One of my (unstated) goals for the spring was to find at least one of the four warblers that occur annually in the county that I’ve yet to find on my own: Golden-winged, Kentucky, Yellow-throated, and Prothonotary. For most of the spring, absolutely no luck. I wasn’t even seeing any of the multiple Kentuckies being reported.
Today, I decided to take a walk through Lincoln. My plan was to check Farm Meadow for migrants, then make a quick pass through Lindentree and Mt. Misery before checking on Marj’s Kentucky at the Drumlin Farm offices. On arriving, I decided to start at Drumlin. It was pretty quiet there with a couple Carolina Wrens and crows being about it. On the way out, a turkey walked down the road, saw me, and immediately began to display.
I then decided to walk down Codman Rd (since I was already there) to 126. One bluebird on the way down plus a rooster running into the woods was about it for there. Working down 126 were lots of baskettails and appeared to be a couple other odes but no idea as to what. I crossed over and took the path behind St. Anne’s.
The fields were pretty quiet, one bluebird being about it. Scanning the swamp I noticed a bulky nest that looked heronish way off. The path to Lindentree was flooded, so I had to backtrack a bit. Entering Lindentree, I skipped the field for now (allergies were acting up) and went straight to Mt. Misery. Passing the swamp I heard a woodpecker call that I couldn’t decide between flicker and Pileated.
At the pond, I heard a more definite Pileated and eventually found it foraging on a fallen log. It was a bit dark and my photos didn’t come out that well (although I may pull one up as a quiz eventually). Starting back, I bushwhacked down to the edge of the swamp and immediately discovered why I was confused over the call.

There was also a bluebird at the top of the tree but just enough above to not fit. I also confirmed that the nest was a Great Blue and found a second as well.
Back out into the fields, I circled the edge of Lindentree. No birds of note but first of year Calico Pennant and Blue Dasher were good. A spreadwing popped up and I eventually got a photo in focus.

You can just about make out the extra long paraprocts, which make it an Elegant, only the second I’ve seen.
From here, I crossed 126 (stopping to check out a big flock of waxwings) and started down the trail that eventually leads to Farm Meadow. At the edge of the field was a young redstart. A few feet further and I heard an odd two parted song. It sounded like a Kentucky and a quick check on the phone confirmed that impression. Now just to see it.
I walked out through the knee high vegetation but it was still deep in the woods. I took a quick video to get the call and then started wandering along the edge for a view. I eventually found a moderately open spot and after a few more minutes of it taunting me, I managed to coax it in closer. The brief view confirmed Kentucky and I snapped a couple photos before it moved back.

As I hadn’t actually seen any reports of the Drumlin one for a few days I gave Marj a quick call to see if it was still around. She said it was, but moving around more than it had been so it wouldn’t be a complete surprise if had moved here. I decided to walk back down Codman Road and check again and skip Farm Meadow.
Other than a Bobolink (and the rooster crowing), the road was quiet again. Another redstart did cause me to detour for a minute as it sounded a bit like a Blackburnian. No sign of the Kentucky again at Drumlin, even with a bit of trolling with the phone, so good chance it’s the same. Only about 8/10 of a mile as the warbler flies away, but certainly not expected.