
I missed a Bonaparte’s Gull at Great Meadows yesterday (see WIR eventually). However, one of the eBird comments mentioned something about it possibly having been around for a few days, so I figured I’d head over this morning before the rain started.

I decided to bird my way over, checking the Cambridge Res and Flint’s Pond on the way. The southern end of the Cambridge Res was busy (although I initially drove by and decided to double back) with a couple Common Mergansers and some Wood Ducks. Rounding the bend, I pulled over to scan in the usual spot and saw enough to get out the scope (it had starting spitting a bit, so I did hesitate). First thing in the scope were four birds together. Three were quite dark and one showed some white. The odd one out stopped rolling over and looked like the rest. Yellowy ‘horns’ were also visible, a group of Horned Grebe!  This is among the high counts for Middlesex county (ties the highest in eBird).

Panning around, things got much better when two small gulls came into view. An adult and a young Bonaparte’s!  Much better to find my own. Called home, sent out a quick email, and then spent 10 minutes attempting to get photos. They were too far out, but this video is almost passable (believe you have to click through to play):

Grebes and Gulls

Note that they all lined up. My parents pulled up and the birds all drifted off to the right, which made for a tense minute or two before I refound them.

On to Flint’s where a Common Loon was among the swallows (and almost nothing else).

Walking in at Great Meadows, I ran into Linda Ferraresso who immediately said that there was a Bonaparte’s Gull on one of the boxes. Third of the day, not bad for a county bird. Also not the one seen the day before (which was an immature).


Not exactly a high quality photo, but you do better with a phone in the rain.

I walked down to the river and heard a couple rails. Being patient, I waited around until one actually stepped into the open (if I figure out how to trim video I may post eventually). On the way back, my first Warbling Vireo of the year was singing.

From here, I headed off for a quick run through some of the other local ponds. Red-necked Grebe continued at Horn Pond but no fallout birds there or at the Mystic Lakes, Spy Pond, or Hardy Pond. And Arlington Res was as dead as I’ve seen it, not even a swallow flock.

Florida Day 5

Sunday 3/11:

Today was a very good, although very long day. I woke up early and realized that with daylight savings time starting, it would be dark until at least 7:30. After lounging around, I got moving and started for Tigertail Beach, stopping to buy breakfast on the way.

At Tigertail, I enjoyed a few of the close herons and egrets and then started working my down the beach. It quickly became too wet, so I found a gap in the bushes and then a trail through the vegetation (picking up my only Rambur’s Forktail of the trip on the way). Back on the beach, a few Regal Darners were flying around.

Regal Darner

Rambur's Forktail

Most of the birds were on the opposite shore, easily scopable but not great for pictures. Plovers were abundant and I quickly had my fill of Wilson’s. Snowy took more effort, but I eventually found two (which were flushed before I could even attempt pictures). At one point, I had almost every Charadrius possible in one pan of the scope. Also lots of dowitchers, Willet, Dunlin, Western Sandpipers, etc.




After Tigertail, I headed back north towards Corkscrew Swamp. Not a whole lot on the way (couple interesting hawks where I couldn’t stop, a few Wood Storks just outside the sanctuary entrance). I did a full loop here, which took two hours (in the middle of the day). Overall, I didn’t see a whole lot, Swallow-tailed Kites and Yellow-crowned Night-Herons being the highlights of the birds, Ruddy Daggerwing among the insects.




I found a Burger King for lunch (and got White-winged Dove in the parking lot) before deciding to head to Miami for a recently reported Black-throated Gray Warbler. The ride across Alligator Alley was easy. I made one stop on the way, pulling into one of the rest areas and checking the water (getting Florida Bluet).

Reaching Greynolds Park, I discovered my GPS directions went to a different entrance from the directions to the bird. I bumbled around a bit and after checking a map, took a guess at the spot. Nothing was immediately obvious, so I wandered a trail through the trees a bit. Returning, I found someone standing around looking like a birder. I quickly asked if I was in the right spot and not only was I, but this was Smith, the finder of the bird. We poked around for a couple minutes and Smith picked the bird up a short distance away. Views were a bit tough as it was way up, but satisfactory, especially after missing the Everglades one.

BT Gray

I then got a short tour of the park, adding Louisiana Waterthrush and Indigo Bunting to the trip list, along with another Yellow-crowned Night-Heron. Conditions were deteriorating, so we both headed out. I got back on the highway and started north, aiming to reach the Jupiter area. Check out Smith’s photos (he has much better ones of the BT Gray back a ways).


