WIR 8/10-8/16

Wednesday 8/10: Usual at College Pond. Picked up creeper for the first half of August finally (and then Bald Eagle at the res on the way home).

Thursday 8/11: Lesser Yellowlegs at Norumbega, usual at Purgatory.

Friday 8/12: Fairly quiet at Great Meadows, handful of shorebirds, cooperative Green Heron.

Saturday 8/13: Started at Horn Pond and made it as far as the second opening by the mud flat. Tons and tons of peeps with a White-rumped eventually appearing. Backtracked a bit to show others and get pictures and a second joined it, both eventually coming to naked eye range. Hobbs Brook had next to nothing but a Ring-neck and 4 GW Teal at the res were nice. Least Sandpipers finally at the duck ponds.

Sunday 8/14: Early BT Green at BBN, but otherwise quiet there, the West Meadow, and the duck ponds. Nothing much at Hobbs Brook, only 1 teal at the res, and a few more shorebirds at the Rt. 2/Old County end (plus an egret as I got on Rt. 2).

Monday 8/15: Heard Farm for a change, fairly quiet.

Tuesday 8/16: Waterthrush and not much else at Forest Grove (nothing at Norumbega on the way).

WIR 8/3-8/9

Wednesday 8/3: First Black-and-white of the fall at BBN.

Thursday 8/4: Blue-winged and the usual at Dunback.

Friday 8/5: Usual at College Pond.

Saturday 8/6: Two Snowies at Hobbs Brook, quiet ode walk at the Cranberry Bog.

Sunday 8/7: Went out to the Nashua and Squannacook with Alan. Caught a Zebras and had another briefly pose but no luck with Arrows. Got rather wet in the Squannacook and we were probably too early for rubyspots. Went to Horn Pond after for Karsten’s sandpiper, good show if a bit confusing.

Monday 8/8: Family of pewees and nothing else at Prospect Hill.

Tuesday 8/9: First redstart of the fall at Dunback.

WIR 7/27-8/2

Wednesday 7/27: Fairly quiet at Rock Meadow and still nothing at the duck ponds.

Thursday 7/28: Most of the interesting shorebirds had left Hobbs Brook.

Friday 7/29: Nothing exciting at Great Meadows.

Saturday 7/30: Good numbers of shorebirds at Horn Pond included a Semipalmated Sandpiper and 2 Lesser Yellowlegs along with a RB Nuthatch. Great Egret at Hobbs Brook, nothing at the res or duck ponds.

Sunday 7/31: Snowy Egret at Hobbs Brook (plus an interesting emerald that didn’t slow down). Cliff Swallow at Great Meadows, loon and eagle at the res.

Monday 8/1: A few sandpipers at Norumbega (now to figure out how to really stop and scan), usual stuff at Purgatory with a few more Leasts flying around.

Tuesday 8/2: Pretty much the same at Hobbs Brook (2nd Great Egret was presumably new).

WIR 7/20-7/26

Wednesday 7/20: Usual at BBN in the morning. Got to work (with a Broad-wing flyover on the way) and got a call from Marj about ibises at Hobbs Brook, so stopped on the way home. Was rather surprised by a small white heron with them, although a quick check showed multiple reports of a Little Blue. Not often I get two new birds for a location like this anymore.

Thursday 7/21: Nothing of much note at Forest Grove.

Friday 7/22: Fox, lots of Wild Indigo Duskywings, and a family of Phoebes giving odd calls at Prospect Hill.

Saturday 7/23: Fairly good morning at the Desert Natural Area, nothing terribly exciting beyond first of fall Solitary Sandpiper and a woodcock. Ibis still at Hobbs Brook along with FOF Lesser Yellowlegs and Semipalmated Sandpiper plus baby Spotted Sandpipers.

Sunday 7/24: Quiet at Great Meadows, the same minus the ibis at Hobbs Brook.

Monday 7/25: Gnatcatchers and the usual at Dunback.

Tuesday 7/26: Family of Cooper’s Hawks and a Swamp Darner at the duck ponds.

WIR 7/6-7/12

Wednesday 7/6: Kingfisher at the duck ponds was a patch FOY.

Thursday 7/7: Usual at College Pond

Friday 7/8: Went to Nobscot to fill in some holes, confirmed Ovenbird nesting but not a ton else.

Saturday 7/9: Cruised around looking for shorebirds without finding much other than first of fall Least Sandpipers at Hobbs Brook.

Sunday 7/10: Repeat of yesterday.

