WIR 11/7-11/13

Wednesday 11/7: Nasty out. Coot at Hardy Pond and 5 more at Cambridge Res but not much else.

Thursday 11/8: Repeat of yesterday except 2 Horned Grebes and some wigeon at the res (and no coots).

Friday 11/9: Canon decided to ship my lens back without requiring a signature, so ran home to get that off the front step, but had enough time to hit Lot 1 quickly, although nothing of note.

Saturday 11/10: Waltham St: 10 pipits, 3 Killdeer. Then joined the MBC trip at Dunback where there were 10-15 Fox Sparrows (minimum), although not too much else. A few of us continued to Winning Farm where we picked up a Field Sparrow, sapsucker, and noisy Winter Wren. Headed towards School St. fields after that with a brief stop at the north end of the Cambridge Res (mergansers, a Bufflehead, etc). Lots of pipits and probably some larks plus a Cooper’s grabbing one of the pigeon flock.

Sunday 11/11: Started at the field station where there were pipits but no lapwing. BBN had bluebirds and a couple Fox Sparrows. Nothing at Waltham St. School St. was busy with pipits and Horned Larks, but the real surprise was a bittern that flew over. A Peregrine Falcon was pretty good too. Nine Acre Corner, Lindentree, and the Cambridge Res had very little.


Monday 11/12: Chased lapwing. Saw 2. Went looking for my own later and saw 3 redpolls in Concord. Also had a meadowhawk or two.

Tuesday 11/13: Checked out the Moody St section of the Charles where a Cackling Goose had been reported. No luck with that but an Iceland Gull was a good surprise.



WIR 10/31-11/6

Wednesday 10/31: Purgatory Cove: Great Cormorant had moved down here. Water level up, one of the docks was by the road, and the path through the woods along the edge was taped off but otherwise not bad. Birds were slow beyond the cormorant. Driving out, I saw some white along the water by Mt. Feake, so pulled in at the boat ramp. Couldn’t see it from there so walked the trail a short distance and found the egret.

Thursday 11/1: Went to Purgatory Cove before work. One of the cormorants was roosting on the island (and a second swimming around, possibly a third too). Osprey overhead and a calling winter finch were about it otherwise. Coot count at Charlesbank was up to 45. Quick scan of Mt. Feake on the way back to the office didn’t turn up the egret, but one of the cormorants was sitting on the dock at the boat ramp.

Friday 11/2: Rock Meadow was pretty quiet.

Saturday 11/3: Started at Waltham St. One Tree Sparrow, a good number of Red-wings, and not much else. Moved on to Dunback, where I met up with Marj and Renee. We had 3 Fox Sparrows, about 15 Purple Finches, 7 Pine Siskin, and a Gray Catbird. I continued on to the West Meadow where a Marsh Wren was chattering (second patch record!). Walked back through BBN, where one of the first birds I found was an Orange-crowned Warbler (#202 for Waltham!).

Marsh Wren

Sunday 11/4: Went to Plum Island for the first time in months. Eurasian Wigeon was obvious, usual sea stuff (tons of scoter) and good numbers of Snow Buntings. Missed crossbills here, along with Purple Sandpiper and probably some other stuff. Went over to Salisbury where the White-winged Crossbills put on a good show. A quick scan of the ocean had more of the same as Plum plus a flock of Green-winged Teal (on the water). Horned Larks over the parking lot made for a good finish. Also a few Monarchs at both places and an Autumn Meadowhawk at Salisbury.

Monday 11/5: Prospect Hill: no hoped for winter finches but 5 Hermit Thrushes and a few waxwings were nice.

Tuesday 11/6: Light enough to bird in the morning again, so went to Dunback before work. Five Fox Sparrows (including a sining one) were the highlight. Rock Meadow later had 2 more. A quick stop at Hardy Pond on the way to vote added a Gadwall and a good number of Hooded Mergansers.

WIR 10/24-10/30

Wednesday 10/24: Ruddy Duck count down to about 10 at Hardy Pond. Wandered the wooded middle of Prospect Hill at lunch and saw just above nothing.

Thursday 10/25: Ran to Cambridge Res after seeing scoter reports everywhere. Found nothing of note. Took a quick trip to the north end too, but ended up talking to the watershed protection guys instead of really birding.

Friday 10/26: Purgatory Cove: 28 Wood Duck, 9 American Wigeon, 2 Pintail, 1 GW Teal, 4 Coot between the cove and river. Walking back along the river, a Great Egret flew by! My latest in the county by 4 days. Checked the boat ramp and a quick look at Prospect St for it as I drove to Stanley. Heading back to the office, I pulled in at Mt. Feake for another quick scan. No egret, but a Great Cormorant was a good surprise. Lovely phone to bins photo from the running car below.


