Wednesday 11/22: Nothing at Flint’s, little at Nine Acre, mergansers at the res.
Thursday 11/23: Quick check of BBN didn’t have any interesting geese. Winter Wren at the West Meadow and giant flock of blackbirds about it. Sharpie in Otis plus what was probably an owl flying by soon after (just about at sunset).
Friday 11/24: Checked Otis Reservoir on the way home, 4 Common Mergansers all that was on the water. Also got junco for Hampden county on the way. Tried for roosting geese at BBN in the afternoon, but they apparently drop in then leave. Lots of robins flying out too.
Saturday 11/25: Went to Halibut Point for a change. Not much on land, usual ducks but that was about it on the water. Heard about the tanager as I was leaving, so gave it 30+ minutes with no luck (but got the sapsucker and a few other things I had missed up until then). Pulled in to the Lynnfield Marshes on the way home and after scoping distant dabbling ducks, noticed that the closest bird wasn’t a Bufflehead but a Long-tailed Duck! Was thinking about how to tell local bird Melissa about it when I looked up and saw her pulling in, so that worked out well. Gave Lake Q a quick check too and had an Iceland Gull. Got home to a message from Karsten about an Ash-throated at Danehy, ran right over but only a Palm and 2 Winter Wrens.
Sunday 11/26: Did an abbreviated walking day, only from Falzone to BBN. Siskin was on foot #105 for the year but not much else. Parkway marsh was frozen, no luck with the Winter Wren or any blackbirds. Brookhaven Pond was open by the time I got there but nothing on it. Got home to Karsten calling that the flycatcher was back, which worked out well as I was about to head there anyway. Walked up to him watching it, then we followed it around a bit then circled the back side, although nothing else of note to add.
Monday 11/27: Very little at Great Meadows, 6 wigeon the most interesting.
Tuesday 11/28: Got the Ash-throated for the commute (#251). Cold and windy there and I wasn’t seeing much, so I ran over the the Beaver Brook Ponds for a few on the way home. Geese and Mallards and that was about it.