Birdathon 2010

Saturday was Mass Audubon’s annual birdathon. Because I lead the Sunday Mt. Auburn trip, I try to avoid going all out and decided to stick to Waltham as much as possible.

The event actually starts at 6PM Friday, so I stepped outside just after 6 to get the yard birds out of the way. The fourth bird I saw was an Osprey, only the second yard record! It circled a bit and after being slightly confused about how it was moving, I realized there was a second bird following it!

Since my mother’s taking an art class and takes the bus from Waverly, we headed to Beaver Brook early (she can walk over from there). It seemed a bit quieter than it was on Friday, but I got a few warblers including the Magnolia in the same spot. I heard what sounded like another Magnolia nearby but spent a few minutes trying to see it. That proved to be a good idea as a White-crowned Sparrow popped out of the bushes before the Magnolia did.

The next stop was the Beaver Brook Ponds, where I had the only Red-eyed Vireo, Spotted Sandpiper, and Solitary Sandpiper of the day and not much else. From here, I was dropped off at Rock Meadow and began to walk home (so much for taking it easy). The first bird out of the car was an Indigo Bunting, but after that the wind got in the way. I did have a Brown Thrasher, 2 Bobolinks, and a pair of Orchard Orioles but not much else.

Moving on to the shelter of Met State, it was fairly quiet for a few minutes but reaching the hill things got interesting. About halfway up I heard an interesting call note that I assumed was a thrush. Waiting for it to appear, I ended up with an Ovenbird and Canada Warbler (greenway tick #1). No idea if one of those made the call or not. Further on, I got a bit distracted by butterflies including my first Little Wood Satyrs of the year and a bunch of Hobomok Skippers.

Wood Satyr


The Blue-winged Warblers were quiet here, but Indigo Buntings and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks weren’t. Moving past the water tower, I heard a loud song coming from the side of the hill. It sounded a lot like a Hooded Warbler but I couldn’t find it. I decided to try from below and rushed down and around but couldn’t find it there either. Circling back up, it was still singing so I bushwhacked in a bit until I got stopped by a large raspberry patch. Fortunately that was far enough in.



After watching him for a few minutes, I moved on. The parkway was fairly quiet beyond a Killdeer, so I crossed to the West Meadow.

The marsh is still pretty battered and there wasn’t a whole lot there, so I moved through quickly. In the short stretch of woods on the other side, I was rather surprised by a singing Bobolink. No luck finding it through all the leaves though.

Moving on to Lot 1, I bushwhacked up. In the woods I found a redstart and down at the meadow, a Blue-winged Warbler finally sang. The pond had a family of Wood Ducks but not much else, so I headed home.

After a quick snack break, we headed out to pick my mother up. A quick circle of the hill at Met State failed to find the Hooded again, so it was home for lunch and then out again for the afternoon.

The first stop was Prospect Hill. Butterflies were fairly good, but other than a Pine Warbler I found very little so we moved on to the Charles. The usual birds were out and a Barn Swallow was a bonus flyover.

At home, I did a quick tally and found I was in the mid 60’s, so with a few minutes left took a quick walk to Hardy Pond for Mute Swan and Double-crested Cormorant. House Finch on the way back was the final new bird of the day.

Of course, upon sending in the list, I entered the data and immediately noticed I left the 3 shorebirds and Savannah Sparrow off, so I actually had 71 on the day. Even better than I thought. Ad with a little more effort another 5-10 species would have been gettable, so well into the 80’s should be possible.

WIR 5/10-5/16

Monday 5/10: Prospect Hill had a couple interesting potential breeders.

Tuesday 5/11: Charles: Least Flycatcher, Wilson’s Warbler plus the regulars.

Wednesday 5/12: Hardy Pond had a big flock of swallows including 4 Cliff. Afternoon walk over added Spotted Sandpiper.