Monday 7/11-Tuesday 7/12: Transit to DSA meeting.

WIR 6/29-7/5

Wednesday 6/29: Tried hitting the duck ponds early before the rain started with minimal success. Poured before I finished and nothing much of note.

Thursday 6/30: BBN had the usual plus a flock of Rough-winged Swallows over the parkway.

Friday 7/1: Flushed a woodcock a couple times at Round Hill.

Saturday 7/2: Started with a check of Nine Acre and Knox Trail for shorebirds, nothing beyond Killdeer and Spotted (FOY Blue-fronted Dancer at Knox Trail at least). Continued to Holliston to check out a couple sites for odes, tons of pondhawks and dashers but nothing exciting (more FOY included Slender Spreadwing and Autumn Meadowhawk).

Sunday 7/3: Went up to Dunstable for the first time in a couple years. Still like the area but nothing about. Continued to Townsend State Forest which had lots of Frosted Whitefaces and a singing Yellow-rump but little else.

Monday 7/4: Nothing at Great Meadows.

Tuesday 7/5: Got rained on at Forest Grove.

WIR 6/22-6/28

Wednesday 6/22: Red-bellied Tiger Beetle at Prospect Hill along with a Red-breasted Nuthatch.

Thursday 6/23: Nothing exciting in Lincoln.

Friday 6/24: Rough-winged Swallows and a Redstart at Lot 1 plus FOY Black Saddlebags.

Saturday 6/25: Wandered down to Fairhaven for the Clapper Rail(s) that have been reported regularly. One was calling for pretty much the entire hour and a half I was there, but never got a view. Pretty birdy otherwise, nothing too exciting. Continued to West Island, which padded out the Bristol county list a bit, highlighted by a pair of Oystercatchers. Started for Freetown State Forest but decided on Myles Standish instead. Bad move, some sort of bike ride going on and I didn’t want to stop along the road (ponds were way low too, would have been tough to access many). Stopped at the river walk briefly, BC Night-Heron below the waterfall but no Blue-fronted Dancers or anything else of note.

Sunday 6/26: Started with the Little Blue Heron at Knox Trail (first adult in the county in years(?)). On to Hugh Cargill, which had a few Bog Coppers but no Elfin Skimmers. Cranberry Bog had the usual, first meadowhawks, amberwings, and Skimming Bluets of the year but no Lilypad Clubtails. Continued to Horn Pond where the kestrels were showing off but not much else.

Monday 6/27: Took a chance on another Little Blue reported in Lexington. No luck (and likely wasn’t), but first time at Parker Meadow. Looked good for butterflies at least.

Tuesday 6/28: Tower at Great Meadows was fairly quiet.

WIR 6/15-6/21

Wednesday 6/15: Not much at BBN. First European Skipper of the year but that was about it.

Thursday 6/16: More Bobolinks at Heard Farm.

Friday 6/17: Two or three Least Bittern at Great Meadows (finally).

Saturday 6/18: Bug day. Atlantis Fritillary and Harris’s Checkerspot on Watatic, then a milestone at Willard Brook. Couldn’t dig up the Crimson-ringed Whiteface at Townsend State Forest and Bertozzi was fairly quiet late afternoon, but a good day.

Sunday 6/19: Minuteman survey was pretty quiet. Shadow Darner in the yard at night was very early for me.

Shadow Darner

Monday 6/20: YT Vireos cooperated (audibly at least) at the Wayland gardens.

Tuesday 6/21: Nothing too exciting at the duck ponds, mud hopefully will continue to look good.

WIR 6/8-6/14

Wednesday 6/8: Wandered to Meriam’s for Alder Flycatcher. First pondhawk of the year too.

Thursday 6/9: Windy and otherwise quiet at Prospect Hill.

Friday 6/10: Saw Mill Pasture for a change. Still a bit windy and cloudy. Nothing too exciting in the birds, Marsh Bluets and a few FOY odes.

Saturday 6/11: Started at the Hanscom Trails, picked up a bunch of things for Bedford, then took the wrong trail back and wandered along 62 for half a mile. Ode walk at the Cranberry Bog after. Bit cloudy, highlight was Vesper Bluets.

Sunday 6/12: Confirmed the Alder at Dunback, then had another at Mary Cummings. Eagle over the yard.

Monday 6/13: Usual at Purgatory/Forest Grove, FOY Variable Dancer the highlight.

Tuesday 6/14: Lots of Bobolinks and Calico Pennants at Farm Meadow.