Saturday 10/27: Started in the fog at Great Meadows. Not a whole lot there (that I could see). White-crownd was about the best. Once it cleared I headed to the School St. fields, which were loaded with geese. Over 650 of them were Canada, and the one that wasn’t was still part Canada. The other part appeared to be a Greater White-fronted (11/5: more likely domestic Greylag). Also in the flock was a Canada that was very dilute, a pale brown all over. Further checks of different fields, Flint’s Pond, and the Cambridge Res had nothing. Got home, scanned through recent emails and saw that this was the exact goose flock Willy Hutcheson reported Wednesday (about the same count and the same 2 oddballs).

Hybrid Goose

Hybrid Goose

Went back to Mt. Feake with my parents in the afternoon, hoping the cormorant was still there. I probably wasn’t thorough enough yesterday as there were 2 Greats there today (you’ll probably want to click through to the larger image below). Purgatory Cove was about the same (fewer Wood Ducks and Wigeon but a Ring-necked on the cove and 3 Pied-billed Grebe on the river).


Sunday 10/28: Cambridge Res: 7 Greater Scaup. Fernald: 75 Canada Geese. Rock Meadow: patch tick Red-shouldered Hawk. BBN: 3 Hermit Thrush, Sharp-shinned Hawk. West Meadow: Catbird.

Monday 10/29: Stayed in for the storm. Bufflehead and Ruddy swam into the visible corner of Hardy Pond.

Tuesday 10/30: Ran to Cambridge Res early. Five White-winged and two Black Scoters and a Horned Grebe. Trapelo end was blocked off so couldn’t check out the Ring-necks.  Hardy Pond later was pretty dull, Ruddy, a Pied-billed Grebe, and a couple Hoodies.

WIR 10/17-10/23

Wednesday 10/17: Purgatory Cove had fewer Wood Ducks and GW Teal but about the same of other stuff. Good number of coot starting to build at Charlesban.

Thursday 10/18: Prospect Hill was fairly quiet. Flyover siskin, Cooper’s or three, 3+ Hermit Thrush.

Friday 10/19: Hardy Pond: coot, 47 Ruddy. Cambridge Res: eagle, Ruddy, Hooded Merganser.

Saturday 10/20: Went to check Cambridge Res ahead of the road race, pretty much nothing there. Continued to the north end where there was a peep visible from the road. Almost positive it was a White-rump but a little too far. While watching that, a raven and 4 Pine Siskins flew over. After it disappeared, I walked to the other section to check there. Stopped at the driveway by the powerlines on the way and a Clay-colored Sparrow was sitting up. Spotted Sandpiper and 2 Greater Yellowlegs but no peep. Continued on to Arlington Res where there were 2 Solitaries and a Lesser Yellowlegs along with a few Gadwall. Busa was loaded with sparrows but they were almost all Song and White-throated.



Lesser Yellowlegs

Sunday 10/21: Twitch. Quick pass of Cambridge Res on the way home had 2 Pied-billed Grebes and not much else.

Monday 10/22: Rock Meadow: another Orange-crowned.

Tuesday 10/23: Went to West Meadow before work. Checked along the parkway first, tons of juncos and not much else. At the meadow, an adult White-crowned and first of fall American Tree Sparrow. Lots of blackbirds too. Duck ponds were pretty quiet later.

WIR 10/10-10/16

Wednesday 10/10: Purgatory Cove was about the same, but a couple more teal, and a Ring-neck and PB Grebe on the river replacing the pintails. Three Pied-billed Grebes at Hardy Pond on the way to work.

Thursday 10/11: Duck ponds: 5 Wood Duck, 1 kingfisher, many Yellow-rumps, 2 Blackpoll. Red-tail sitting in a neighbor’s yard in the afternoon was a bit odd.

Friday 10/12: Rock Meadow before work: cuckoo (apparently a Black-billed), more of the usual. Cambridge Res: eagle, 4 coot.

Saturday 10/13: Led a trip to Waltham St. About 30 Rusty Blackbirds, several Purple Finches, and a White-crowned Sparrow were the main highlights. Went to the Cambridge Res after and was rather surprised by 3 Red-necked Grebes and a White-winged Scoter (plus a Greater Scaup). Continued to Flint’s expecting something good but 2 black ducks were it.



Sunday 10/14: Eventually went out in the rain late morning. Cambridge Res again: different scaup, 50+ Ring-necks, 3 Hooded Merganser. North end: Greater Yellowlegs. Meriam’s Corner/Kaveski Farm: 150+ pipits, adult White-crowned, Field Sparrow, etc. Rain finally stopped so Great Meadows too: 5 Pectoral Sandpiper, 1 snipe, 1 Blue-winged Teal, 50+ Green-winged Teal, 4 Pintail, 6 pipits on the ground, harrier, Merlin.

