.

5/4: Cheraw State Park and Campbell Lake. More Gomphids and bluets.

5/5: Indoors all day.

5/6: Lee County Natural Area and Woods Bay State Park for more of the same.

5/7: Carolina Sandhills NWR on way home. Lots of Elfin Skimmers, etc. Birds included heard only Swainson’s Warbler and Bachman’s Sparrow plus Red-cockaded Woodpecker.

5/8: Hardy Pond was fairly quiet (although the arrivals of the last week were all good to catch up with).

WIR 4/25-5/1

Wednesday 4/25: Went to Beaver Brook before work, very little (had time to wander the marsh edges as well). Nothing at the duck ponds at lunch.

Thursday 4/26: Good butterfly show at BBN.

Friday 4/27: Back side of Prospect Hill. Windy and they were blasting on the Polaroid side, saw next to nothing.

Saturday 4/28: Led the BBC walk at Mt. Auburn. Too cold when we started, only a few warblers and 1 House Wren for highlights.

Sunday 4/29: Arlington Res: Bank Swallows, GW Teal, first Baltimore Oriole and Yellow Warbler of the year.

Out of place Green-wing


Joined the butterfly club walk to Arlington Great Meadows where we had Henry’s Elfin and then on to Fort Pond Brook where we added more Henry’s and some Frosted Elfins. Also lots of Springtime Darners, and a few Lancet Clubtails, a Beaverpond Baskettail, and a Dot-tailed Whiteface.



Beaverpond Baskettail


Monday 4/30: BBN: Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Henry’s Elfin.

Tuesday 5/1: En route to DSA meeting, more eventually.

WIR 4/18-4/24

Wednesday 4/18: Flowed Meadow didn’t have a whole lot different.

Thursday 4/19: Nine species of butterfly at BBN, not much for birds.

Friday 4/20: Savannah Sparrow along the river walk.

Saturday 4/21: Mt. Auburn in the morning: Prairie Warbler, BH Vireo. Stopped at the duck ponds and added House Wren. Got home and saw a report of a Bonaparte’s Gull at Great Meadows. Ran over even though it was obviously long gone. Did finally get the raven and heard an interesting rail call. Also first Pearl Crescents of the year.

Prairie Warbler

Sunday 4/22: Added a county and city bird among other things.

Monday 4/23: 1 Bonaparte’s still(?) at the res, plus 2 Common Loons.

Tuesday 4/24: Not much at Prospect Hill (1 call from a towhee). Gate still closed…