Thursday 5/13: BBN before work: Common Loon, Least Flycatcher, several warblers including Magnolia, Eastern Wood-Pewee. Duck ponds at lunch had family of Wood Ducks, a catbird that really sounded like a Yellow Warbler and several Red Admirals (although first of year was at work on the way).

Friday 5/14: Beaver Brook had a Magnolia, 2 Redstarts, and a Blue-headed Vireo (and more but I spent too much time chasing a Yellow Warbler around a cedar). Stepped outside at 6 to get the birdathon count going and 2 Osprey flew over!

Saturday 5/15: Birdathon, separate post coming but 2 greenway ticks got me over 150.

Sunday 5/16: Mt. Auburn for the BBC. First loop had poor view of a Bay-breasted and better views of a Wilson’s but not a whole lot more. Went back for a second loop (now that the birdathoners were awake and around) and had a nice Canada, heard more Bay-breasts, etc. Finally got Chestnut-sided and Veery for the year. Slept the rest of the day.

WIR 5/3-5/9

Monday 5/3: Woke up to a Swainson’s Thrush singing, second yard record I think. Quick stop at Hardy Pond at lunch had another Orchard Oriole along with Tree Swallows working on a nest. Thrasher singing behind work in the afternoon.

Tuesday 5/4: Graverson loop in the morning had House Wren, continuing Waterthrush, and BT Green. Yellow Warbler singing along Lexington St. Prospect Hill at lunch had Indigo Buntings, many butterflies (2 swallowtails, ETB, copper, etc), 1 darner (presuming Springtime).

Wednesday 5/5: Car finally fixed, quick stop at the Woerd Ave boat ramp had a bunch of Rough-winged Swallows and Warbling Vireos.

Thursday 5/6: Graverson loop had nothing new. BBN at lunch had a ton of summer residents arriving (Scarlet Tanager, Indigo Bunting, Blue-winged Warbler, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Yellow-billed Cuckoo) plus Solitary Sandpiper. Also very early (record early?) Hobomok Skipper among other butterflies and my first Common Whitetails of the year.

Friday 5/7: Ended up at Beaver Brook eventually, few Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and not much else. Baskettail was new for the year.

Saturday 5/8: Trip got rained out. Scarlet Tanager, Black-and-white Warbler, thrush in the yard. Rain stopped briefly so ran to Arlington Res and got soaked but a few Bank Swallows and a yellowlegs weren’t bad. Out to Ethan’s after that, where I could hear Ovenbird among several warblers and saw a Red-eyed Vireo.

Sunday 5/9: Still at Ethan’s but too cold and windy to go out. Best views I’ve had of a black squirrel at his feeder. Nothing much on the ride home or around the house.

WIR 4/26-5/2

Monday 4/26: Checked Forest Grove at lunch, 1 yellow-rump, 1 forktail.

Tuesday 4/27: Hardy Pond had a couple Barn Swallows mixed in with many Tree.

Wednesday 4/28: Paine Estate was quiet.

Thursday 4/29: Too windy at Prospect Hill but did have what was most likely a Bald Eagle over the Cambridge Res (lost it before I could be certain but nothing else it could have been).

Friday 4/30: Started for Beaver Brook in the morning but had car issues, so only managed 30 minutes. Few yellow-rumps, 1 Hermit Thrush were all I could find. Car trouble prevented me from going out at lunch, but a Peregrine over the Charles at Moody St later was very nice.

Saturday 5/1: Led the BBC trip to Mt. Auburn. Went into Boston with parents and uncle later in the day. Public garden was too crowded by then, but 3 Black-crowned Night-Herons along the Charles were nice.


And a couple shots of the hawk:



Sunday 5/2: Graverson/Hardy Pond loop had an Eastern Kingbird, Northern Waterthrush, and Common Yellowthroat (and a Chimney Swift when repeating the walk in the afternoon). Arlington Res had 4(!) Orchard Orioles, many Warbling Vireos and Kingbirds but not much else.