Monday 10/15: Paine was too windy for anything.

Tuesday 10/16: Almost too dark to go out in the morning, but went to Rock Meadow anyway. Lincoln’s Sparrow, 2 Indigo Buntings, and (finally) patch tick Orange-crowned Warbler. West Meadow was too windy later (still an Orange Sulphur and some darners flying around).

WIR 10/3-10/9

Wednesday 10/3: Purgatory Cove started with the typical teal and Wood Ducks. Checked the river and found 6 wigeon and first of fall coot. Back at the car, there was a flock moving through so I gave it a couple minutes. First of fall Golden-crowned Kinglet was followed by a Charles River tick Black-throated Green Warbler, a Parula, and a Blackpoll among the many Yellow-rumps. Then the jays squawked a bit. I looked up and something slim and fairly large flew over. Took a second to go from gull to falcon, which turned into an even better surprise when I got bins on it and saw white wing patches. Nighthawk! Way late, new for the Charles, and my 180th lunch hour bird (or not, forgot to mark down Semipalmated Plover and Pectoral Sandpiper at least)!

Thursday 10/4: Shoveler at Hardy Pond in the morning. North end of the Cambridge Res had a Spotted, 2 Pectoral, and 4 Least Sandpipers, plus an egret, bunches of Yellow-rumps, and at least 7 pipits.

Friday 10/5: Add a Dickcissel to the grosbeak. West Meadow at lunch had 3 Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and a Scarlet Tanager. Probably a siskin but a little too far to feel confident of the call. Something in the afternoon too.

Saturday 10/6: Joined the MBC trip to Waltham St, which was on the quiet side beyond Purple Finches and a snipe. We continued to the Cambridge Res, where a White-crowned Sparrow was my first of the year and a siskin flew over. Pipits, egret, and Least Sandpipers continued. Then back to Dunback for more Purple Finches. I stopped at BBN and the West Meadow again on the way home. Birds were pretty minimal but butterflies included a Wild Indigo Duskywing and a Buckeye.

Sunday 10/7: Morning walk around Rock Meadow: Sapsucker, White-crowned Sparrow, many Pine Siskins (which were a patch tick, not sure how after the invasion a few years ago). Stopped at Waltham St. for a few minutes and flushed the snipe from the exact same spot and then (re)found a Clay-colored Sparrow. Chased the pintails John Hines had found at Purgatory Cove a little later, with success (3rd Charles tick in a week!). Also up to 23 Green-winged Teal and 6 coot, plus more of the same.

Monday 10/8: Attempted to take advantage of the holiday by twitching the Purple Gallinule found in Norfolk yesterday. Decided to stop at Millenium Park in West Roxbury on the way. After a bit of a construction/gps detour, I had a pretty good time at Millenium with 2 Great Egret, a Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting, Rusty Blackbird, 2 Nashville Warblers, and a bunch of siskins among the common stuff. Unfortunately then reached Stony Brook a couple hours too late for the gallinule. Two hours looking did turn up a bunch of both teal, some Tree Swallows, and other regular stuff. Finished the day with 10 Suffolk county and 19 Norfolk county ticks.

Tame Kinglet

Tuesday 10/9: Prospect Hill was pretty birdy. Started with a flock of siskins as I rounded the curve by the tanks. They had moved on by the time I ate and got back down there (and scoped the res), but a flock of warblers was moving through including a Parula, Nashville, Blackpoll, a bunch of Yellow-rumps, and a Blue-headed Vireo. Three Hermit Thrushes further on and then down to the end of Whitney. Palm and BT Blue on the way. Heading back, I found probably the same flock, which also included a couple Pines and a BT Green.

WIR 9/26-10/2

Wednesday 9/26: Nothing doing.

Thursday 9/27: BBN and West Meadow before work, nothing too interesting. Same teal and not much else at Purgatory Cove later. BBC/MBC trip to Great Meadows in the evening had a nice duck flight plus good numbers of herons and shorebirds.

Friday 9/28: Hardy Pond: 2 Ring-necks, 6 Ruddy. Very surprising Horned Grebe at the Cambridge Res. Not up for searching Bird Observer records, but only one other inland September record in eBird (from the Quabbin earlier this year). Lovely phone-scoped photo in the rain:

Horned Grebe

Saturday 9/29: No Horned Grebe, but 2 Pied-billeds on the res, another at Hardy Pond, and a Common Loon at Flint’s. Great Cormorant at Arlington Res. Also some sparrows.

Great Cormorant, Arlington Res

Sunday 9/30: Original plan was to check School St fields in Acton and then Meriam’s Corner and nearby areas. It started raining on the way, so after seeing nothing at the fields, I went to Great Meadows instead. Wasn’t too much unusual there, but a swift and swallow flock flew in and there was a BT Green down near the river (which was new for me at Great Meadows). Started raining heavily again, so I went home instead of over to the fields.

