WIR 7/13-7/19

Tuesday 7/13: Joined a survey at Hanscom this morning. Very cool to be able to walk around the runways. Lots of meadowlarks and Bobolinks plus up to 5 Grasshopper Sparrows and an Upland Sandpiper (finally for the state and county). No luck confirming either of those however.

Wednesday 7/14: Hardy Pond, watched a flock of red-wings on the field and pretty much ignored the pond.

Thursday 7/15: West Meadow (Met State Boardwalk). First Shadow Darner of the year but otherwise pretty quiet. Very overgrown, not coming back at lunch until that gets cleared up.

Friday 7/16: Duck Ponds. Juv Spotted Sandpiper and a kingfisher at the ponds. Bushwhacked past the fallen trees down below and heard wrens scolding something. Little more bushwhacking and I was looking at the Screech-Owl again! Definitely has a bit of down still, so combined with the week, I’m calling it confirmed. Got out of work early and ran back over with the camera:


Saturday 7/17: Great Meadows before it got too hot. Vegetation is a bit high too see easily but there were a few Least Sandpipers around. A Black-crowned Night-Heron flew over and a Solitary Sandpiper flew down the river. At the bittern bench a small heron popped up, but turned out to be a Green Heron. A Swift River Cruiser (there were several on the river earlier) came in and landed right next to the bench and allowed for some nice photos:


After that I stayed in and got around to a bunch of documentation that’s long overdue.

Sunday 7/18: Started at Rock Meadow. Out of my targets, only had success with Orchard Oriole (see previous post). Continued on to McLean where a Striped Hairstreak was a surprise. Finished with a quick walk along Concord Ave to check the marshes (nothing today but an early morning trip with some tapes might be an idea).


Monday 7/19: Deep in the woods at Prospect Hill, 1 deer and not much else.

DSA 2010 Day 0

As promised, here’s the first day of my trip to Maine for the Dragonfly Society of the Americas annual meeting.

Thursday 6/24:

The meeting was scheduled to begin with a late afternoon social thing. Since it’s about 5 hours to Orono, I decided to head up early and make a couple birding stops along the way. I left the house a little after 6 and reached the Kennebunk Plains at about 8:30.

The plains are a big open grassland with all sorts of interesting birds. My main target was Upland Sandpiper and I wasn’t even 50 feet from the car when one made several passes overhead.Uppie in Flight

It circled and called quite a bit and landed occasionally. Most of the time on the ground, it was hidden in the grasses, but I did manage one shot.


Upland Sandpiper was a long-overdue life bird so I spent a good bit of time enjoying them (there were at least two right there). Very much a curlew.

Once I had my fill of the sandpipers, I continued down the trail hoping for a few of the other specialties. Grasshopper, Vesper, and Clay-colored Sparrows all apparently breed here but I was only able to find Vesper. Fortunately, there were several and they were very cooperative.





I eventually worked my way down to some water, which was pretty quiet. It was getting hot, so I headed back to the car (stopping for the sparrows again) and moved on.

My next stop was to be Scarborough Marsh. However, I got somewhat lost along the way (not sure if there’s been new development since the birder’s guide to Maine was written or if I was just in the wrong spot for the entire time) so it took an extra hour. Once at the marsh, it was drizzling a bit. I decided that I didn’t feel like carrying the scope and would just take a quick walk out.

On the way, a Seaside Dragonlet posed nicely:


The usual birds were around including many egrets, a few Glossy Ibis, and Willets.


Sharp-tailed Sparrows were singing a good bit and I got some brief views. I suspect most were Nelson’s but one appeared noticably brighter, so that was probably a Saltmarsh. After following the path most of the way out, I headed back to the car for lunch (stopping for these neat flies on the way).


From here, I headed straight up to Orono, arriving early afternoon. I checked into my hotel, showered, rested a bit, and then headed to the main conference hotel. The group was taking over the lobby and I quickly was saying hello to many of the people I had met last year and meeting many others that came from further away.

After an hour or so here, we moved in a large group for dinner. This wasn’t the best idea as the nameless (only partially because I don’t remember it) restaurant was not capable of dealing with 30 people at once. The waitstaff was new but almost had things under control but the kitchen did not. My table got food probably 20 minutes after the other tables. For a slightly more expensive place, I wasn’t impressed with the obviously frozen green beans and packaged rice pilaf.

