Wednesday 6/12: Hanscom had a few warblers and a Veery plus FOY Eastern Amberwing. Servers were being transported so didn’t have work for most of the day, so went out to Nashoba Brook and got county Blue Corporal.
Thursday 6/13: Night Heron at Cookson, nothing too exciting along the river.
Friday 6/14: Turkey, couple different Laphria, FOY saddlebags at Dunback.
Saturday 6/15: Decided to work on my June Essex county list which had a remarkable number of common birds missing. Mostly inland, so all my previous birding must have been from Plum. Went to Crooked Pond and went from 84 to 107 (including Green Heron over the highway). Baby Veery and Yellow-throated Vireos the highlights plus finally getting a Barred Owl for the county. No luck with Wood Thrush and the possible Broad-wing was seen too briefly. Checked for nearby hotspots when I was done and decided to make a quick stop at Farnsworth Landing, adding another 3 plus a Cyrano Darner and Unicorn Clubtail. Lynnfield Marshes had a Marsh Wren and a couple common things I needed for Wakefield.
Sunday 6/16: Went up to Dunstable to look for martins. No luck with those but 50+ species including a family of Barred Owl. Thought about a couple other spots but decided to go just over the border and see if I could pick up a few NH gaps. Got Warbling Vireo and Barn Swallow among 26 species at Lovewell Pond along with a Sedge Sprite. Stopped at River Front Park in Tyngsboro on the way home for a quick ode check, no clubtails but FOY Powdered Dancer and Stream Bluet.
Monday 6/17: BBN had Barred Owls making that weird noise I heard last year around the same time and a few other things of slight interest.
Tuesday 6/18: Couple Pileated about it at Great Meadows.