An Odd Duo

Nice surprise at Arlington Res today. Did have a brief Hammond’s flashback when it flew away from the farm and disappeared before anyone else arrived but fortunately it went to the edge of the res and spent the day there. Guessing there aren’t too many photos of this combo (or with a Mallard which I also have).


Blue Grosbeak


And much better views when first found

Blue Grosbeak

WIR 4/18-4/24

Wednesday 4/18: Lot 1 had a Field Sparrow.

Thursday 4/19: Too snowy(!). Palm and some cormorants were about all I could see at the res. Did finally get a Rough-winged Swallow at Heard Pond on the way home.

Friday 4/20: Nobscot had a sapsucker, Hermit Thrush, couple towhees, etc.

Saturday 4/21: Joined the MBC walk at Horn Pond, which was quiet beyond the kinglets. Drove a bunch of loops around Ipswich not seeing White-faced Ibis. Did run to Gloucester in between and had a sapsucker and Merlin.

Sunday 4/22: Looped Hanscom which wasn’t too bad. First Sharpie for Bedford plus 4 or more kestrels, a meadowlark (singing just slightly out of place which had me baffled for a minute), lots of Hermit Thrushes, etc. Full loop of Great Meadows had a loon (first one I’ve had on the water there I think), PB Grebe, and plenty of the usual. Brief run around the duck ponds had FOY Cabbage White. Kinglet singing in the yard early was nice.

Monday 4/23: Field Sparrow, Kestrel, etc at Heard.

Tuesday 4/24: Winter Wren(s), Barn Swallow, Gnatcatcher, Mourning Cloak, not much else new at BBN.

WIR 4/11-4/17

Wednesday 4/11: PB Grebe about it at Forest Grove.

Thursday 4/12: Palm Warblers and Chipping Sparrows were in at BBN and finally got a Fish Crow there.

Friday 4/13: FOY kingfisher and a somewhat surprising gnatcatcher at College Pond.

Saturday 4/14: Chipping Sparrow and little rabbit in the yard. Menotomy walk at BBN had 25-30 Palms, a Pine, a few Yellow-rumps, a sapsucker, 2 GW Teal, a Solitary Sandpiper, and more. Got the BW Teal and Greater Yellowlegs at Arlington Res but no gulls or other shorebirds. More of the same at the duck ponds and nothing at Cambridge Res or Hardy Pond.

Sunday 4/15: Quick res loop had a chickadee and a Hermit Thrush. Palms and a Ring-neck down by Rt. 2 then a Barn Swallow among the Trees at Hobbs Brook. Kestrel by Hanscom, nothing elsewhere.

Monday 4/16: Awful weather. Looped Hardy (nothing), the res (nothing), Mystic Lakes (4 Great Cormorants), Arlington Res (nothing), then went for a haircut and looped the res again. This time 3 Bonaparte’s Gulls dropped in but didn’t stay long enough for anyone else.

Tuesday 4/17: 28 GW Teal, 4+ Snipe, a kestrel, and 18+ Savannah Sparrows at Meriam’s Corner.

WIR 4/4-4/10

Wednesday 4/4: Usual at Arlington Res.

Thursday 4/5: Heard a Pine Warbler (only one) at Prospect Hill plus a Fox Sparrow.

Friday 4/6: FOY Hermit Thrush and Swamp Sparrow at Dunback plus 2 more Fox Sparrows.

Saturday 4/7: Few Tree Swallows, a cormorant, and a phoebe at the res but little on the water. Nothing at Flint’s or Nine Acre. Alewife had a cleanup crew and was quiet. Thorndike Field was quiet too, as was McClennen.

Sunday 4/8: Started in Squantum. Usual birds at Squaw Rock. Got the gannet I wanted and first egrets (both Snowy and Great) at the marshes. Decided to skip Squantum Point and Wollaston and went to Nut Island. Far too windy but there were a few Long-tailed Ducks visible. Went inland from here (picking up Gadwall on Black’s Creek as a driveby), trying Turner’s Pond which didn’t have any of the ducks that had been there the day before. Headed towards home, deciding to stop at Cutler Lake on the way. No luck with the Pine Warbler I expected but did get a creeper. When I started, there was exactly one gull on the water, by the time I was halfway around, it was closer to 100. A bit further down, the bright white of a Glaucous jumped out, and reviewing photos of that, I picked out the Lesser Black-backed that had been around too. Buzz of the res on the way home had 2 Greater Scaup and just short of nothing else.

4 Gulls

Monday 4/9: Too windy at Great Meadows. Did hear a Virginia Rail before I bailed for the woods, where I had a Pine Warbler (and a Yellow-rump by the inner parking lot).

Tuesday 4/10: Another Yellow-rump at the Pelham Island Rd swamp. Real surprise was a Cliff Swallow on Heard Pond.

