Bird of the Year 2010

For the 10,000 Birds Best Bird of the Year post:

With 21 life birds, 10 state birds, 5 county birds, and 6 city birds, not to mention reacquainting myself with an additional 310+ species, there’s lots to choose from.

So the runners up…

Top life birds: Pink-footed Goose, Roseate Spoonbill (photo from later), Great Skua, Northern Jacana, Upland Sandpiper

Massachusetts birds: Sage Thrasher (oops, never posted much about this one), Curlew Sandpiper

Middlesex county: Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, Laughing Gull

Waltham: Black and Common Tern

Reacquaintances: Long-billed Curlew, Baird’s Sandpiper, Hudsonian Godwit (oceanic migrants), Hooded Warbler

But the overall best bird of the year is a tie between

Crimson-collared Grosbeak

Crimson-Collared Grosbeak


White-faced #3

White-faced Storm-Petrel (all 8 (or 22!) of them)

WIR 12/12-12/18

Sunday 12/12: Red-shoulder at Hardy Pond as already mentioned. Tried Dunback and the field station in the rain with nothing to show.

Monday 12/13: Lyman Pond had lots of feeder birds and not much on the water.

Tuesday 12/14: Prospect Hill had nothing.

Wednesday 12/15: Paine had a couple juncos and a creeper.

Thursday 12/16: Checked Gore Place for a change. Possible target for the CBC not found and not too much of interest.

Friday 12/17: Charles: 5 Ring-necks, 10 Hoodies, 1 Common Merganser.

Saturday 12/18: CBC scouting. Dunback was quiet (multiple sharpies contributing). Lots of geese at Fernald. Gore was birdy but nothing unusual. Pintail with the mallards and geese in front of the YMCA was nice. Afternoon buzz around Beaver St didn’t have much. Moody St. was more open than last weekend; nothing unusual on the water, but a Purple Finch was a nice surprise.

Check Every Bird

Based on a discussion from today’s sightings, a couple points that are worth repeating every so often:

Check every bird
Walking around Hardy Pond today (after a 7:30 AM reverse-911 call warning of icy conditions), I watched a medium-sized hawk fly up and land on a pole. Almost certainly a Cooper’s, but I took a closer look. Hmm, Buteo. With a lot of streaking on the front. It flew into the yard across the road. Crows saw it and chased it off, but not before I got a good look at the tail, enough to say Red-shouldered. Waltham bird #190!

It wasn’t that nice out (raining a bit, although not icy, no idea what the call was for), so I easily could have said Coop and not taken a closer look.

Know the Common Birds
I’ll be honest and say that I did almost pass by the hawk (or at least wasn’t going to look until I was much closer, at which point it probably would have flown off). But something looked slightly off, so after a few steps I did stop and check it out. Without knowing Cooper’s and Red-tailed well, I wouldn’t have picked up the slightly different shape.

You don’t have to know every bird, but knowing the common ones means the less common ones stick out. For another example, see the Cerulean. Even though I didn’t recognize the song, I knew it wasn’t one of the common ones and chased it down. And of course, Harry is another example.

So, take a few minutes and check out the flock of House Sparrows at your feeders. They’re incredibly variable, spend some time comparing different individuals. Learn what they look like from every angle. There may not be a Chaffinch or other rarity (coincidentally posted today) there now, but one of these days there will and if you’re not careful it may slip right by.

WIR 12/2-12/11

Adjusting dates again as I got lazy.

Thursday 12/2-Monday 12/6: New Jersey and Delaware. Trip report in prep but highlights included thousands of geese, a few Tundra Swans, many eagles, good numbers of shorebirds, etc.

Tuesday 12/7: Prospect Hill was quiet.

Wednesday 12/8: Paine was even quieter.

Thursday 12/9: Didn’t get out.

Friday 12/10: Mother found a warbler at Government Center, I couldn’t find it. Quick run along the Charles had 5 Ring-necks, 3 Common Mergansers, a few Hoodies, and a Great Blue Heron.

Saturday 12/11: Started CBC scouting by walking through BBN. Not a whole lot but 2 Cedar Waxwings in Lot 1, many robins at the West Meadow, and about 10 Tree Sparrows at the McLaughlin building weren’t bad. Back to Government Center (no warbler), then on to the Charles. Seemed quieter than yesterday (more hoodies, a second heron, but only 1 Ring-neck and no Commons). Kingfisher was good though. On to Woerd Ave (frozen), then back to the Moody to Prospect St loop. Another ring-neck but otherwise common stuff. Attempted to go for geese but none of the flocks were in a spot that was suited for stopped, so on to Flint’s Pond (couple goldeneye, bunch of ruddy) and then the Cambridge Res. Mostly frozen but one puddle had about 25 swans, another had 8 goldeneye, and the third had several hundred ducks including 20 Wood, 20 Hooded Merganser, 7 Common Merganser, 2 Gadwall, 1 American Wigeon, and many Mallard and Black.

WIR 11/24-12/1

Day late but it works better going forward.

Wednesday 11/24: Out of work early so checked Dunback and Waltham St with pretty much nothing.

Thursday 11/25: Out to Ethan’s but nothing good on the way or at his feeders.

Friday 11/26: Too foggy and rainy to do anything outside at Ethan’s, nothing on the ride home.

Saturday 11/27: Long walk through Lot 1 to BBN. Flock of waxwings and 2 deer at the boardwalk, handful of red-wings elsewhere was about it. Afternoon walk over to Hardy Pond added Gadwall to the on-foot list, #100 for the year without much effort. Adult Cooper’s in the yard was the 3rd Accipiter of the week (Sharpie earlier, juv Cooper’s yesterday).

