WsIR 2/19-3/10

Internet issues are fun…

Wednesday 2/19: Nothing of note at BBN.

Thursday 2/20: Grackle down Trapelo, 2 Pileated at Meriam’s.

Friday 2/21: Wood Duck was about it at Forest Grove.

Saturday 2/22: Chased a few month birds. No rails at Great Meadows but did have 2 Fish Crow. No scoter at Earhart, 2 Common and a Red-throated Loon plus a Yellow-rump. Pulled up at Silver Lake, set up the scope, looked in, saw the Glaucous, and an eagle flew in and flushed everything.

Sunday 2/23: Walked all the way to the duck ponds. Hermit Thrush and creeper at Lot 1, TV at Rock Meadow, little else.

Monday 2/24: Shrike, eagle, 3 kingfishers, bunch of ducks at Heard Farm.

Tuesday 2/25: Killdeer at Dunback.

Wednesday 2/26: Nothing at Arlington Res

Thursday 2/27: Pond check was quiet.

Friday 2/28: Usual at Forest Grove

Saturday 2/29: RC Kinglet at Mystic Lakes, missed the cormorant though. Couldn’t find the OC Warbler at Brooks but had a Pileated there and 2 Chipping Sparrows in the cemetery. Couldn’t find the scoters again at Earhart, did get the Savannah.

Sunday 3/1: Used Glenn’s interesting Fox Sparrow as an excuse to go down to Fairhaven. No luck with that but catbird, towhee, 2 kinglets, etc. on the bike path. Nothing exciting at West Island (but a nice male harrier flew in front of me on the way out). Up to the goose fields in Plymouth county where Pam directed me to the Barnacles and Snow and I had a flock of Savannah Sparrows (which was about the most overdue bird for any county I’ve birded regularly), Drove around Cumberland Farms quickly but no obvious Rough-leg (although one interesting bird just to the south disappeared before I pulled over).

Monday 3/2: 2 ravens at BBN then another near Rt. 20.

Tuesday 3/3: Pair of Gadwall at Elm Brook, nothing exciting at Hanscom.

Wednesday 3/4: Too windy, usual at Hardy, res, Flint’s, Heard. Nothing at Nine Acre or River Rd. Few teal at the Pelham Island Rd marsh.

Thursday 3/5: Raven about it at Rock Meadow, nothing at the duck ponds.

Friday 3/6: Kingfisher by Watertown Square but no RB Merg, Yellow-rump, or catbird.

Saturday 3/7: Pond loop was pretty empty. Did get the cormorants at Mystic Lakes finally and RB Merg was new for Winchester.

Sunday 3/8: Indoors at the Birder’s Meeting. Quick stop at the res on the way home had the usual.

Monday 3/9: Few Wood Ducks and all the regulars at BBN.

Tuesday 3/10: Pintail, Wigeon, GW Teal, lots of ducks at Great Meadows plus mink and coyote.

WIR 2/12-2/18

Wednesday 2/12: Lots of Red-wings and the usual ducks at BBN.

Thursday 2/13: Rather nasty, quick check of the res didn’t have anything.

Friday 2/14: Usual at Hardy in a quick scan.

Saturday 2/15: Couldn’t find the Surf Scoter or much else at Earhart and Draw Seven.

Sunday 2/16: Went out to Otis for the day but between a slightly late start, a bit of traffic on the way, and lots of ice, it wasn’t worth going out anywhere.

Monday 2/17: Missed the GWF Geese in Boston (did finally get Fish Crow), missed the bluebirds at Millennium, no towhee at Nahanton. Francis saved the day with a wigeon at the duck ponds, patch #183.

Tuesday 2/18: FOY Grackle and not much else at Dunback.

WIR 2/5-2/11

Wednesday 2/5: Only had a couple seconds to scan the res, nothing there.

Thursday 2/6: Black squirrel in the yard for the first time in ages (and I missed the first chipmunk of the year). Quick check of the res had 4 goldeneye (finally for the commute).

Friday 2/7: Still too nasty for much but GW Teal at Norumbega and not much elsewhere along that bit of river.

