WIR 3/27-4/2

Wednesday 3/27: Peepers and turkeys at BBN. Turkey from the office window. Lesser Scaup and decent numbers of other ducks at Hardy.

Thursday 3/28: Redpoll at Rock Meadow.

Friday 3/29: Started with a Fish Crow over the yard. Beaver at Arlington Res, nothing much at Waltham St. Junco at Nobscot showed up after about 2 minutes (more photos/video). Not much in a little bit of driving around. Up to 3 scaup walking over to Hardy.

Probable Pink-sided

Saturday 3/30: Started at Dunback, which was quiet. Ran into Marj and Renee and we checked Waltham St, which was quieter. Quick buzz of Cambridge Res (both ends) didn’t have anything obvious. Great Meadows midday was also quiet, a Tree Swallow or two about it.

Sunday 3/31: Rock Meadow had lots of Tree Swallows and a bluebird. There was a phoebe at the bridge to BBN and another on the water tower, but nothing else of much interest between there, the West Meadow, and Concord Ave. No larks or pipits at School St and no Osprey at Knox Trail. A midafternoon trip to the Cambridge Res was pretty good with a Red-breasted Merganser, lots of scaup, and first of year Double-crested Cormorants.

Monday 4/1: Purgatory Cove and Flowed Meadow were fairly quiet.

Tuesday 4/2: Turkey Vulture and not much else at the duck ponds, nothing new at Hardy.

WIR 3/20-3/26

Wednesday 3/20: River walk: Great Cormorant still in place, a Turkey Vulture over the Shaw’s lot, and a nice male Red-breasted Merganser by the second overlook.

Thursday 3/21: Rock Meadow was pretty quiet.

Friday 3/22: Forest Grove was fairly quiet. Even though I hadn’t seen anything driving in, a quick check of Purgatory Cove had a good bit including 4 Green-winged Teal, 3+ Wood Duck, and 3 Ring-necks. Common Mergansers and Bufflehead on the river.

Saturday 3/23: Rather cold and windy, so lots of stops weren’t productive. Main highlights were Killdeer at Dunback and Waltham St.

Sunday 3/24: Lindentree was fairly quiet, singing Brown Creeper was nice. Couldn’t find the thing in question in Sudbury again but a nice time. Turkey Vulture over the yard.

Monday 3/25: Wood Ducks at the duck ponds.

Tuesday 3/26: Usual at Purgatory Cove.

WIR 3/13-3/19

Wednesday 3/13: Waded to the West Meadow boardwalk and didn’t see much. Peepers calling when I left work.

Thursday 3/14: Fox Sparrow (or two or four) at Rock Meadow.

Friday 3/15: Too cold and windy to get out of the car at Purgatory Cove, so checked Norumbega and Charlesbank too without seeing much.

Saturday 3/16: Birder’s Meeting all day.

Sunday 3/17: Ravens and Tree Swallows at a variety of stops. Merlin flew and landed in the yard as I got home. Should have a Fieldfare here but…


Monday 3/18: Got it today instead. Lot 1 earlier had nothing of any note.

Tuesday 3/19: Little too stormy. Busy yard, although nothing exciting.

WIR 3/6-3/12

Wednesday 3/6: Too nasty for much at the duck ponds.

Thursday 3/7: If it wasn’t snowing and blasting wind (and if I had my camera), good photo ops of Common Mergansers at Hardy Pond. Not much visible at the res.

Friday 3/8: Yeah right.

Saturday 3/9: Started at Waltham St, which was fairly quiet (GB Heron was about it) to start. On the way out, some movement above the stream caught my attention and after going through a bunch of sparrows and redpoll I realized it was a Yellow-rump! On to Dunback, which was quiet and then the Cambridge Res, which had about the same as last week (no RB Mergansers and fewer Ring-necks and scaup).


Sunday 3/10: Started at Horn Pond where there wasn’t much different (cowbird, Red-bellied, and a kingfisher were probably the only ones that haven’t been yard birds this year). Tried to check Spy Pond, but it was busy and there was nowhere to park. Cambridge Res again finally had the flock in fairly close. More scaup today including a Lesser or two. Hardy Pond was basically frozen. Checked email and after a stop for lunch at home, up to Gloucester.

Monday 3/11: Forest Grove about as normal. Lots of tree sparrows (singing?) were slightly different and grackles (finally) pushed me over 50% of my target for the river this year.

Tuesday 3/12: Killdeer at the river walk along with the 2 scaup.

WIR 2/27-3/5

Wednesday 2/27: Didn’t get out.

Thursday 2/28: Riverwalk about the same. Raccoon returned to the feeders at night.