Once we finally managed to get away from the restaurant, we returned to the hotel where the initial meeting had already just about finished. Fortunately, they ran it again, so we were briefed on possible locations for tomorrow’s field trips.

After that, it was off to the hotel and bed for a fairly early start.


WIR 7/6-7/12

Back to Tuesdays apparently.

Tuesday 7/6: Didn’t get out (way too hot) but a Band-winged Meadowhawk in the yard was first of year.

Wednesday 7/7: Hardy Pond in the heat. Seemed to be common stuff around but didn’t spend much time looking.

Thursday 7/8: River walk was hotter than I realized. Most of the usual birds were around and I counted about 50 Blue-fronted Dancers between Shaw’s and Elm St.

Friday 7/9: Duck Ponds. Ponds were quiet (although a Great Blue and Killdeer eventually popped up at the lower one). Downhill, I had to bushwhack to the bridge (and couldn’t reach the second one). A whole bunch of birds sounded annoyed, with a redstart among them. After a few minutes scanning, I finally picked up a young Eastern Screech-Owl sitting on a branch. Patch tick!

Saturday 7/10: Joined the Concord Butterfly Count. I’d say separate post but there were very few butterflies in the hot and dry and then we got rained out in the afternoon. My Broad-winged Skippers turned out to be the best thing on the day. Still fun though.

Sunday 7/11: Tried to refind a couple things and generally found nothing. Checked the duck ponds for the owl and redstart, then Prospect Hill for saddlebags. Finally stopped at Woerd Ave as I had the camera and have wanted some Lilypad Forktail shots for awhile but couldn’t find any of those even.

Monday 7/12: Paine had the regular birds and some Somatochloras but not much else.

WIR 6/28-7/5

Monday 6/28-Tuesday 6/29: DSA Postmeeting in Jackman, ME.

Wednesday 6/30: Prospect Hill had an Indigo Bunting and a few marginally interesting dragonflies.

Thursday 7/1: Paine had a few butterflies and a good number of dragonflies although all fairly common.

Friday 7/2: Purgatory Cove was pretty quiet at lunch.

Saturday 7/3: Out to Otis for the night. Ovenbird walking next to me was about the best thing.

Sunday 7/4: Spinylegs and two uncaught Somatochloras to start the morning in Otis. On to New Salem where Ethan’s yard was quiet but I found a pair of Evening Grosbeaks up the hill.

Monday 7/5: 3 Broad-wings over Ethan’s were the best of the morning. Failed to catch the couple of Somatochloras.

WIR 6/21-6/27

Monday 6/21: Paine, not too much exciting. Couple interesting darners stayed too high to ID.

Tuesday 6/22: Didn’t get out.

Wednesday 6/23: Charles at lunch. Very few odes (few bluets, 1 baskettail, 1 slaty skimmer) but an Orchard Oriole was a nice surprise. Very early migrant or overlooked here? Also a family of mallards was running around the neighborhood in the afternoon, hope they made it across Trapelo safely.

Thursday 6/24 to Sunday 6/27: At the Dragonfly Society of the Americas annual meeting. Separate post sooner or later but highlights included getting a nemesis bird on the way up, 6 species of Ophiogomphus and 2 Neurocordulia plus various butterflies and a moose.

DSA time

I never got around to posting about the DSA Northeast Meeting from last July, but it’s time for the annual meeting. Here’s a couple videos that somehow star me from last year to give a taste.


(there’s 1:15 of not much happening in the second one before I pop up)

Would have been nicer if I wasn’t swinging and missing as much.

Thanks to Meena Haribal for posting these videos.

WIR 6/14-6/20

Monday 6/14: Paine: first Banded Hairstreak of the year plus a Painted Skimmer and Scarlet Tanagers right at the parking lot.

Tuesday 6/15: Duck ponds had a good selection of dragonflies and a kingfisher.

Wednesday 6/16: Prospect Hill was quiet (barely any bugs even).

Thursday 6/17: Charles was pretty quiet. Lots of swallows, a juvenal Wood Duck, fledgling House Wren, couple dancers that got away.

Friday 6/18: BBN had lots of the regular stuff but nothing really of note.

Saturday 6/19: Trail building at Shady Pond all day. Usual forest birds sang a bit but didn’t seem much. One interesting bluet (Skimming?).

