Watatic bugs

Some highlights from the weekend


Belvosia borealis


Laphria sp (near sericea?)

Band-winged Meadowhawk

Band-winged Meadowhawk

Variable Darner

Variable Darner

Chalk-fronted Corporal

Chalk-fronted Corporal (ties my late date)

Clamp-tipped Emerald

Clamp-tipped Emerald

Azure Bluets

Azure Bluets

Spotted SpreadwingSpotted Spreadwing

Diogmites with lunch

Diogmites basalis with lunch


How’d this get in here? Two here plus a family nearby.

WIR 7/26-8/1

Wednesday 7/26: BBN was birdy although nothing out of the expected.

Thursday 7/27: Lots of hummingbirds but little else at Dunback.

Friday 7/28: Gnatcatchers and hummingbirds at Rock Meadow were about it. Monarch at work.

Saturday 7/29: Another Suffolk county run. Deer Island had very little. First stop at Winthrop Beach had a Piping Plover. Belle Isle was dead, tide totally wrong. Scanned ebird reports and based on others from Winthrop Beach, I realized I was quite silly for not having spent some time scoping (thanks Chris), so headed back. Parked further north and had a few Bonaparte’s Gulls, a Manx Shearwater, and finally a Wilson’s Storm-Petrel or two. Earhart, Mystic Lakes, and Blair Pond had zero on the way home.

Sunday 7/30: Stopped at Foss Farm on the way to the walk at the Cranberry Bog. Fairly quiet but Willow Flycatcher and kingfisher were new for me in Carlisle. Lance-tipped Darner was the walk’s highlight, fairly quiet otherwise.

Monday 7/31: Went to the Wayland Community Gardens hoping for a Yellow-throated Vireo. No luck with that or much else, a couple interesting Traill’s-type flycatchers was it.

Tuesday 8/1: Nothing new at College Pond other than an unseen Louisiana Waterthrush-ish call.

WIR 7/19-7/25

Wednesday 7/19: Usual at Forest Grove.

Thursday 7/20: Nothing exciting at Sedge Meadow beyond a Monarch.

Friday 7/21: Somatochlora and the usual at BBN.

Saturday 7/22: Did some more county listing. Started at Belle Isle where I got four for Suffolk (all easy, SB Dowitcher flyover, Bank and Rough-winged Swallow, and Saltmarsh Sparrow). Lots of peep but nothing all that exciting. Continued to the far side, which had more of the same. Decided to skip the beaches and go to Squantum where I got Semipalmated Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs, Pectoral Sandpiper, and Least Tern for Norfolk. Quick stop at Blair Pond had a few Least but no Semi.

Sunday 7/23: Wandered Bedford a bit. Ravens at Hartwell Town Forest, Broad-wings at Fawn Lake (and lots of odes including Vesper and Slender Bluets). Decided to continue into Billerica and walked the Great Meadows trail for a while, which was quiet. Hummer was the best on the trail and a Fish Crow while walking from the parking lot to the river were about it.

Monday 7/24: Finally got a Least Bittern at Great Meadows before the rain got too bad. Least Sandpiper too.

Tuesday 7/25: Nothing unusual at Heard Pond but the swallow show was something.



WIR 7/12-7/18

Wednesday 7/12: Looped Lincoln without anything overly interesting.

Thursday 7/13: Drove up to NH for the DSA meeting via Amherst.

Friday 7/14: Went with Josh and Ken to Moose Bog. Weather wasn’t good for odes but outside of Spruce Grouse (which was the only one I really wanted), we got the complete boreal list: Gray Jay, Boreal Chickadee, Black-backed Woodpecker, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Palm Warbler, Lincoln’s Sparrow, Moose. Rained too hard to do anything after but we did have a Snowshoe Hare while poking around for future locations.

Saturday 7/15: Went to some random pond in NH. Weather was fair and odes weren’t overly cooperative. Best was an Eastern Red Damsel totally out of habitat. Some decent butterflies and a family of Ruffed Grouse. We continued to the Nash River where we had Superb Jewelwings and not much else (but another family of grouse along the road).

Sunday 7/16: Went to Trudeau Rd which had crossbills and a few emeralds. On to Profile Lake where we had distant Lake Emerald (plus a nymph) but no captures. Then a long ride home.

Monday 7/17: Quick loop of the duck ponds was quiet.

Tuesday 7/18: College Pond had the usual.