Saturday 2/8: Too cold and windy. Usual ducks at Spy Pond, nothing obvious at the Mystic Lakes. Draw Seven had 1 RB Merganser and a few gulls so I didn’t bother going to the Everett side. Nothing at Blair Pond and not much at Clay Pit. Did see the chipmunk briefly at least.

Sunday 2/9: Bit of a strange loop. Started by getting the RH Woodpecker for February. Took a bit of effort as it was further out than normal. Continued to Fitch’s Bridge Rd, which was a skating rink. No luck with the Field Sparrows or Snow Bunting. On to Lowell. Boat ramp looked quiet, noticed a bunch of gulls somewhat hidden as I drove off so I said I’ll come back later. Got to the Tsongas Center and ran into John and Suzanne. No luck with the male Barrow’s but Suzanne had picked out a candidate female earlier. We wandered down and found 2 of the flock of Pine Warblers then got good if brief looks at the female Barrow’s on the way back. I walked a little more not seeing anything then joined them back at the boat ramp. Iceland Gull among 130 Ring-bills on the water, but the Peregrine and Mute Swan were new for Lowell for me. Eagle also came through. We decided to head to Silver Lake next. Arrived to a quite a few gulls and more streaming in by the minute. Several young Iceland Gulls immediately and I picked up an adult. John found a near adult Lesser then Suzanne found 2 younger ones. The gulls (which we estimated at over 1200) eventually got up but most landed again. Just before packing in, I found one more Lesser (or something, it’s a bit weird). Got home about 2 hours later than I expected but a nice day with 2 new February birds for MA and 3 for the county.

Monday 2/10: Rainy so 135 geese and 7 Ring-bills at NAC, 3 Ring-bills and 3 swans at Heard, 2 swans, 8 black ducks, and 4 Hooded Mergansers at the swamp.

Tuesday 2/11: Eagle on the ice at Mt. Feake, Red-wing singing across from Purgatory, not a ton else.

WIR 1/29-2/4

Wednesday 1/29: Very quiet at Kaveski and Meriam’s. Had enough time to check Pelham Island Rd and there was a nice adult eagle sitting by the river.

Thursday 1/30: Fox Sparrow, RC Kinglet, and Yellow-rump at Falzone. Eagle over 128.

Friday 1/31: Riverwalk was quiet, did finally get commute Great Black-backed Gull. Stopped for a few seconds at Cronin’s and had almost as many birds there as I did in 45 minutes earlier.

Saturday 2/1: Dunback was quiet. Sapsucker but no phoebe at Upper Vine Brook. No thrasher or much different at Fresh Pond.

Sunday 2/2: Started at Deer Island. No murres, just 3 Razorbills among the usual stuff. Continued up Revere/Lynn/Swampscott with no interesting gulls before heading to the Eared Grebe in Beverly. Took quite a while before it turned up fairly close. Continued through Magnolia to Jodrey where we had 3+ Thick-billed Murres and 3+ Dovekies along with the Black-headed Gull.

Monday 2/3: Nothing different at BBN.

Tuesday 2/4: Had to drive into Boston so stopped at the Fenway gardens for a couple. Fox Sparrow, couple Red-wings, lots of sparrows.

WIR 1/22-1/28

Wednesday 1/22: Not much at BBN.

Thursday 1/23: Bunch of mergansers and an eagle along the riverwalk.

Friday 1/24: Sora super cooperative at Great Meadows. Virginia Rail flew off too but little else.

Saturday 1/25: Started at Draw Seven/Earhart. Got the Greater Scaup at both (plus another scaup sp) and the Red-throated Loon for Everett but not too much else. Continued to Belle Isle which was quiet, then Revere Beach which was very quiet.

Sunday 1/26: Wandered Horn Pond a bit. Nice immature eagle landed close to me, got the RC Kinglet and Lesser Scaup, decent number of other birds. Buzzed Mystic Lakes, Spy Pond, Meadowbrook, and the res without anything of note.

Monday 1/27: Creeper about the only thing of note at Forest Grove. Spent quite a while scoping the Mallards but no hybrid.

Tuesday 1/28: Pair of Wood Duck, a few waxwings, and a Yellow-rump along the Charles by Watertown Square.

WIR 1/15-1/21

Wednesday 1/15: Was a nice morning so the Pine Warbler was chipping away. Not much else there, eagle and 4 Ring-necks down by Purgatory in a quick drive through.