Sunday 6/20: Didn’t really get out as had some computer things to deal with. While running up to Nashua, made brief stop in Tyngsboro to see if the Willow Flycatchers were singing. They weren’t but one of the Osprey passed over and both Green and Great Blue Herons flew over Rt. 3.

Texas 2010: Logistics and Lists

Flights were on American (several airlines were all at the same rate, picked based on time and connecting city) and we had no real issues. Car rental was through Hertz. Mazda 3, which was much less comfortable than the 6 I had last year. We’re pretty sure we got screwed a bit on the cost there and have no interest in dealing with Hertz again any time son. Hotels and food are all mentioned in the daily reports.

I brought my own GPS. It worked fine for the most part, but had occasional issues with new construction and road names. The construction wasn’t a problem as it was obvious where to go but the names did cause some problems. We had to refer to the paper directions for several places as I couldn’t find them in the attraction list and the route number in the address wasn’t accepted (for some reason it wanted the local name).

Here’s everything seen on our trip:

Birds (156)

At most places with water
American Wigeon
various watery spots
A few in the Riverwalk in San Antonio and a couple in Rockport
Mottled Duck
2-4 each at Santa Ana, Llano Grande, and South Padre
Blue-winged Teal
Couple each at various water spots
Cinnamon Teal
Four from the deck at Llano Grande
Northern Shoveler
Big numbers at Llano Grande and Laguna Atascosa
Northern Pintail
Huge numbers at Laguna Atascosa and Goose Island
Green-winged Teal
Couple at Llano Grande and Choke Canyon
Many in the bay at South Padre and Laguna Atascosa
Ring-necked Duck
1 at Santa Ana, handful at Llano Grande
Lesser Scaup
2 at Llano Grande
Few each at Aransas, Goose Island, and Choke Canyon
Common Goldeneye
Couple while driving over the causeway between Rockport and Aransas
Red-breasted Merganser
Few at most coastal stops
Ruddy Duck
15 at Llano Grande
Plain Chachalaca
Flocks of 5-10 at most valley sites (Santa Ana to Laguna Atascosa)
Common Loon
5 at Goose Island
Least Grebe
Few at Santa Ana and Llano Grande, single at Laguna Atascosa
Pied-billed Grebe
At sites all over from Zacata Creek to Goose Island
Eared Grebe
Few way out at Goose Island
American White Pelican
Few at Falcon and Zapata, about 100 at Llano Grande, couple elsewhere
Brown Pelican
All over the coast
Neotropic Cormorant
Few from Zacate Creek to South Padre
Double-crested Cormorant
from Laguna Atascosa to Goose Island (probably lots should have been cormorant sp)
4 at Llano Grande, 2 at Frontera
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Snowy Egret
Little Blue Heron
1-3 at Llano Grande, South Padre, and Laguna Atascosa
Tricolored Heron
Singles at Llano Grande and South Padre, 6 at Aransas
Reddish Egret
1 at South Padre, 2 at Aransas
Cattle Egret
3 at Zacate Creek
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Single at Llano Grande (the bird walk also had a Green Heron that I missed)
White Ibis
few from South Padre to Aransas
White-faced Ibis
Single at Zacate Creek
Roseate Spoonbill
Singles at Llano Grande and South Padre, about 10 at Aransas on the boardwalk by the tower
Black Vulture
Turkey Vulture
Few near Falcon, along coast, and at Choke Canyon
White-tailed Kite
Pair at Llano Grande
Northern Harrier
Singles at Falcon, South Padre, and Laguna Atascosa
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Singles at Zacate Creek and Bentsen
Cooper’s Hawk
Singles at Santa Ana, Quinta Mazatlan, and Llano Grande
Harris’s Hawk
Single at Falcon and Santa Ana
Red-shouldered Hawk
Small numbers from Frio County to Llano Grande
White-tailed Hawk
several along the roads in Cameron County and up to Aransas (one perched in front of the cranes)
Red-tailed Hawk
Numerous along the highways (likely some other hawks mixed in but it was hard to stop)
Crested Caracara
Numerous, especially near Zapata and along the coast
American Kestrel
Abundant along the highways (I could have used a hand clicker to keep track of numbers)
Peregrine Falcon
One over the parking lot at the Best Western in Weslaco
Aplomado Falcon
A distant bird in flight at Laguna Atascosa must have been one of these
One at Llano Grande
Common Moorhen
Few each at Santa Ana, Llano Grande, South Padre, and Laguna Atascosa
American Coot
Everywhere there was water
Sandhill Crane
2 along the road west of Rockport somewhere
Whooping Crane
2 were visible from the tower at Aransas
Black-bellied Plover
Single at South Padre
few all over
Mountain Plover
At least 50 in the field at the intersection of 57 and 140 in Frio County
Black-necked Stilt
6 at Llano Grande
American Avocet
4 at Llano Grande, 1 over the road between Rockport and Beeville
Northern Jacana
the long-staying bird at Choke Canyon was easy to see at the shore of 75-Acre Lake
Spotted Sandpiper
1-2 at many spots
Greater Yellowlegs
Few each at Zacate Creek, South Padre, and Laguna Atascosa