Traffic wasn’t great and I eventually pulled off to find food, settling on a Pollo Tropico, which is a fast food chicken and salad chain. Not too bad. Back on the way, I found a La Quinta in Jupiter, which was a bit on the high side but I wasn’t about to start looking around.

WIR 4/11-4/17

Wednesday 4/11: Didn’t get out and nothing exciting around home.

Thursday 4/12: Went to Purgatory Cove and intended to walk Forest Grove but it started raining and hailing. Swallows on the river.

Friday 4/13: Palm Warblers at Prospect Hill.

Saturday 4/14: Started with a Red-belly in the yard. Joined the MBC trip at Horn Pond where we had a Rusty Blackbird, Pine, Palm, and Yellow-rumped Warblers, a raven or two, and quick views of what was probably a bittern. I hung around for a while hoping for that to pop up again and added a snipe but never got a better view. Checking the path to the West Meadow boardwalk on the way home, I had my first Chipping Sparrows of the year. Also an interesting hawk that will get a post of its own eventually.

Sunday 4/15: Led an MBC walk through Lot 1 and the West Meadow. Fairly quiet, but 2 Hermit Thrushes and a bunch of Chipping and Savannah Sparrows were nice. Afternoon walk around Lindentree and Mt. Misery turned up a singing Winter Wren and a Pileated. Plus a beaver, first Common Green Darners of the year and a couple teneral damsels (forktails presumably).

Drinking Pileated


Winter Wren

Monday 4/16: Sapsucker at Arlington Res but not much else. Green-winged Teal at the north end of the Cambridge Res. About the same in Lincoln (trading a snipe for the wren). And more of the same in Hayden Woods.

Tuesday 4/17: Two Killdeer, 8 Wood Duck, 1 Yellow-rump, lots of Green Darners at the duck ponds.

Florida Day 4

Saturday 3/10:

Today wasn’t a great day. I started with an early run to Little Hamaca Park in Key West. It was pretty quiet along the trail and I ended up getting lost on a side trail and having to crawl and bushwhack my way back. I walked the road a bit and had a cooperative White Ibis and a neat spider.


Silver Argiope

After going back to the hotel to finish packing, get breakfast, and check out, I realized my plans were a bit off. I was hoping to hit the Botanical Gardens for odes but they didn’t open for a good hour and a half, so I decided to just head out and work my way off the Keys.

The first stop was at the Blue Hole, where I had Antillean Saddlebags, Florida Duskywing, and a few other things.

Florida Duskywing

Antillean Saddlebags

The next stop was at Grassy Key, where I pulled in quickly and found a Red-breasted Merganser and not much else. Theere were a few festivals going on and traffic was pretty bad, so I kept going (making a quick stop for a muffin and drink) before reaching Dagny Johnson State Park.

The park had an admissions box, but no envelopes (and I didn’t have correct change), so I skipped in. There had been another La Sagra’s here a few weeks ago, but it hadn’t been reported recently and it was midday and very hot. I saw very few birds, but did get some nice butterflies (Giant Swallowtail, Mangrove Skipper, etc) and some Great Pondhawks. At the water, an iguana was running around (too deep into the vegetation for photos though).

Great PondhawkMangrove Skipper

From here, I headed onto the Tamiami Trail and towards Naples. Most of the way through, I did a quick loop through some of the Big Cypress preserve (adding meadowlark and Eastern Bluebird to the trip list but not a whole lot else). Reaching Naples, I found a hotel and then a Mexican restaurant (shrimp dish was not bad, the chips and stuff before were spectacular but I have no idea what the place was at this point).

WIR 4/4-4/10

Wednesday 4/4: Swamp Sparrow singing at the end of the street in the morning, kestrel flyover in the afternoon. West Meadow at lunch added Turkey Vulture to the patch year list (finally) along with Clouded Sulphur and Eastern Comma.

Thursday 4/5: Nothing much at Prospect Hill.

Friday 4/6: Great Meadows on the day off: Rough-winged and Barn Swallows, 4 shoveler, etc.

Saturday 4/7: Joined the MBC trip at Arlington Res. More Rough-wings and otherwise similar to last week.

Sunday 4/8: Great Meadows, just missed the Sandhill Crane. On to Horn Pond where the Red-necked Grebe was present but sleeping.

Stretching Red-neck


Sleeping Red-neck

Monday 4/9: BBN was pretty quiet.

Tuesday 4/10: Kestrel at Rock Meadow.

