WIR 3/4-3/10

Wednesday 3/4: Found a few ducks at the town building, nothing exciting among them. Presumed GW Teal with some mallards flying over Smith St on the way home.

Thursday 3/5: Some Common Mergansers on Pelham Island Rd but nothing new at the town building.

Friday 3/6: Nothing new at the town building.

Saturday 3/7: Indoors all day.

Sunday 3/8: Wandered the West Meadow to Lot 1. GH Owl on the way over was about it, but a few turkeys on the way back and a singing Red-winged Blackbird eventually made it worthwhile.

Monday 3/9: Made a quick stop to get the waxwing on the commute list, fortunately one was still there (by itself). Also had a Peregrine fly over but nothing much in the ducks below the dam.

Tuesday 3/10: Two Wood Ducks at the town building but the good sighting for the day was a Woodchuck crossing Heard Pond.

WIR 2/25-3/3

Wednesday 2/25-Friday 2/27: Eh

Saturday 2/28: Besides the waxwings, the scaup and Green-winged Teal were around along with an adult eagle.

Sunday 3/1: Went to Revere Beach for a change. Nice Iceland and Glaucous but nothing else exciting. Brief stop at King’s Beach had nothing shortly before the Mew Gull turned up (fortunately I’ve been told it wasn’t there until later).

Monday 3/2: Eh

Tuesday 3/3: Stopped at Wayland Town Building, still frozen and nothing but geese.

WIR 2/18-24

Wednesday 2/18 – Friday 2/20: Eh

Saturday 2/21: Posted

Sunday 2/22: Wandered around Dunback a bit in the afternoon. Two Purple Finches and not much else.

Monday 2/23 – Tuesday 2/24: Eh

WIR 1/28-2/3

Wednesday 1/28: Flicker across the street and Cooper’s were about it for additions to yesterday’s list.

Thursday 1/29: Nothing.

Friday 1/30: Nothing.

Saturday 1/31: Too windy.

Sunday 2/1: River walk about the same. Watertown end mostly frozen but about the same. Great Cormorants at Mystic Lakes. Hermit Thrush but little else at Dunback. Hairy in the yard.

Monday 2/2: More snow, nothing good at the feeders.

Tuesday 2/3: Cold/snow.

WIR 1/21-1/27

Wednesday 1/21: Flyover redpoll and distant calling Fish Crow at Dunback.

Thursday 1/22: Nothing new along the riverwalk.

Friday 1/23: Sharpie at Lindentree, which probably kept everything else down.

Saturday 1/24: Too snowy but Carolina Wren in the yard for the first time in several months.

Sunday 1/25: Redpolls, bluebirds, and Purple Finches at Dunback. Nothing exciting at Lot 1.

Monday 1/26: Few Ring-necks on the river on Pelham Island Rd plus an eagle further up 27.

Tuesday 1/27: Tons of the usual but nothing good at the feeders.

WIR 1/14-1/20

Wednesday 1/14: Did the river a bit. Eagle, same ducks, probable flock of redpolls.

Thursday 1/15: Only had time for a 2 minute scan of Pelham Island Rd, where a bluebird was the only thing of any interest.

Friday 1/16: Red-wings and bluebirds at Heard Farm.

Saturday 1/17: Too cold for me.

Sunday 1/18: Long walk around BBN and Rock Meadow. Sapsucker at RM, 2 Winter Wrens at BBN were most of it. Except for one of those 5 minutes of magic: 1-3 Yellow-rumps, 2 Ravens, and a Pintail all at Mackerel Hill.


Monday 1/19: Two eagles (1 banded!) at Forest Grove, nothing else exciting.

Tuesday 1/20: Absolutely nothing at College Pond.

WIR 1/7-1/13

Wednesday 1/7: Still too cold.

Thursday 1/8: Even colder but took the car out to let it run a bit. Geese, Mallards, Black Ducks, Ring-necks, and swans on the res.

Friday 1/9: Woodpecker

Saturday 1/10: River: 1-2 pintails (Newton and Prospect St), Iceland Gull, most of the expected wintering ducks. Twelve coots at the res.

Sunday 1/11: Dunback: no redpolls still but the Barred Owl was around again and a Purple Finch and Swamp Sparrow were new for the year.

Monday 1/12: Rather nasty out, wasn’t it?

Tuesday 1/13: Looped School St to Nine Acre without much (good number of larks, too windy to scope anything good among them). Coots and an eagle at the res.

WIR 12/31-1/6

Wednesday 12/31: Looking for one last year bird in Waltham. Winter Wren at BBN, Savannah Sparrow at the field station, lots of ducks on the res but nothing new.

Thursday 1/1: Surprisingly little on the BBC trip, but one bird was enough.

Friday 1/2: Dunback had a Barred Owl, sapsucker, 2 ravens, a towhee, and 19 Red-wings. Cackling Geese were still at Clay Pit. Nothing exciting along the river.

Saturday 1/3: 55+ Tree Sparrows at BBN, 20 more at the field station.

Sunday 1/4: Quick check of the res was pretty much the same as the 1st: 1 eagle, 25 wigeon, 10 scaup, 90 Ring-necks, 100 Hoodies, etc.

Monday 1/5: Too windy to do much, but cruised a few of the ponds. Shovelers at Arlington Res and an eagle at Mystic Lakes were about it.

Tuesday 1/6: Too cold and snow started before I got energy to go out.

WIR 12/24-12/30

Wednesday 12/24: Wandered the river and Cambridge Res without anything.

Thursday 12/25: Stayed in.

Friday 12/26: Great Meadows was quiet. Pair of Lesser Scaup at Hardy.

Saturday 12/27: Nothing at Dunback. Nothing much at Sandy Beach. Nothing at all at the North Reservoir.

Sunday 12/28: Tried for scaup at Fresh Pond but only managed creepers, Canvasback, and Ring-necks. Usual at Cambridge Res.

Monday 12/29: Went to Cape Ann for the day. Razorbills and stuff at Andrew’s and Halibut, one white-winged gull at Jodrey, then I decided it was too cool and windy, so went to Marblehead Neck and found the Townsend’s Warbler easily.

Townsend's Warbler

Tuesday 12/30: Worked the river a bit. Winter Wren in Watertown was nice, as were 3 Fish Crows over Moody St. A few ducks finally coming in too.