Cliff Swallow

WIR 3/28-4/3

Wednesday 3/28: Great Meadows had the usual. Highlight was actually a Mallard that landed up in the trees next to the tower.

Thursday 3/29: Same at BBN.

Friday 3/30: Phoebe finally at Rock Meadow plus patch FOY Great Blue Heron and Wood Duck. Also some peepers.

Saturday 3/31: Went west. Lots of Common Mergansers and an eagle at Fitchburg Res, Hooded Merganser at Ashby Res. Ruffed Grouse (presumably) flushed on Watatic and probably heard a crossbill. Tree Swallow driving to Townsend State Forest (plus Wood Frogs) which was pretty quiet beyond an Eastern Comma. Phoebe at Townsend Hill WMA. Fish Crow at Fitch’s Bridge, raven,GH Owl nest, and a garter snake at Rocky Hill, larks and several Fish Crows at School St.

Sunday 4/1: Lesser Scaup at the res. Same stupid dog owner at Mill Pond and no obvious ducks so didn’t linger. Osprey, Tree Swallows, Greater Scaup at Horn Pond. No Rough-leg around Hanscom but lots of Tree Swallows. Yellowlegs still at Kaveski. Snipe and Savannah Sparrow at Waltham St and lots of Ruddy at Hardy Pond for 50 species on the day.

Monday 4/2: Tree Swallows, DC Cormorant, usual at Purgatory/Forest Grove.

Tuesday 4/3: Nothing new at BBN.

WIR 3/21-3/27

Wednesday 3/21: 2 Killdeer, 3 Fox Sparrow at BBN.

Thursday 3/22: Yuck morning, nothing at Heard or Nine Acre on the way home.

Friday 3/23: Usual at Arlington Res.

Saturday 3/24: 16+ Iceland Gulls and an interesting molting eider at Deer Island. No oystercatcher at Pico. Gadwall and what was probably a heard-only phoebe at Belle Isle. Greater Scaup and not much else at Winthrop Beach. Red-necked Grebe at Draw Seven.

Sunday 3/25: Nothing at the duck ponds or Concord Ave. Fox Sparrows at Lot 1 and West Meadow.

Monday 3/26: Bufflehead at College Pond was my 100th species there, nothing much else.

Tuesday 3/27: Expected stuff at Heard Farms.

WsIR 3/7-3/20

Wednesday 3/7: Merlin was eating something in the same tree at Forest Grove, nothing much else.

Thursday 3/8: Home from the storm. Took a late afternoon walk over to Hardy Pond and had a Great Cormorant.

Friday 3/9: Tried to get the cormorant for the commute year list. No luck but 3 Wood Ducks. Continued to the res where there was another Great so got it anyway. Then got stuck in a maze of roads blocked for downed trees and eventually gave up and backtracked to 128 and straight to work.

Saturday 3/10: Started at Mill Pond in Burlington hoping for a few of the waterfowl that I still need there. Total waterfowl: 8 mallard, 2 Canada Goose. Not much else either. Continued north a bit, eventually ending up at Lake Quannapowitt. Relocated the Red-necked Grebe, couldn’t identify a second grebe, had a Turkey Vulture and 3 Killdeer. Circling around to the other side for the second grebe (never did get a scope view), I found 2 Green-winged Teal. Then drove around a bit more without anything worth noting.

Sunday 3/11: Birder’s Meeting most of the day. Stopped at Carson Beach (Brant and a Merlin) and Castle Island (Purple Sandpiper finally for Suffolk, 200ish Brant). Buzzed a bit of the river (no birds) and the res (a few Ring-necks and Common Mergs).

Monday 3/12: BBN had mostly the usual but a woodcock ran around almost in the open (and more or less posed).

Tuesday 3/13: Tree Sparrow in the yard.

Wednesday 3/14: House/computer issues

Thursday 3/15: Nothing on the riverwalk. Traffic was bad on the way home so cut around the Cambridge Res and was rather surprised by 2 Horned Grebes.

Friday 3/16: Too windy at Great Meadows, did get the screech-owl, surprisingly a new commute bird (215).

Saturday 3/17: Still too windy. Got the Cackling Goose at Nine Acre, Great Cormorants at Spy Pond, and the Goldeneye x Hooded Merganser found by the Swains at Flint’s.

Sunday 3/18: Fox Sparrow at Cutler Lake, nothing at Nahanton, Canvasback, Red-necked Grebe, DC Cormorant at Great Pond.

Monday 3/19: Nothing at Forest Grove.

Tuesday 3/20: Oil change so only a brief check of Norumbega (nothing). Res on the way home had a ton of Common Mergansers but that was about it.

WIR 2/28-3/6

Wednesday 2/28: Usual at College Pond, although Hooded Mergansers were apparently a first for the site.