WIR 3/28-4/3

Wednesday 3/28: Pouring when I went out at lunch, so stopped at Hardy Pond and it immediately got nice. First Double-crested Cormorant of the year, 25 Great Black-backs, the usual.

Thursday 3/29: Purgatory Cove had a Green-winged Teal (or pair) in with about 10 Wood Duck. Tree Swallows over the river and a phoebe along the edge.

Friday 3/30: Prospect Hill was pretty much as Paine was earlier in the week.

Saturday 3/31: Quick buzz of Cambridge Res (1 Bufflehead, a few geese, 2 mallard) and Flint’s Pond (Common Mergansers, Ring-necks, Ruddy, Tree Swallows) in the morning. Out to New Salem, where 2 Purple Finches showed up at Ethan’s feeders. Walking around the center of town midafternoon, we had a Pine Warbler, Hermit Thrush, and Bald Eagle.


Sunday 4/1: About the same at Ethan’s feeders but a sapsucker was new and nice. A quick drive around added 2 turkeys. Seven more on the way home. Arlington Res in the afternoon: 5 GW Teal, 1 Gadwall, 1 Ruddy, 5 snipe, 1 Tree Swallow. Interesting Cooper’s in the yard:

Interesting Coop

Monday 4/2: Pretty sure I was hearing a Virginia Rail down the street this morning (plus a heron dropped in). Nothing much at the duck ponds.

Tuesday 4/3: Nothing exciting at BBN. Rail was much more obvious today, got a minimal recording in the evening.

WIR 3/21-3/27

Wednesday 3/21: Pine Warblers were in at Paine (and presumably had been). Also first Six-spotted Tiger Beetle and Cabbage Whites of the year.

Thursday 3/22: Prospect Hill: 2 phoebes, a sulphur, 4 Mourning Cloaks.

Friday 3/23: Purgatory Cove had nesting swans and there were 5 Wood Ducks split between there and the river.

Saturday 3/24: Walked Lot 1 to Met State. Ten turkeys and a singing Winter Wren at Lot 1, 3 phoebes and a Tree Swallow at Met State, not much at the West Meadow.

Sunday 3/25: Nothing on the Cambridge Res. Usual ducks (ruddy, mergansers, ring-necks) on Flint’s Pond. Nothing at School St or the prison fields. Hundreds of Tree Swallows at Great Meadows but nothing else new. Calling muskrats were interesting, not sure I’ve heard them before.

Monday 3/26: Nothing exciting in the wind at the duck ponds.

Tuesday 3/27: Eagle over Hardy Pond (and the house) in the morning (plus 2 Bufflehead, 1 Ruddy, 12 Common Mergansers, etc). Minimum of 5 Pine Warblers at Paine at lunch but not much else.

Florida Day 3

Friday 3/9:

Today I was day-tripping to Dry Tortugas. Birders should know all about it, site of the only Sooty Tern and Bridled Noddy colony in the US (ignoring Hawaii) plus a regular spot for boobies and a great spot for migration. I was a bit early for migrants, but otherwise got the full experience.

The day began with an early start and a short drive to the parking garage near the dock. A two minute walk later and I was checked in, so I settled down to relax for a few minutes and check out the harbor. A bunch of pelicans and a Great Egret were right in front and I’m moderately sure I was hearing a Chimney Swift or two overhead.

Morning Pelican


Morning Egret


Around 7:30, we got the introductory lecture and boarded the boat. I wandered around a bit and then decided to get breakfast before finding a seat for the trip out. The cereal and juice were fine but I’m fairly sure that the grapes had dried spiders among them. After quickly eating, I worked my way to the outside and settled in to scan.

It wasn’t a particularly birdy trip on the way out. A few gulls and terns, some pelicans, an Osprey, and a couple others were about it. The others were fairly good, being a Blue-winged Teal about 30 minutes out and a full adult Pomarine Jaeger a little later.

Marker Birds

Frigatebirds and something??


Masked Boobies (probably want to click through and go to a larger size)

The island’s well described in books, so I’ll skip writing about it and just show some photos.

Fort Jefferson

Fort Jefferson


Ruddy Turnstone




The colony



Barred Yellow

Barred Yellow

Terns and Gulls

Royal Tern and friends





Sooty Tern

Sooty Tern

Frigatebird with toy

Frigatebird with stick

The ride back was quieter (other than one close pass of a Masked Booby). We arrived around 5:30 and I walked over to Mallory Square. I intended to wait for sunset, but it was overly tacky and I was getting hungry. I wandered around a bit looking for a sandwich shop or something but eventually settled for a couple slices of pizza.