Thursday 1/16: Too rainy, pond check came up pretty empty.

Friday 1/17: Too cold and running errands but 10 minutes along the river in Watertown didn’t find anything.

Saturday 1/18: Bit too cold for much walking. Res had a few mergs then a turkey dropping down from the office park. Wood Ducks but no scaup at Leverett Pond. That was because it moved to Jamaica Pond, so first county bird of the year. Also a few Greater Scaup, lots of Ring-necks, a few Ruddies here. Nothing much at Chestnut Hill. Hammond and Kendrick Ponds were frozen. Almost went to Nahanton for towhees but decided to just check the Charles quickly. Mallards, geese, and Ring-bills at Norumbega. Mallards at Charlesbank but one was part pintail, first male of that hybrid combo I’ve seen.

Pintail x Mallard

Sunday 1/19: Waltham St had 65(!) Red-wings. Dunback had another 12 but not much more.

Monday 1/20: Midday check of the Charles had a goldeneye by Newton St and the Pine Warbler (presumably the same one) at Landry Park.

Tuesday 1/21: Hermit Thrush was the only thing of any interest at Habitat, no luck with any Fox Sparrows.

WIR 1/8-1/14

Wednesday 1/8: Falzone had a GH Owl and the Yellow-rump Cliff had on the CBC.

Thursday 1/9: Hermit Thrush and a chipmunk at the Wayland Community Gardens.

Friday 1/10: Kingfisher and Merlin at Forest Grove.

Saturday 1/11: Nice Coyote near Forest St, then started at Alewife with a flyover eagle and 2 GW Teal. Continued to Draw Seven which had nothing, Sylvester Baxter which had the usual ducks, and Earhart where I talked to Bob and saw about what was at Draw Seven. We debated a coastal swing in the wind but I decided to try Fresh Pond instead, which was pretty quiet too.

Sunday 1/12: Eagle at Hardy. Went out to get the RH Woodpecker for January, which was easy. Also had a pair of ravens and a few other things. Did the Middlesex bit of Oxbow after, nothing of note there. And nothing much at School St, Flint’s, or the res.

Monday 1/13: Nothing in the snow at BBN.

Tuesday 1/14: Chipping Sparrow (almost expected at this point) at College Pond.

WIR 1/1-1/7

Wednesday 1/1: Joined the BBC trip as usual. Was a bit cold and windy but Snowy Owl, Turkey Vulture, and King Eider were nice.

Thursday 1/2: Started with a long loop of BBN, didn’t find much beyond 2 Winter Wrens. Had some time to check Purgatory and Forest Grove after, Peregrine was the best there.

Friday 1/3: Two Yellow-rumps at Dunback.

Saturday 1/4: Common Mergansers and Ring-billed Gulls it at Spy Pond. Got the whole(?) Chipping Sparrow flock at Meadowbrook plus a couple Red-wings. Mystic Lakes were pretty much empty, except way up at Sandy Beach where there were a couple Wood Duck in addition to mergansers and Bufflehead. Nothing at Draw Seven and not much more across the river. Ring-neck at the res in the fog.

Sunday 1/5: Did a loop out to Nagog then through Nine Acre etc without seeing anything. Continued to Norumbega which had a few ducks, then nothing at the res.

Monday 1/6: Got the Virginia Rail and a Marsh Wren at Great Meadows but no Sora.

Tuesday 1/7: Nothing much at Moody St or Purgatory.

YIR 2019

Kind of a strange year, not much for migrants, especially in fall, but lots of rarities.

January: Finch show continued with grosbeaks being a bit more consistent at Dunback and Red Crossbills on patch. Shrike at Heard Pond was the first nice local bird of the year that others chased (although the DC Cormorant was probably rarer). Nashville at Belle Isle midmonth was quite good

February: Chased the Trumpeter Swan for the commute list but that and the roosting Long-ears in Boston were about it for the month.

March: Good flock of crossbills at Dunback, then an early night-heron in Watertown and a good morning at Bolton Flats to end the month was about it.

April: Added Ring-neck and Virginia Rail to the patch list, then Blue-winged Teal a week later. Lots of early Spotted Sandpipers, a moderate day in Bristol County, got a few new warblers for the month at the very end.