WIR 7/5-7/11

Wednesday 7/5: Nothing unusual at Forest Grove.

Thursday 7/6: Weasel at Dunback.

Friday 7/7: YT Vireo and not much else at Heard Farm.

Saturday 7/8: Half-assed attempt at the pelican mostly as an excuse to fill some Norfolk county holes. Picked up a few shorebirds and Willow Flycatcher to get over 100 before it got too hot and buggy. First Wandering Glider of the year and first Seaside Dragonlet in a little while too.

Sunday 7/9: Concord butterfly count. Back in the Acton sector, which was quiet for butterflies. Broad-wing and a Bank Swallow colony were nice as was the presumed Mocha Emerald.

Monday 7/10: Single Red-bellied Tiger Beetle at Prospect Hill finally but next to nothing else.

Tuesday 7/11: Nothing at Great Meadows

WIR 6/28-7/4

Wednesday 6/28: Buckeye but no tiger beetles at Prospect Hill.

Thursday 6/29: Very quiet at Round Hill other than lots and lots of meadowhawks.

Friday 6/30: Not much at Prospect Hill, FOY Painted Lady about it.

Saturday 7/1: Got Indigo Bunting and gnatcatcher in Bedford finally. Slender Bluets on the Concord were county ode #105. BH Vireo at Hugh Cargill along with Bog Coppers.

Slender Bluet

Sunday 7/2: Nothing at the duck ponds. Carlisle dragonfly walk was pretty quiet beyond a distant Swamp Darner.

Monday 7/3: Lot 1 had Rough-winged Swallows and a kingfisher. Spinyleg was a patch first ode.

Tuesday 7/4: Couldn’t find a Wood Thrush at Horn Pond but had a few other things. Handful of hairstreaks on the mountain.

WIR 6/21-6/27

Wednesday 6/21: Nothing much at Dunback.

Thursday 6/22: Red-shoulder, 2 BB Cuckoos, meadowhawk at Rock Meadow.

Friday 6/23: Did the Minuteman survey finally. Too much traffic and would have been better a couple weeks earlier.

Saturday 6/24: Ran to Nine Acre (Cliff Swallow at the nest) and Great Meadows (nothing) before the rain. Tried to check the res in the downpour and got soaked for a loon.

Sunday 6/25: Couldn’t find the junco or Blackburnian at Watatic but did have lots of good bugs. And more at Townsend State Forest.

Monday 6/26: Usual at Cow Common.

Tuesday 6/27: Usual at Meriam’s Corner and Kaveski.

WIR 6/14-6/20

Wednesday 6/14: Rough-winged Swallows were new for College Pond plus Delta-spotted Spiketail and a probable Spatterdock Darner.


Thursday 6/15: Checked out the Hamlen area in Wayland. Northern Waterthrush singing but not much else.

Friday 6/16: Nothing at Forest Grove.

Saturday 6/17: Waited for the mist to more or less stop then hit the Mystic Lakes (gulls and cormorants), Sandy Beach (the usual), and North Reservoir (the usual but a few gaps in my Winchester list, down to just Arlington and Bedford under 100 locally).

Sunday 6/18: Black-and-white at BBN was a bit of a surprise. Indigo was nice too.

Monday 6/19: Got out of the car at Great Meadows and saw a weasel run from under the tower. It didn’t return and there wasn’t much else around.

Tuesday 6/20: Wandered out to Lincoln. Stepped out of the car and almost had a young Pileated drop onto me.


WIR 5/31-6/13

Wednesday 5/31: Mourning Warbler singing at Forest Grove.

Thursday 6/1: Virginia Rail and Magnolia at College Pond.

Friday 6/2: BT Blue and Black-and-white at Prospect Hill.

Saturday 6/3: Distant singing Prothonotary at October Farm, too cloudy for odes at the Cranberry Bog.

Sunday 6/4: Went out to Athol with Alan. Explored every part of the area except the one that had the ode we wanted but a few FOYs and an Olive-sided made for a decent trip.

Monday 6/5: Stood on the tower at Great Meadows but nothing exciting.

Tuesday 6/6: Too rainy and too many errands to run.

Wednesday 6/7: Hardy Pond had nothing exciting.

Thursday 6/8 – Monday 6/12: DSA meeting, details sooner or later (right after I finish 2012, 2015, and 2016…)

Tuesday 6/13: Short walk around Prospect Hill had nothing of note.