WIR 3/22-3/28

Wednesday 3/22: Nothing at Dunback.

Thursday 3/23: Pond loop was pretty quiet. Lot at Heard for a change although nothing exciting.

Friday 3/24: DC Cormorant at Purgatory. PB Grebe at the res on the way home.

Saturday 3/25: Great Meadows was quiet beyond a kestrel and got rather wet. Drove around a bit, lots of geese but not much else School St to Nagog to Nine Acre. Rain stopped so walked around Waltham St but no snipe.

Sunday 3/26: Bear Creek. Four Short-ears, a snipe, 3 meadowlarks beyond the longspur.

Monday 3/27: Couldn’t find the Eurasian Wigeon in Marlborough. Did have the shoveler there and some Tree Swallows on the way over.

Tuesday 3/28: Quiet at Great Meadows beyond a singing Fox Sparrow and Tree Swallows.



Was nice enough to hang around this year.


Wasn’t quite nice enough to pose on the ground though (brief scope view wasn’t bad, glad I lugged it).


Side note: last year was good, 6 state birds and 3 lifers by now.

WIR 3/15-3/21

Wednesday 3/15: Too icy

Thursday 3/16: Still too icy, but stopped at the res on the way home and found the Redhead back.

Friday 3/17: 5 teal at Forest Grove, raven over Comm Ave

Saturday 3/18: Ovenbird, Rusties, Fox Sparrow at Horn Pond. Managed to not see the open water at Silver Lake. Usual at the Mystic Lakes.

Sunday 3/19: Birder’s Meeting most of the day but tried Silver Lake without luck on the way home.

Monday 3/20: Nothing exciting at the West Meadow.

Tuesday 3/21: Usual at College Pond, which was still frozen.

WIR 3/8-3/14

Wednesday 3/8: No goose

Thursday 3/9: No goose

Friday 3/10: Nothing at Arlington Res or elsewhere in the morning. Horned Grebe at Cambridge Res on the way home.

Saturday 3/11: Too cold

Sunday 3/12: Still too cold, drove around a bit but saw nothing

Monday 3/13: Quick stop at Purgatory found the Ring-neck/Redhead flock back here.

Tuesday 3/14: Too snowy

WIR 3/1-3/7

Wednesday 3/1: Wood Duck was about it at Forest Grove.

Thursday 3/2: Too windy, so a quick pond check had very little. Finally got some turkeys in Lincoln at least.

Friday 3/3: Cold and just about birdless at BBN. Slipped out of work a few minutes early and had a few Ring-necks and absolutely nothing else at Heard Pond.

Saturday 3/4: Too cold but a midafternoon run around Arlington Res and Cambridge Res had the usual ducks and 2 Killdeer at Hobbs Brook.

Sunday 3/5: More or less a repeat, except Clay Pit instead of Cambridge Res which had my first Belmont Bufflehead. TV over Fernald too.

Monday 3/6: Drove around looking for geese, harrier at Nine Acre was about it.

Tuesday 3/7: More looking for geese. Did get a white bird, but it was a Glaucous Gull.


WIR 2/22-2/28

Wednesday 2/22: Merlin by Kennedy driving to the river walk, which had blackbirds and little else.

Thursday 2/23: Very little in a bunch of stops along the river in Wayland. TV over the office.

Friday 2/24: Killdeer at Lindentree then GW Teal at Pelham Island Rd at lunch.

Saturday 2/25: Turkeys finally (everywhere in Concord). Missed the Ross’s by about 5 minutes but had February Tree Swallows and a good variety of ducks at Great Meadows, then a really nice piece of white plastic among the Canadas at School St. Redhead continued at the res.

Sunday 2/26: Got the Ovenbird, missed the Rusties, then had a nice male harrier at Nine Acre.

Monday 2/27: Nothing at Round Hill.

Tuesday 2/28: Usual at Heard, could not find a Rusty.

WIR 2/15-2/21

Wednesday 2/15: Riverwalk had 2 scaup, all three mergansers (one more interesting than the others), etc.

Thursday 2/16: Quick run along Norumbega/Charlesbank had nothing other than a Ring-neck at the Stony Brook pond.

Friday 2/17: Nothing exciting at Moody St, nothing at Forest Grove.

Saturday 2/18: Flock of presumed grackles at Dunback, nothing at Great Meadows, larks and a couple Snow Buntings at School St, usual at the res.

Sunday 2/19: Barrow’s, the hybrid goldeneye, and 5+ Iceland Gulls at Deer Island but no northern eider or any Razorbills. RT Loon at Sylvester Baxter but no Common or any good gulls there or Earhart.

Monday 2/20: Red-wing about it at Alewife. Grackle and kingfisher at Blair Pond. Nothing along the Charles by Watertown Square but GW Teal, wigeon, and Fish Crow at Moody St. Usual at Purgatory, Norumbega, Charlesbank. Vulture on the way home then a bunch of grackles and a cowbird in the yard. Afternoon loop of the res found the Redhead back.

Tuesday 2/21: Red-wing in the yard and a bunch at BBN but little else.

Commute 200

RB Merg

Little over 2 years to get there. At least one life, one state, and one county bird in there plus a decent number of other rarities. How long for 250?

WIR 2/8-2/14

Wednesday 2/8 -Monday 2/13: Too stormy or snowy. Yard highlights included a Cooper’s hanging out for hours on end and actually seeing one of the Great Horneds.

Tuesday 2/14: Stopped at Norumbega (not plowed and totally frozen, Charlesbank (swans and geese), and Angleside (gulls).

WIR 2/1-2/7

Wednesday 2/1: Nothing on the river walk.

Thursday 2/2: Usual land birds at Nine Acre, only geese on the water.

Friday 2/3: Fox Sparrow at College Pond.

Saturday 2/4: Sapsucker, Hairy, RB Nuthatch at Mt. Auburn. Nuthatch was #100 for the year. Too windy for Fresh Pond or Danehy, so went to Earhart and vicinity without anything exciting. Nothing on the res, 80+ Ring-necks at Hardy but no scaup or Redhead.

Sunday 2/5: Ovenbird was still at Horn Pond but nothing else exciting. Too windy for the lakes, so checked McClennen, Spy Pond, the res, and Hardy without anything of note.

Monday 2/6: Flock of Ring-necks over Heard Farm, singing Red-wings among the usual.

Tuesday 2/7: Caught up with the Redhead at Purgatory and also had a Wood Duck among the Mallards. Just about beat the snow too.