Monday 10/1: Duck ponds were quiet in the wind. Lots of Wood Ducks and robins but little else. Yellow-rumps and stuff around the neighborhood.

Tuesday 10/2: Joined the MBC trip to Rock Meadow for a few minutes in the morning. Pipits were very nice but I couldn’t stay long enough for the sapsucker. Turkeys, a Gray Hairstreak, and first Ruby-crowned Kinglet of the fall at Prospect Hill made for an ok trip but then a spectacular Connecticut Warbler popped up.

WIR 9/19-9/25

Wednesday 9/19: BBN was pretty quiet. Good variety of dragonflies but the flock of warblers didn’t show up until I had to leave.

Thursday 9/20: Made quick trip to the UMass Field Station in the morning. Barely had time to check the community garden portion but had a Lincoln’s, Swamp, and White-throat. Prospect Hill at lunch had 3 ravens and a sharpie.

Friday 9/21: Hardy Pond before work: kingfisher, Chimney Swifts, Blackpoll. Purgatory Cove: Wigeon, 5 GW Teal, 50+ Wood Duck, 22 Mute Swan (ugh), 3 Rough-winged Swallow.

Saturday 9/22: Cambridge Res to Waltham St. to Rock Meadow to Met State, posted most on ArlingtonBirds but add a Field Sparrow at the north end of the res and Purple Finches at Waltham St.


Sunday 9/23: Led MBC trip to Lincoln where Karsten found a Blue Grosbeak. Farm Meadow was hopping with common stuff as well. Lindentree was quiet by the time we got there.

Blue Grosbeak

Monday 9/24: West Meadow was quiet at lunch. Dunback in the afternoon looking for Western Kingbird. Another nice Merlin, plus a Virginia Rail(!).


Tuesday 9/25: Rock Meadow started with a Blackburnian in the parking lot. A fertilizer truck was driving all over the fields, so stuck to the gardens where I found 2 Indigo Buntings and not much else.

WIR 9/12-9/18

Wednesday 9/12: Nothing exciting at Hardy Pond.

Thursday 9/13: Rock Meadow before work: Palm Warbler among a handful of others. Green-winged Teal at Purgatory Cove.

Friday 9/14: Prospect Hill: Redstart and pewee at the base. Walked up to the water tanks and back and saw one bird on the hill. It was a Connecticut Warbler.

Saturday 9/15: Arlington Res: Dickcissel at Busa, not much else. Up in NH for a wedding, lots of Monarchs along the beach. Quick stop at Cambridge Res had something:


Sunday 9/16: Started at the Wayland Community Gardens with first of fall Lincoln’s Sparrow and Blue-headed Vireo. Moved on to Assabet River NWR hoping for crossbills. No luck but one nice flock of warblers and a Field Sparrow, plus first of fall White-throated Sparrows (and probably a junco).

Field Sparrow

Monday 9/17: Rock Meadow and BBN: 10 warblers, almost all in good numbers. Also Scarlet Tanager, Lincoln’s Sparrow, many White-throated Sparrows, a Wood Thrush, etc. Tried to pad the list up to 50 with a stop at the duck ponds. Didn’t quite get there but did have a Swainson’s Thrush (to balance out the one that got away at BBN).


BT Blue

Tuesday 9/18: Paine: borderline late Ovenbird, Parula, Pine Warbler, couple RB Nuthatches. Likely more but looking up into the gray sky made things impossible.

WIR 9/5-9/11

Wednesday 9/5: 60+ Wood Ducks and a couple Spotted Sandpipers at Purgatory Cove (sandpipers and half of the ducks on the river). Cambridge Res after work had a nighthawk but otherwise about the same.

Thursday 9/6: Prospect Hill in the morning was on the quiet side. Two parula, a Blackpoll, a Pine, a Redstart, and lots of RB Nuthatches. More nuthatches at Paine.

Friday 9/7: Just about nothing at BBN.

Saturday 9/8: Walked to Rock Meadow. Redstarts all along, Black-and-white and Blackpoll at Lot 1, Wilson’s and 2 Bobolink at the West Meadow, and a Canada Warbler at BBN.

Sunday 9/9: Started at Great Meadows which was pretty quiet. About 20 Least Sandpipers and a Solitary at the Cambridge Res. Decided to stop at Hayden Woods on the way back and found one flock with a couple Parula, Blackpoll, and Scarlet Tanagers.

Monday 9/10: BBN in the morning: turkey (in flight), Redstart, Bobolink were it. Wild Indigo Duskywings at Prospect Hill at lunch, but next to no birds.

Tuesday 9/11: Rock Meadow was pretty quiet but I did eventually dig up a parula.