WIR 4/19-4/25

Monday 4/19: Went to the Littleton Rookery where the Red-headed Woodpecker eventually showed off. Also pair of Osprey, Wood Ducks in the trees and entering a hole, etc. Continued to Assabet River where I couldn’t find the gos but did have Purple Finch, Rusty Blackbird, 2 Kestrels, and a Woodcock.

Tuesday 4/20: Paine was fairly quiet but a few Yellow-rumps were recent arrivals.

Wednesday 4/21: Duck ponds were dead other than a Clouded Sulphur. Did Graverson/Hardy Pond loop twice and had Blue-headed Vireo, Kingfisher, and Savannah Sparrow.

Thursday 4/22: Prospect Hill had a few butterflies (Juvenal’s Duskywings mostly) but nothing for birds.

Friday 4/23: Walked the trail behind work at lunch, not much of anything today.

Saturday 4/24: Did garlic mustard removal at Lot 1 in the morning, first forktails of the year there. Great Meadows in the afternoon was pretty quiet, but FOY gnatcatchers and coots (finally) and an Osprey, plus more forktails and a green darner. Also 40 cormorants flying over the street after dinner.

Sunday 4/25: Started at BBN. Walked for probably 2 miles and all the good birds were next to the car: few Palms, couple Yellow-rumps, 3 Savannahs, 1 Towhee, 1 gobbling turkey. Continued to Hayden Woods where a Rusty Blackbird was singing but otherwise quiet. Arlington Res had pretty much no migrants, Spotted Sandpiper was new but nothing else. Tiger Swallowtail in the yard in the afternoon.


TX 2010: Day 6

February 12

Today started with a trip to Aransas NWR. On the way, I noticed that the gas tank was a bit low (presumably from all the idling in traffic yesterday) but figured we were still fine. The road to Aransas is pretty long and there’s absolutely nothing on the way, but we got there quickly.

Entering the refuge, there were a lot of vultures on the side of the road (photo by my mother).


After checking in, we headed straight for the tower. I missed the entrance and ended up walking out the boardwalk first. It was rather cold, but I quickly got a distant view of 2 Whooping Cranes, so mission accomplished. We continued to the end of the boardwalk, where a large number of herons and spoonbills were foraging.

Finding the correct spot to climb, we headed up. Surprisingly, the wind was almost better at the top and I was able to vaguely digiscope the cranes. In addition, there was a White-tailed Hawk way out, and on the new overlook that had yet to pass inspection, a Turkey Vulture.



Back at the car, we thought about the auto loop, but given the conditions and the fact that the car was very close to running out of gas, we decided to just head out and go elsewhere. That proved to be a smart decision as the gas light came on just before we got to a station.

After filling up, we drove to a few of the spots on the birding trail loop without finding much. We then hit the grocery store and bought some roast beef for lunch, which we ended up eating back at the hotel. After eating, we headed back out and drove along the coast a bit before working our way to Goose Island State Park.

At Goose Island, we drove around a bit before stopping on the beach, where there were many skimmers and Laughing Gulls, along with a few turnstones. We watched those for a little while before driving around the rest of the park (and deciding that the trails were too wet to walk). We returned to the beach, where we found a few loons on the water (and I found a couple Eared Grebes way, way out). The gulls took a big interest in us when I attempted to peel an orange outside the car, to the point that I decided not to bother.



After Goose Island, we headed back to the hotel. For dinner, we went to Captain Benny’s. It was very good, although a bit of a dive. Benny looked shockingly like a certain Massachusetts birder, although he sure didn’t run the restaurant with the same precision.

Tomorrow (which will not take another month and a half to publish): Beeville and Choke Canyon

WIR 4/12-4/18

Monday 4/12: Prospect Hill: 2 Hermit Thrush, 6+ flickers.