May: Decent migration. Grosbeaks stayed at Dunback through the first. Started a run of 4 or 5 straight visits to the Charles with a new patch bird. Dragonfly season finally started on the 11th. Birthday county bird with a Cattle Egret. Ended the month with Yellow-bellied Flycatchers everywhere.

June: Lots of survey work, a cool robber fly at Horn Pond Mountain, first Tropical Kingbird of the year, and a few interesting odes.

July: Walden BioBlitz was a fun start.Texas trip was great for odes plus the 2 expected life birds. Comet Darners and Carolina Saddlebags by the res, then the NE DSA meeting.

August: Martha’s Pennants on Watatic, start of a shorebird show on patch and some other migrants.

September: Slow migration.

October: Birds of the year both turned up on patch with Hudsonian Godwit and Tropical Kingbird. Laughing Gull fallout midmonth, Purple Gallinule in Milton, Ipswich Sparrow in Framingham.

November: Started with the Pacific-slope Flycatcher in Hadley (plus a nice flock of Brant at Quabbin), then finished with the Franklin’s Gull in Quincy/Milton.

December: Fairly quiet, windy CBC, not much else.

So overall 3 life birds (the 2 central TX specialties and the PS Flycatcher), 3 state birds (Purple Gallinule, PS Flycatcher, Franklin’s Gull), and 3 county birds (Cattle Egret, Hudsonian Godwit, Tropical Kingbird), 4 Waltham birds (Red Crossbill, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Hudsonian Godwit, and Laughing Gull), 8 BBN/RM patch birds (Red Crossbill, Ring-necked Duck, Virginia Rail, Blue-winged Teal, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, godwit, kingbird, and Bald Eagle), 5 Cambridge Res birds (Cliff Swallow, Tennessee and Bay-breasted Warblers, American Woodcock, and Laughing Gull), and 5 Charles birds (Brown Thrasher, Bay-breasted Warbler, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Eastern Screech-Owl, Blue-winged Warbler). Decent amount of other county birds, got to 2000 total ticks in MA. Barely hit the easy goal of 150 workday SRV birds.

Haven’t added up the bugs yet, but several new for the county (Comet Darner, Carolina Saddlebags, Martha’s Pennant) along with all the Texas lifers (24ish). No clue about butterflies. Started looking at Syrphids (12 species this year) and slowly learning Asilids.

Goals for 2020: 600 ABA, 390 MA, 306 Middlesex, get Norfolk to 200, Hampden, Hampshire, and/or Berkshire to 100. Middlesex town ticks to 4400 and get at least 5 more over the 100 mark. Continue pushing month lists along (got at least one new bird for state and county every month this year). Try for 165 Cambridge region commute birds. No specific bug goals.

WIR 12/25-12/31

Wednesday 12/25: Very quiet CBC scouting at Ricci Field. Nothing in a quick check of Hanscom, then nothing at School St. Lots of Canadas at Nine Acre (and the prison field, although those weren’t checked overly carefully). Deer lying on the ice at the res but no birds beyond gulls.

Thursday 12/26: Did a Cape Ann run finally this year. Halibut wasn’t too exciting, 11+ Yellow-rumps the best land bird and the usual sea things. Andrews had a flyby Dovekie. Usual at the various Gloucester stops, finally got a guillemot for December at the Elks Club. Decided to try Andrews again and see if the King Eider was showing but the only thing of note was another guillemot. A few Brant at Plum Cove rounded out the day.

Friday 12/27: Went to Great Meadows. Flyover pipit, 3 Winter Wrens, and finally heard one of the Virginia Rails the survey group had yesterday.

Saturday 12/28: “Scouting” for the Concord CBC, did almost the whole loop. Phoebe at Ricci was by far the best but decent numbers all around. Went back out to Ayer and got the RH Woodpecker after.

Sunday 12/29: No phoebe but I think that was the only bird I missed. Added Field Sparrow, turkey, Hairy Woodpecker too.

Monday 12/30: Far too nasty but did pull in at Heard Pond and had a Great Black-back on the ice, 152 for the SRV commute year.

Tuesday 12/31: Too nasty, usual stuff in the yard.