Friday 3/1: Forest Grove: heard a Wood Duck and that was about it. Chipmunks out in force in the yard.

Saturday 3/2: Grackles found the yard. Started in Wayland, where there were 5 Green-winged Teal and 2 American Wigeon among other things behind the town building. Nothing exciting by Heard Pond and quick drivebys of Water Row and Nine Acre Corner didn’t add much. School St. Fields turned up about 20 Horned Larks and 2 Killdeer (plus a bluebird, with another right at the rotary). Flint’s Pond was frozen. With time to scope the ducks on Cambridge Res, I added a female Red-breasted Merganser and a Canvasback(!) along with more of the usual. Quick check of Hardy Pond had the scaup and good numbers of Great Black-backed Gulls.


Phone-scoped Aythya

Sunday 3/3: Meriam’s Corner and Kaveski were pretty quiet. Continued to Great Meadows. Started slow, but while trying to find ducks on the river I found the Red-shouldered Hawk that’s been hanging around and then a pair of Pileateds! Also had some redpolls fly over and bluebirds were mobbing the hawk on the way back. Checked the res again after and had almost exactly the same totals.



Monday 3/4: Had 3 birds total at Prospect Hill.

Tuesday 3/5: Purgatory Cove: just starting to open, good number of Mallards. On the river were more of the same plus a few Ring-necks. Two flickers and a bunch of robins were probably a sign of early migrants.

WIR 2/20-2/26

Wednesday 2/20: River walk was on the quiet side (no Hoodies!), but both scaup (see 2/6) were by the ball field. The second one was also a Lesser.

Thursday 2/21: Duck ponds as usual.

Friday 2/22: Woerd Ave again, nothing new.

Saturday 2/23: Scaup again on Hardy, still too far out. On to Dunback, heard a few blackbirds but not much else. Moved on to the riverwalk, which was about the same (more goldeneye) and then Moody St (nothing new).

Sunday 2/24: Stayed in.

Monday 2/25: Hardy Pond was quiet. Cambridge Res was busy with tons of Ring-necks, a few scaup (only confirmed Greater), a couple wigeon,  goldeneye, Bufflehead, and all 3 mergansers (Red-breasted new for the res?).

Tuesday 2/26: Went to Met State but the parking lot was nonexistent so continued to the duck ponds. Very little (no Mallards!). Finally walked around the block in the afternoon and immediately had first of year grackles and some Red-winged Blackbirds.

WIR 2/13-2/19

Wednesday 2/13: Forest Grove: river almost frozen, little bit open by the pump house had 10 coots and 200+ common waterfowl. Walking down to the playground added several Red-bellied Woodpeckers and not much else of note.

Thursday 2/14: River walk again. Great Cormorant was nice, as were 4 Bufflehead and the continuing Lesser Scaup (no sign of the unidentified one though).

Friday 2/15: Duck ponds looked like no one had walked around since the storm. Very little wildlife too, although two Hooded Mergansers and a muskrat sharing a hole in the ice about the size of a sink was odd.

Saturday 2/16: Started at Cambridge Res where it was too snowy to check. On to Meriam’s Corner and Kaveski Farm where I joined the crowd in not seeing the Le Conte’s Sparrow. Did manage the shrike on the way back and some flyover redpolls and a probable Rusty Blackbird. Decided to take the wild shot at another Le Conte’s and checked Bacon St at Dunback without much of anything (and nothing in the pines).

Sunday 2/17: Stared out the window during the storm. Added scaup sp to the yard list.

Monday 2/18: Stared out the window as it was too windy to go out and saw nothing different.

Tuesday 2/19: Sharpie in the yard first thing. Forest Grove had a few Red-winged Blackbirds flying over and another Swamp Sparrow.

WIR 2/6-2/12

Wednesday 2/6: River walk: usual plus a Lesser Scaup by Elm St (suspect a young male) and a scaup sp (suspect Greater) by Shaw’s.

Thursday 2/7: Ended up at Rock Meadow (went to the duck ponds but they were working on both ponds) and nothing much of note.

Friday 2/8: Stayed in, nothing exciting in the yard.

Saturday 2/9: 3 redpolls in the yard for a second record. Usual stuff otherwise, but Hooded Mergansers and a couple coots swam into view late in the afternoon.

Sunday 2/10: No redpolls, nothing else different.

Monday 2/11: Not surprisingly, didn’t get outside.

Tuesday 2/12: Made it to the river walk. Snow made for slow going and I only had time to get to the second overlook. Lots of mergansers and a Bufflehead. Adult Cooper’s in the yard.