Tuesday 4/13: Quick run to Paine had lots of Pine Warblers and not too much else (lots of movement as I was rushing out though)

Wednesday 4/14: Forest Grove was quiet.

Thursday 4/15: Checked Hayden Woods on the way to work: 2 Palms, singing Hermit Thrush, not much else.

Friday 4/16: Duck Ponds at lunch. Not much there, but 3 turkeys on the way back. Got out of work early so stopped at Hardy Pond, where 2 Common Mergansers continued with a bunch of Tree Swallows.

Saturday 4/17: Cruised around a bit in the rain. Big flock of cormorants on Cambridge Res and 2 Ring-necks at Flint’s Pond where all I could come up with.

Sunday 4/18: Joined the Menotomy trip at Horn Pond (added 4 birds to my Horn Pond list: Turkey Vulture, shoveler, sapsucker, and black duck). Stopped at Arlington Res on the way home and found a bunch of Palms and Yellow-rumps and not much else. Also finally walked the trail from Hardy Pond to Graverson, will likely make a regular loop here in the next couple months.

WIR 4/5-4/11

Monday 4/5: Checked the parkway at BBN without much of anything.

Tuesday 4/6: Had a meeting at 12 so had to make an early lunch run. Quick stop at Hardy Pond had a 1-2 Wood Ducks and not much else.

Wednesday 4/7: Prospect Hill: 2 Cabbage White, 1 Mourning Cloak, first Six-spotted Tiger Beetle of the year, not much else. Struck out on woodcock again at night. Hairy came back though.

Thursday 4/8: Merlin down the street before work. Nothing along Woerd Ave at lunch.

Friday 4/9: Too rainy for much but there were quite a few Tree Swallows at Hardy Pond finally.

Saturday 4/10: Started by leading a Menotomy trip to BBN. It was pretty quiet with a bunch of Palm Warblers being the main highlight. The phoebes weren’t at the nest, but here’s a picture from last week:

Phoebe Nest

Also checked Hayden Woods (more Palms and a Pine) and Prospect Hill (first Hermit Thrush of the year).

Sunday 4/11: Dunback had a couple singing Ruby-crowned Kinglets and a Chipping Sparrow. A few Palms and a Rough-winged Swallow at Mt. Auburn. The ibis at Nine Acre Corner cooperated and there were a couple snipe at the School St. Fields.


On hosting rare birds

So there’s been more than a few hints that I’ve been keeping something quiet for a few months and I finally more or less revealed what is was the other day. Now, here’s the story.

December 1st was a pretty typical Tuesday. I got up around 7, checked the feeders quickly, read the paper, ate breakfast, and got ready for work. There was nothing at the feeders when I looked, so the House Sparrow that was sitting outside the sink window as I got my lunch together was the first bird of the day. It flew a few feet and I noticed a bit of white in the tail and wings. That probably should have been a sign to look closely, but I just assumed it was last year’s leucistic bird returning.

Five minutes later, I headed out the door to work. I immediately heard a chirp that sounded different from everything I’ve heard 1. The ‘sparrow’ flew up into one of the trees and I scrambled to get my binoculars out. I’m still not sure what I expected to see (obviously something new for the yard) but not anything close to this:

For some reason, even though it had been about 12 years since I had been to Europe, that collar stuck in my memory and I remembered Chaffinch. Rushing back inside, I ran for the camera but the bird apparently moved and I couldn’t find it quickly. After a quick reference check to make sure I was thinking of the right bird, I headed off to work, leaving instructions to keep an eye out and call me immediately.

At work, I made a quick sketch and emailed my friend Marj. Then I waited (and didn’t accomplish much). Finally (4PM and approaching dark), my parents called and said it was on the deck. After quizzing them, I left them to get pictures. I’ll just say it’s fortunate that we had another couple months to improve on those.