Masked Booby

Masked Booby

Floriday Day 2

Thursday 3/8:

I got up early and decided to take a quick drive around to look for exotics. I did succeed in finding a couple mynas but I was in traffic and didn’t get enough of a view to say Hill or Common. Otherwise, two distant parrots were it (plus Muscovy, but I’m waiting for some in Texas). Stopping at a market for snacks and water, I watched 2 Sharp-shinned Hawks overhead.

After a stop at the hotel for breakfast and to gather up my things, I headed for the Everglades. I should have stopped on the way for a displaying cowbird (guessing Bronzed) but didn’t bother. It was still very windy and there wasn’t much along the road.

After passing the entrance gate (and a quick stop for a low Red-shouldered Hawk), I headed to the Royal Palm area. On the Anhinga Trail, there were all sorts of waterbirds, plus many Black Vultures.






Dumb Vulture

(That last one’s a video of the world’s dumbest vulture, click through to watch)

I also walked the Limbo Gumbo Trail, which was pretty quiet, but I did see a Cyrano Darner.

Moving on, I stopped again at the Mahogany Hammock, which was too windy. There were a few Four-spotted Pennants and an Everglades Sprite, but birds were very limited.

Four-spotted Pennant

I continued on towards the various ponds, picking up my first lifer on the way when several Swallow-tailed Kites flew over. Most of the ponds were pretty empty, but there were a ton of birds at Mrazek. Unfortunately it was too windy for the scope, but I picked out a variety of shorebirds including a Black-necked Stilt and both yellowlegs and various dabbling ducks.

Swallow-tailed Kite


Reaching Flamingo, I walked the Eco Pond, which was loaded with Great Southern Whites (and lots of calling White-eyed Vireos) plus a few more waders. Getting hungry (it was after 12:00), I headed back to Flamingo. Although right into the wind, I noticed the shorebird roost was visible and that the tide was coming in and birds were leaving. I ran back for the scope and picked out a few Marbled Godwits among the Willets, pelicans, and Laughing Gulls but most of the birds left before I could go through them.

Great Southern White

Little Blue

I debated stopping at the cafe, but instead grabbed an ice cream sandwich from the store and headed to the Rowdy Bend Trail, where a Black-throated Gray Warbler had been reported. It was very hot by now and there wasn’t much activity. In fact, I saw about 10 birds total. Five of them were Swallow-tailed Kites, which allowed for some photos.

Swallow-tailed Kite

I also had some decent bugs including a Cassius Blue and several Needham’s Skimmers.



Cassius Blue


Needham's Skimmer female

From here, I headed out and began the drive to Key West. On the way, kingfishers were on the wires like Kestrels in south Texas but there wasn’t too much else of note. I eventually needed a stop and pulled into the nature trail of the Key Deer NWR. It had recently burned and was late afternoon and almost nothing was around. I did see one Saddlebags that appeared to be an Antillean but very little else.

Reaching Key West, I found the hotel and learned that there was a shuttle service to downtown. After showering, I hopped on and followed the crowd to BO’s Fish Wagon. I had the grouper sandwich, which was good although tough to tell how different it was. After eating, I caught the shuttle back (and got the doors closed on my hand in the process, mostly my fault) and went pretty much straight to bed.

WIR 3/14-3/20

Wednesday 3/14: Pair of Wood Ducks at the duck ponds.

Thursday 3/15: Blackbirds, blackbirds, and blackbirds at Rock Meadow.

Friday 3/16: Wood Ducks at Paine.

Saturday 3/17: Joined the MBC walk at Horn Pond. Singing Fox Sparrow was the highlight. Stopped after for mm and mmm.

Sunday 3/18: Started at Waltham St. (snipe) and Dunback (singing creeper, phoebe, Mourning Cloak, missed 2 Fox Sparrows). Midmorning walk at Great Meadows had a shoveler, lots of ring-necks, coots, and pied-billed grebes but no Barrow’s. After lunch a quick trip out to the Rt. 20 bridge failed to find a second Barrow’s but did get first Tree Swallows of the year. Not much at Heard Pond or Cambridge Res. Only a handful of woodcock at Lot 1 in the evening but a bat was very nice.


Monday 3/19: BBN was fairly quiet. Phoebe and Mourning Cloak were about it. Missed an eagle at home.

Tuesday 3/20: Rock Meadow had Tree Swallows and people.