Sunday 11/28: Went hunting for longspurs. No luck (Meriam’s Corner, School St, Nine Acre Corner side fields). Did have a big flock of pipits and a few Horned Lark at School St and heard a Pileated at the land trust fields behind NAC. Afternoon walk around the Arlington Res was pretty quiet, one teal, 12ish ruddy.

Monday 11/29: Checked the field station briefly. Saw more rodents than birds and the rodent count was 2.

Tuesday 11/30: Lyman Pond was pretty quiet (geese and mallards).

Wednesday 12/1: Purgatory Cove: 6 scaup (Lesser I think), 1 Gadwall, 1 Double-crested Cormorant.

Harry Day

Today’s the one year anniversary of Harry showing up. Since I never got around to writing up the banding process, I figured this would be a good time to do so.

The process began when Trevor Lloyd-Evans, banding director at Manomet, came by to drop off a couple traps. We set them out under the feeders (unarmed) and gave the birds a couple days to get used to them, hoping that the bird would hop in and then be easily captured. However, the birds didn’t like them and stayed away.

We removed the traps and headed off to Texas. On return, he was waiting, so we made some quick arrangements and Trevor came over the next day (with Marj to help document the process).

Trevor arrived and we began to set up a mist net. Fortunately, we had a fairly clear path and the ground wasn’t that frozen, so we had the net up pretty quickly. We then retreated to the house, expecting to be spending the morning plucking House Sparrows every few minutes.

Instead, we looked out and saw something in the net that had a reddish look: Harry. We rushed out and Trevor got him out and bagged him:


After stowing him away, we ran back out, plucked the couple White-throats out (no House Sparrows!) and then took the net down.


With that done, we began the banding process. We started by examining the feathers:


Note the damaged primaries.


We then took feather samples for isotope testing (belly here). Tests are still pending.


Tail clipping here.


See the contrast in the inner tail feathers, apparently a characteristic of the genus.


Next, we measured…


many different things.


And weighed him.

The band was then applied (for some reason I don’t have a photo).

And then we brought him outside for a couple more pictures.


And then he was handed to me to be let go (photo obviously by Marj).


The remaining equipment was taken down and we went inside for breakfast.

Trevor sent along his report a few days later, a very healthy bird (on the fat side actually).

For a few more photos, see Marj’s page.

WIR 11/17-11/23

Wednesday 11/17: Cambridge Res. Also Gadwall at Hardy Pond.

Thursday 11/18: Rock Meadow: zip.

Friday 11/19: Winter Wren was singing at the end of the street. Paine had a robin, 2 chickadees, and a bunch of juncos.

Saturday 11/20: Pink

Sunday 11/21: Wandered around Lincoln for a bit. Good number of Tree Sparrows and Bluebirds at Lindentree, not much else.

Monday 11/22: Duck ponds were fairly quiet.

Tuesday 11/23: BBN was on the quiet side. One sulphur(?) was good.


As promised, chased the Pink-footed Goose today. After driving around Nine Acre Corner and vicinity a bit, we finally stopped at Davis Field. Fortunately, Officer Harris pulled in right next to us and directed us to the back field. After a good bit of searching, we successfully located the goose in the back corner. Views were basically head and neck but good enough.

Morning Pink

In the afternoon, we returned with my mother. Pulling in, we were immediately told to go across the street (Frost Farm, which is private but seemed to be open for access for now). The goose was preening on the side of the pond with much better views (if not exactly better photos).

PM Pink

With the White-fronted right here (actually cropped out of this shot) and a Snow back at Davis, I believe 7 geese would be possible in Massachusetts today.


Just noticed that the Canvasback last week was #250 in the state, about time I reached that number (only 80+ behind the record).

For another year milestone, I ran over to the Cambridge Res today at lunch hoping to catch up with the Horned Grebe that’s been around for a few days (thanks Marj and John). I pulled up and it was pretty much the first bird I saw, #200 for the county this year. Further down, I found the big duck/coot flock and was able to pick out 4 Greater Scaup, #201. That ties my mark from last year. With any luck, Pink-footed Goose will break it by Saturday.

WIR 11/10-11/16

Wednesday 11/10: BBN was quiet, juncos must have moved on.

Thursday 11/11: Started the day off at Dunback, where we had 2 Fox Sparrows and a Yellow-rump. On to Fresh Pond with 5 Canvasbacks, many Ring-necks and Ruddies, and a Lesser Scaup.

Friday 11/12: Charlesbank had tons of coots (35 or so) but not much else.

Saturday 11/13: Started at Cambridge Res with a big flock of Ring-necks and other stuff in awful light. Flint’s was pretty quiet, Great Meadows was very quiet beyond a Common Yellowthroat. In the afternoon, we went back around the res and succeeded in finding the Red-throated Loon that had been around (189 for Waltham) and then found a big flock of coots and wigeon with some Gadwall instead of the Ring-necks. Arlington Res was quiet.


Sunday 11/14: Horn Pond was on the quiet side. Highlights were a Great Blue Heron sitting at eye level, a White-throated Sparrow chasing a moth around almost at our feet, and a Great Horned Owl (in the open, yet I still walked by it repeatedly even knowing it was around).

Hold Still

Great Horned

Monday 11/15: Out doing chaperone duty at Harvard in Kenmore Square, so ran through the Victory Gardens while I waited. Probably 3 individual Blackpolls, an Orange-crowned, and a Baltimore Oriole made for a decent hour.

Tuesday 11/16: Back end of Prospect Hill. Didn’t stumble across any owls or Pileated but a raven flew over calling, first I’ve had there in quite some time. Also pretty sure a couple peepers were calling by the vernal pool.