Wednesday morning, I was up early. The bird was as well, on the deck at 6:45. Marj arrived a few minutes later and he (as we now realized, my brief views the day before left me thinking it was a female) came back and forth, allowing for easy study. I sent an email saying that I would be late for work and Marj called our friend Bob, who rushed right over.

Unfortunately, our yard is not ideal for viewing, especially on the deck. There’s nowhere to stand outside (trees or feeders everywhere), so we immediately realized that it would not be possible to make the bird public. We discussed options for a little while, and I headed off to work.

I ended up running home on my lunch break. The first wave of additional visitors were either present or on the way. Having one of them being the only one to greet me was a bit surreal. The bird was very cooperative, giving plenty of chances to check for any anomalies (a couple primaries appeared missing or damaged but otherwise things were fine).

The afternoon had the first scare. Bob had returned (with a memory card for his camera this time) and was sitting around talking to my parents when they looked out and saw a Cooper’s Hawk sitting in the brush the bird had been perched on a few minutes before. When the hawk dove down, they all ran out and scared it off. No feathers and no obvious kill, but it was apparently a tense few minutes until he returned.

Once I got home for the day, I started sending out some invitations. For most of the next couple weeks, we had people in and out most of each day. Almost everyone saw the bird quickly (two people had an extended wait as the street was being dug up and a few needed a second trip as they had other commitments). I missed most of this, but did spend most of my weekends taking over the hosting.

Fortunately, the bird settled into a regular schedule pretty quickly and was normally in the first group of cardinals and white-throats of the day and again with them at dusk. This proved to be very good for the Greater Boston CBC. The CBC had to be postponed due to a snowstorm (which wiped out more than a couple other rarities in the circle) and as a result, the people I had asked to house sit and make sure we got the bird had to back out. Fortunately, he was on the deck just after 7, so we were able to meet the rest of the group at the scheduled start time.

By the end of December, Harry (as we now called him to allow conversation in public without anyone else knowing) had discovered the feeder on the side of the driveway and started spending more time over there. It didn’t affect the views, but photography got much harder. He also started showing up a bit later in the mornings (but still regular, so this was a good change).

I took a trip into the MCZ collections at the end of December to go through a few specimens. In hindsight, this didn’t accomplish much but it’s always a fun thing to do. We did learn that the odd-looking feathers on the tail were actually normal.

Our 100th visitor came by on January 8th. Things slowed down a bit, but we still had people a couple mornings a week. Towards the end of January, he spent his first day away from the feeders but he was back the next day. Although various Accipiters had passed through most days (I could pick out at least 4 different individuals), the biggest scare came on January 29. Late in the afternoon, the Bloggerhead Kingbirds stopped by. A Sharpie passed through and the person at the window thought it may have chased him out of the yard. Since it was already late afternoon, we were unsure if the lack of a return visit meant anything, but the next morning was quite anxious. Fortunately, he came back and the 4 guests (all from out of state) got excellent views (I was getting close to getting a search expedition going for feather piles in the neighbors’ yards).

About few days before this, the latest North American Birds arrived. Flipping through, one of the first things I saw was a note about a number of Chaffinch sightings in Quebec over the summer (there’s a brief discussion in the Changing Seasons column that you can download at the link above, issue 63:3 but see page 390 if you have the magazine). With this information, banding the bird and getting a feather sample became a priority again. It had been discussed earlier and I was willing to try but didn’t push when nothing seemed to be arranged. But now I really wanted to know the origin, which may be possible with a stable isotope analysis.

After a few emails were exchanged, Trevor Lloyd-Evans, director of banding at Manomet, came by with a couple traps. We had a very pleasant afternoon talking, but no bird. The traps were out for a few days without any success (and possibly were scaring things away) so we pulled them and decided to use a mist net.

Unfortunately, this was right as we were heading to Texas. We asked our neighbors to keep the feeders filled and invited Marj to try and coordinate with Trevor but the timing didn’t work. Fortunately (and shockingly), I spotted Harry within an hour of getting home and we were able to arrange for the everyone to come by the next day.