4 at South Padre, 30+ at Laguna Atascosa, 4 at Goose Island, all presumably Western
Long-billed Curlew
2 at South Padre, 5+ at Laguna Atascosa
Marbled Godwit
Single at South Padre, handful at Laguna Atascosa
Ruddy Turnstone
1 at Laguna Atascosa, few at Goose Island
10+ at Laguna Atascosa
Long-billed Dowitcher
40+ at Llano Grande, single dowitcher at South Padre
Laughing Gull
Numerous along the coast
Ring-billed Gull
Few at Goose Island
Herring Gull
Gull-billed Tern
About 10 at Laguna Atascosa
Caspian Tern
4 at South Padre, singles at Laguna Atascosa and Rockport (several tern sp along the coast as well)
Royal Tern
Few at South Padre at least
Black Skimmer
About 50 at South Padre, 3 at Goose Island
Rock Pigeon
Various in cities
Eurasian Collared-Dove
5 at the Best Western in Weslaco, 2 near the Big Oak at Goose Island, 2 in Lamar
White-winged Dove
2-20 at various spots
Mourning Dove
Inca Dove
from Salineno to Frontera, most numerous at Frontera
Common Ground-Dove
Salineno, Bentsen, and Llano Grande
White-tipped Dove
Couple at most valley sites and Laguna Atascosa
Greater Roadrunner
5 at Laguna Atascosa
Common Pauraque
2 staked out at Llano Grande
Buff-bellied Hummingbird
2-3 each at Llano Grande, Valley Nature Center, and Frontera
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Singles at Llano Grande and Frontera
Ringed Kingfisher
2 over Zacate Creek, 1 over Military Highway in Mission
Belted Kingfisher
1 on the highway near Falcon, 1 at Aransas, 1 in Rockport
Green Kingfisher
Singles at Santa Ana and Frontera
Golden-fronted Woodpecker
Ladder-backed Woodpecker
Few from Falcon to Quinta Mazatlan including 8 at Bentsen
Eastern Phoebe
at most sites
Great Kiskadee
Numerous from Zacate Creek to Frontera
Tropical Kingbird
3 (presumed) at Llano Grande
Couch’s Kingbird
Single at South Padre, 4 along the road in at Laguna Atascosa
Rose-throated Becard
The young male coming to the peanut butter feeder at the gatehouse at Bentsen was easy to see as the park opened
Loggerhead Shrike
Single at Falcon, few near Laguna Atascosa, 1 at Goose Island
White-eyed Vireo
Single at Falcon, 3 heard at Laguna Atascosa
Blue-headed Vireo
Single at Bentsen
Blue Jay
3 in San Antonio
Green Jay
Most valley sites, up to Choke Canyon
Chihuahuan Raven
handful along the highway near Zapata
Tree Swallow
Few at Santa Ana
Cave Swallow
Single at Santa Ana
Black-crested Titmouse
At most places in the valley
2 at Falcon
Carolina Wren
One in San Antonio and Santa Ana
Bewick’s Wren
One at Salineno
House Wren
Single at Bentsen
Marsh Wren
Couple calling at South Padre
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
All over the valley
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
At most sites in the valley
Northern Wheatear
Wintering bird was easy to see in Beeville
Clay-colored Thrush
Single at the gatehouse at Bentsen
American Robin
San Antonio and Zacate Creek
Northern Mockingbird
All over but especially abundant at Falcon and Laguna Atascosa
Long-billed Thrasher
At most valley sites, good numbers at Laguna Atascosa
Curve-billed Thrasher
2 at Quinta Mazatlan, single at Laguna Atascosa
European Starling
American Pipit
Few along the roads, single at Llano Grande, and a handful at Choke Canyon
Sprague’s Pipit
Single at Laguna Atascosa near Pelican Lake
Cedar Waxwing
Few in San Antonio, single at Quinta Mazatlan, about 20 at Llano Grande
Orange-crowned Warbler
Tropical Parula
Both staked out birds (Quinta Mazatlan and Frontera) were seen
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Everywhere, all appeared to be Myrtle
Black-and-white Warbler
Single at Valley Nature Center
Single at Frontera
Common Yellowthroat
At most wet spots
Olive Sparrow
From Salineno to Laguna Atascosa
Cassin’s Sparrow
One at the start of the nature trail at Falcon
Chipping Sparrow
Couple in San Antonio and Aransas
Savannah Sparrow
Handful at Llano Grande, Laguna Atascosa, and the wheatear site
Grasshopper Sparrow
One at Llano Grande, 2 (1 incredibly cooperative) at Laguna Atascosa
Lincoln’s Sparrow
Falcon, Bentsen, and Llano Grande
Swamp Sparrow
Single at Aransas
White-crowned Sparrow
1 at Falcon
Crimson-collared Grosbeak
The Quinta Mazatlan bird was fairly easy to see once we got to the right spot
Northern Cardinal
All over
Couple at Zacate Creek, 10+ at Falcon
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
One at Bentsen
Indigo Bunting
Few at Bentsen
Red-winged Blackbird
All over
Eastern Meadowlark
Many singing at Laguna Atascosa
Western Meadowlark
Presuming most of the meadowlarks from San Antonio to Zapata and in Beeville were Western (several heard)
Brewer’s Blackbird
Sarita rest stop and elsewhere along 77
Great-tailed Grackle
Bronzed Cowbird
4+ at the Best Western in Weslaco
Brown-headed Cowbird
Few at Falcon and Sarita
Hooded Oriole
3 at Salineno and 1 likely at Falcon
Altamira Oriole
Falcon, Salineno, and Bentsen
Audubon’s Oriole
1 at Salineno
American Goldfinch
2 at Zacate Creek, 5 at Frontera
House Sparrow