Thursday 3/1: Got the WF Goose for the commute list, then had local FOY Turkey Vulture, along with a Rusty Blakbird and Fox Sparrow at BBN.

Friday 3/2: Rain was way too heavy, but cruised through Nine Acre. No Snow Goose, did get a few GW Teal and some waxwings.

Saturday 3/3: Figured there had to be a Dovekie around somewhere. Not on Cambridge Res (eagle and a few goldeneye), Draw Seven (two Common Loons), the Mystic Lakes (1 RT Loon, 3 RB Mergs, 1 Great Cormorant), Sandy Beach, Winter Pond (20 Ring-necks), Horn Pond (1 coot), Arlington Res, Spy Pond (2 eagles), Memorial Drive, Fresh Pond, or the Beaver Brook Ponds.

Sunday 3/4: More or less the same at the res. The Snow Geese were nice and close at Nine Acre. Decided to continue west on 117 and ended up at Bolton Flats. Bit too flooded but decent duck numbers and thousands of blackbirds. Working back, stopped at Delaney WMA where the jays picked out a Barred Owl, then Steele Farm in Boxborough which was fairly quiet. Pintails were flying around at School St, nothing much at Hobbs Brook.

Monday 3/5: Very little at Dunback.

Tuesday 3/6: Finally got a raven in Lincoln, more of the usual at Lindentree. Had enough time to cruise through Nine Acre and add the Snow Geese to the commute list.

WIR 2/21-2/27

Wednesday 2/21: Looked for the goose again, nothing at all on the golf course. A few Canadas at the duck ponds but not much else. Looped Rock Meadow, normal early spring stuff. Came home back roads with the windows rolled down and had a peenting woodcock in Lincoln.

Thursday 2/22: Surprisingly quiet at Purgatory and Forest Grove. Merlin perched over the road, a few blackbirds, a Wood Duck, and that was about it.

Friday 2/23: Best of the ducks at Great Meadows were a few wigeon, a goldeneye, and 25ish Ring-necks, not much in other birds.

Saturday 2/24: Finally got a Cape Ann trip in. Mostly quiet at Andrew’s Point. Was told about a Thick-billed Murre at the Granite Pier, so headed that way. Murre was in close when I arrived, but I got distracted by a Northern Common Eider next to it. Jodrey had nothing (but it was nice to get some close eider to compare). Eastern Point had another murre, several guillemots, an Iceland Gull, and more of the same ducks. Didn’t really stop at Niles other than to pick up scaup. Nothing at the Elks Club, Glaucous on another pass of Jodrey, then Barrow’s Goldeneye but no King Eider at Plum Cove.

Common Eider

Sunday 2/25: Worked my way west to start. Bufflehead and Common Mergansers at Flint’s, cowbirds and not much else exciting at Nine Acre. The White-fronted Geese were at School St (although one immediately disappeared) along with a few pintail. Arlington Res had a ton of gulls, none interesting after a few minutes of excitement. Two Great Cormorants, 425+ Common Mergansers, a couple Red-breated, and one of the Red-throated Loons at the Mystic Lakes. About 25 Ring-necks on the res (finally).

Monday 2/26: Thought Heard Farm was quiet, but a Fox Sparrow started singing as I was leaving. Bunch of Ring-necks on the pond too.

Tuesday 2/27: More in Wayland. Not much at the old Rt. 27 bridge. Had 15 minutes or so to check Pelham Island Rd and got 25 species including the Rusty I was looking for.

WIR 2/14-2/20

Wednesday 2/14: Nothing much at Kaveski.

Thursday 2/15: Fogged in at Farm Pond.

Friday 2/16: Fogged in at Forest Grove.

Saturday 2/17: Started with a quick check of the duck ponds (nothing), and then the Belmont Country Club course. After some wandering along Concord Ave, got the White-fronted Goose that had been at Arlington Res yesterday (patch #172). After that, moved on to trying various things for Jeremiah’s Slaty-backed. Not much along the Charles, and 3 hours freezing at Fresh Pond. Did get an Iceland Gull off Memorial Drive late in the day.

Sunday 2/18: Nice adult Iceland at the UMass boat ramp. Ravens at Fresh Pond (but next to no gulls again), 3 RT Loons on Memorial Drive plus about 20 RB Mergansers and a Peregrine (one in Chelmsford on the way to Lowell too).

Monday 2/19: Inland Norfolk county for a change. Needham Transfer Station eventually had an Iceland Gull fly through, plus 2 Turkey Vultures, some cowbirds, and a ton of both crows. Cutler Lake had more uninteresting gulls plus Common Mergansers. Couple stops along the Charles on the way home didn’t have much and I wasn’t in the mood to drive to Gloucester.

Tuesday 2/20: Couldn’t find the White-front at Arlington Res (or the Killdeer, or any kinglets) but did have a Peregrine.