WIR 6/25-7/1

Wednesday 6/25: Lazy day but got the Broad-wing over the yard again.

Thursday 6/26: Went to the Cranberry Bog. Not overly exciting but a couple more FOY odes.

Friday 6/27: Great Meadows was very quiet so went over to see if the Osprey nest on the Concord/Acton line was still active (appeared to be).

Saturday 6/28: Charles in Watertown was quiet.

Sunday 6/29: Swamp Darner at BBN, first Black Saddlebags of the year at Rock Meadow.

Monday 6/30: Poked around AGM (mostly the usual, no Blue-wings and no Alder). First of year Mocha Emerald and a Holopogon robber fly. Brief stop at the duck ponds had nothing.

Tuesday 7/1: Prospect Hill was hot and quiet.

WIR 6/18-6/24

Wednesday 6/18: Explored the Old Rifle Range in Concord for the first time in a couple years. Heard a waterthrush, otherwise nothing terribly exciting.

Thursday 6/19: Went northwest. Lots of warblers at Willard Brook plus dragonflies and butterflies all over.

Friday 6/20: Eagle and Broad-wing from the yard.

Yard Eagle

Saturday 6/21: Walked to Lot 1 and the West Meadow. Finally got a patch Pine Warbler for the year plus 2 Blue-fronted Dancers and a Snapping Turtle.

Sunday 6/22: First Familiar Bluets of the year at Prospect Hill and that was about it.

Monday 6/23: Usual stuff Rock Meadow, Lone Tree Hill, and duck ponds. Nice Leptogaster flavipes at LTH.


Tuesday 6/24: Mary Cummings Park was fairly quiet. Not sure I’ve seen a Bank Swallow away from water or a colony before.

To The Northwest!

I spent Thursday in the northwestern corner of the county, partially to investigate the breeding birds and partially for odes. Good success overall with almost all the expected birds and a few other good things. A couple photos:


Newt, Ashby, 1 of a whole pile in a little wet spot


Spatterdock Darner, Ashby

White Admiral

White Admiral, Ashby

Sedge Sprite

Sedge Sprite, Townsend

WIR 6/11-6/17

Wednesday 6/11: Thought I heard a raven from the yard but not quite confident. River walk and duck ponds were pretty quiet.

Thursday 6/12: Great Meadows was mostly quiet. Pied-billed Grebe was out in the open and finally caught up with a Least Bittern. Stopped at Meriam’s Corner on the way home and found them mowing, so didn’t walk around.

Friday 6/13: Had some business in Somerville so stopped at the Earhart Dam and picked up Common Tern (plus a few night-herons, swallows, etc). Also had a new yard mammal with a Red Squirrel (and the black one showed up for the first time in a couple months).

Saturday 6/14: Decided to give the allergies a day off.

Sunday 6/15: Dunback late morning had fewer butterflies than I hoped. Slender Spreadwing and a Redstart were about it.

Monday 6/16: Paine for a change. Heard ravens, plus Painted Skimmer and a couple other things. Great Meadows midmorning had a singing Yellow-throated Vireo (across the river though) and a Mink being mobbed by a Red-winged Blackbird.

Tuesday 6/17: Did a pretty thorough walk around BBN was fairly quiet for 40 species. Redstart was probably the highlight for birds but a perched Prince Baskettail was very nice.


WIR 6/4-6/10

Wednesday 6/4: Rock Meadow survey got canceled as we thought it was raining too heavily. Rain promptly stopped, so both Bob and I ended up at Great Meadows, although nothing exciting.

Thursday 6/5: Survey squeezed in between the fog clearing and rain starting. Nothing different and nothing else for the rest of the day.

Friday 6/6: Went to explore a bit in Weston, but the area I thought was on the right side of the line along 117 turned out to be almost all Lincoln land trust land. Nice place though with a River Jewelwing and Marsh Bluets in addition to the regular birds. Cat Rock Park after had more of the same and the parent ravens flying over.

Saturday 6/7: Poked around the duck ponds midday without anything of interest.

Sunday 6/8: Minuteman survey (very) early. Couldn’t get a Veery this year and all the singing redstarts shut up doing the actual survey periods but otherwise fairly good. Scanned for Least Bittern at the tower at Great Meadows for a few minutes after with no luck and then jogged a short distance down the trail for some close Virginia Rails (but no Sora).

Monday 6/9: Busy with other things.

Tuesday 6/10: BBN to Lot 1: 2+ ravens and a Painted Skimmer, not a whole lot else.

WIR 5/28-6/3

Wednesday 5/28: Rock Meadow survey in the rain was lousy. Went to Great Meadows after but only managed 2 Semipalmated Plovers.

Thursday 5/29: Wandered Lincoln a bit, nothing unusual. Crow mobbing a Red-tail and being mobbed by a Bobolink was interesting.

Friday 5/30: Habitat survey was quiet. Bob and I went up to Essex county after. Started with Yellow-throated Vireo, Alder Flycatcher, a few warblers, and 3 cuckoos at Martin Burns. Yellow-bellied and Olive-sided Flycatchers at Plum. 

And this:

Black-necked Stilt

Saturday 5/31: Wandered a bit in Bedford and then to the Cranberry Bog for odes. Not much of anything anywhere. Did get a few first of year odes including New England Bluet and Lilypad Forktail.

New England Bluet

Lilypad Forktail

Sunday 6/1: Led a Great Meadows trip. Yellow-billed Cuckoo and a late coot were highlights.