I’ll post the banding story in more detail later, but things ran far better than expected. Instead of spending a day plucking House Sparrows as we planned, he was caught within 15 minutes (with 3 White-throats and no House Sparrows). Clearly not bothered by the experience, he was back within a couple hours of being released.

As it got warmer out, he tended to not show up in good weather. If there was a storm, he was around all day, but 5 minutes on other days was a lot. Even so, into the first weekend of March only one person had come by and not seen him. He sang for the first time (that I heard at least) on March 4 (as posted). That Saturday was the day of the Birder’s Meeting and 7 people stopped by before or after, all missing. Somewhat surprisingly as Sunday was a nice day, he made a brief appearance for 4 visitors (and was singing again, from across the street).

The huge rainstorm on the weekend of the 14th didn’t seem to bother him (he actually seemed to stay drier than most birds). Our last 3 visitors came by just before things got bad on Saturday and all had success. It appears that he headed off sometime that week as we did not see him in the lighter storm the following weekend (it was too nice in between to be sure, although I suspected he was gone as I had windows open and didn’t hear anything).

So that explains the last three and a half months. It was very enjoyable on the whole. Over 140 people were able to come by and in the end, only 6 did not see him (3 of those only put in about 15 minutes). Most were obviously from Massachusetts but we had people from as far as Georgia (and others from further made plans but had to cancel). There were a few days where I would have preferred to have slept in (or even just to my normal 7:00 wakeup) and there were days when going out would have been nice. Fortunately, it was winter so most birds didn’t go anywhere (and even without being reported for 2 months, the only real rarity, the Sage Thrasher, is included in that).

The people were all great. Everyone was friendly and appreciative. After the initial group, I relied on others to make suggestions and was able to invite a large majority of them. Everyone seemed to understand the situation and pretty much everyone went through me to invite others (instead of having them contact me). Vague word did get out, but I don’t think it was in any detail (a couple people mentioned hearing rumors that were not exactly accurate, and two people did get some details the first day but they would have been invited almost immediately anyway).

With that said, if something similar happens again, I hope I’ve moved to a location that allows for easier viewing from the street (and more parking). Not because I disliked dealing with all the people, but because it wasn’t fun having to keep things quiet and try to coordinate with everyone.

1. Similar to this recording.

WIR 3/29-4/3

Monday 3/29: Rainy but checked Woerd Ave briefly (3 Wood Duck) and Moody St (the Double-crested Cormorant that flew over on the way down was just below the waterfall on the way back).

Tuesday 3/30: Little too rainy to put it lightly. Did end up at Hardy Pond but too wet to even roll the window down. I know there were a few Common Mergansers out there but no clue what else.

Wednesday 3/31: Walked the road at Prospect Hill a bit but nothing worth mentioning.

Thursday 4/1: Paine: 2 Pine Warblers, 2-3 Phoebes.

Friday 4/2: Day off. Started at Dunback. Long walk looking for Red-shoulders and Fox Sparrows without any. Two phoebes were about it. Quick stops at the Beaver Brook Ponds and Hardy Pond didn’t have much either. Afternoon trip to Arlington Res was about equally productive.

Saturday 4/3: Decided to try and find an Upland Sandpiper at Hanscom. No luck with that, but first of year Swamp Sparrow, Field Sparrows, Wild Turkey (displaying), and Eastern Meadowlark plus a kestrel made it worthwhile. Also a brief walk at Assabet River NWR added Spring Azure and the Infant (moth).

Sunday 4/4: Rock Meadow and BBN were both pretty quiet. Many Tree Swallows at Rock Meadow. Field and Swamp Sparrows were both in at BBN along with a flock of Cedar Waxwings. Phoebes were building a nest at the water tower. Forgetful: Hairy in the yard, one of a handful of records. Woodcock walk for WLT at night ended up not seeing any, not sure why.