The cool and cloudy weather wasn’t very good for bugs, which were in low numbers after cold weather before we arrived.

Butterflies (6+)

Funeral Duskywing
Presumably the duskywing at Falcon.
Tropical Checkered-Skipper
Several at Valley Nature Center
Skipper sp
Falcon, still working on it
Little Yellow
Reakirt’s Blue
Fritillary sp
Presumably Variegated but very poorly seen at Falcon
American Snout
1 at Santa Ana
1 at Santa Ana

Odes (3)

Familiar Bluet
1 female at Falcon was presumably Familiar
Common Green Darner
Several at Santa Ana
Red Saddlebags
Several at Santa Ana

TX 2010: Day 7

February 13

Today was a travel day as we headed back to San Antonio. Of course, with 2 very good birds on the way, it was also a good birding day.

We left Rockport and started towards Beeville. On the way, we found a couple Sandhill Cranes in a field and had an Avocet and other stuff fly over.

Reaching Beeville, we worked our way to the outskirts where a Northern Wheatear spent the winter at a farm. The farm was easy to find (a bit closer to the road than the directions implied). Getting out of the car, we were almost immediately joined by a Canadian couple. Seconds later, the wheatear popped up and gave us pretty good views (which was doubly nice as other people reported having long waits and only distant views).




After stocking up on peanut brittle for gifts, we headed on to the next stop, Choke Canyon State Park. Not surprisingly, the other people were heading that way too and we arrived at the same time. Checking in, we got directions to the pond hosting the Jacana and headed that way. Almost immediately, we located the bird walking out in the open along the edge of the lake.


We spent close to an hour watching it walk and fly along the edge of the pond, getting great views.



We drove around the park a bit and eventually stopped at one of the picnic areas for lunch. This was near the fishing area and we enjoyed a flock of Snowy Egrets waiting for leftovers.

From here, we headed back to San Antonio, arriving at Jack’s midafternoon. We went out to Red Lobster for dinner (again with a wait from rodeo crowds). It was fairly good (especially considering we already had excellent seafood the last few nights). We then packed and got ready for our early flight.

The return trip was easy with flights right on time (not having to get off the plane in Chicago was very nice) and we were home by midafternoon with Harry waiting.