Monday 6/2: Rock Meadow survey was overrun by young starlings. Walked through BBN with Bob after, 4 Blue-winged Warblers and a cuckoo were nice but a Fisher was a big highlight. Lousy photo but excellent views:


Tuesday 6/3: Habitat survey was fairly quiet. Went up to Dunstable for odes and stuff after. The good stuff (a spiketail and an interesting looking emerald) got away but the usual stuff was around.

WIR 5/21-5/27

Wednesday 5/21: Started at Rock Meadow, Prairie Warbler was nice but nothing else particularly exciting. Continued to Lone Tree Hill with a bit more of the same. Duck ponds similar as well.

Thursday 5/22: Redstart in the yard, Night-Heron on the Charles.

Friday 5/23: Cliff Swallow and 5 Least Sandpipers were about it at Great Meadows. Or so I thought…

Black Tern

Saturday 5/24: Led a walk at Prospect Hill: 4 loons, 5 ravens, 1 redstart, not a whole lot else.

Sunday 5/25: Started at BBN. Flyover Green Heron was about it to start (plus seeing the new parking area looking close to ready), so I headed over to the West Meadow and had a singing Alder Flycatcher (along with 2+ Willows and a Least plus the other expected flycatchers within a couple hundred yards). Back along BBN I added a Least (and a probable Canada Warbler). Tried one of the side trails and ended up on Concord Ave, so walked to Rock Meadow. Quiet there except for a Canada Warbler just before crossing the bridge back to BBN. Rest of the walk was fairly quiet beyond a calling cuckoo.

Monday 5/26: Great Meadows was quiet, as was Heard Pond. Sun finally came out so I moved on to Assabet River. Once things dried out, Harlequin Darners everywhere, 2 Ringed Boghaunters, a White Corporal, and a few others (but not the 17 species seen the day before).

Tuesday 5/27: Started with a Yellow-billed Cuckoo calling when I woke up. Habitat survey had a few Ovenbirds and thrushes (and a Luna Moth hindwing). Went to Prospect Hill later in the morning, lots of duskywings, Hobomok Skippers, etc.

WIR 5/14-5/20

Wednesday 5/14: Added 3 birds to my Charles list: Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Ovenbird, and a frustrating Yellow-breasted Chat. I chased the chat up and down the edge of Flowed Meadow but never got a look.


Thursday 5/15: Horn Pond: Tennessee highlighted 13 warblers plus first of year Field Sparrow finally.

Friday 5/16: Started dodging traffic at the Cambridge Res and managed to flush the Horned(?) Grebe that was in close. Socialized at Mt. Auburn for an hour and a half before actually looking for birds (Swainson’s Thrush, Cape May and Bay-breasted about it). Ruddy at Hardy Pond but no luck refinding the grebe in two attempts. Also first of year pewee while looking for (and finally finding) ravens for birdathon.

Saturday 5/17: Birdathon. Not a bad day after the pouring rain. Twenty warblers including Louisiana Waterthrush, a few thrushes, flycatchers, etc. 101 total.

Sunday 5/18: Started for Rock Meadow but had a flat tire so walked to Lot 1. Canada (which we missed yesterday) and a few other things plus a nice Common Baskettail.

Monday 5/19: Got the tire fixed, so a quick check of Forest Grove was on order. Fairly quiet but Scarlet Tanager and Tennessee Warbler were nice. Since I was halfway to Nahanton, I decided the Prothonotary was worth a stop. Heard it singing across the river pretty quickly once I got down there but it took a few minutes to come back and then played hard to see (blaring away in the bush next to me and I only saw it after it moved further away).


Tuesday 5/20: Additional stuff at Plum included several Blackburnians and Bay-breasteds, a good number of other shorebirds, and some Brant. Never made it to the beaches though. Checked Hamlin Reserve for the White-faced Ibis after, only found 40 Glossies and another Blackburnian.

WIR 5/7-5/13

Wednesday 5/7: BBN again. Prairie in the middle of the woods was out of place, first of year GC Flycatcher, Six-spotted Tiger Beetle, etc.

Thursday 5/8: Great Meadows: 10 warblers including Magnolia, Nashville, and Ovenbird. Also Green Heron, Orchard Orioles, Virginia Rail, Greater Yellowlegs, Spotted and Least Sandpipers, Blue-headed Vireo (#200 for Concord!). Actual highlights were a Blanding’s Turtle and Mink.



Friday 5/9: Early trip to Arlington Res was pretty quiet. Solitary Sandpiper and a couple Bank Swallows were the only new things.

Saturday 5/10: One scaup still at the res in the morning rain. Juvenal’s Duskywing and not much else at the duck ponds in the afternoon.

Sunday 5/11: Led the Mt. Auburn trip. Birds everywhere so it was easy. Nineteen warblers including 3 Blackburnian, 2 Wilson’s, 3 Canada, and Cape May plus Broad-winged, 2 Osprey, Least Flycatcher, etc.

Monday 5/12: BBN had lots of warblers highlighted by a singing Tennessee along with a Black-billed Cuckoo. Springtime Darner and a Beaverpond Baskettail at Fort Pond Brook plus the usual elfins.

Tuesday 5/13: Warblers, warblers, and more warblers at Prospect Hill. Bay-breasted the best but so many common ones I had trouble sorting through. Also a loon over and a Springtime Darner. And an afternoon twitch.