People actually found me on twitter, so I added the gadget down below.
I’m also playing around with a feed for BBC trips and rarities.
Texas Day 1
Sunday, January 11
I woke up about 7, confirmed that I still couldn’t figure out how to access the hotel wireless and also that the shower didn’t appear to be working (although I think I got this figured out by the next hotel). I took a look out the window and noticed a bunch of birds on the water. Setting up the scope quickly, I found them to be mostly American Coots and Blue-winged Teal with a few blackbirds mixed in.
After the standard hotel breakfast, I went back to the room to pack up and get going but took another look out the window and ended up spending close to 30 minutes watching. By far the best thing was an oriole that appeared to have an orange head and black throat. I couldn’t make it into anything but an Altamira, which was the first life bird of the trip (bad views of life birds would be a common pattern for awhile). Eventually it moved on and a Vermilion Flycatcher replaced it! As I finally got ready to go, an American Kestrel came in and landed on the light pole right outside the window.
Little did I know how common they were in the area.
I finally got going and checked out. On the way out, I took a walk around the hotel. The view from the ground wasn’t as good, but I did pick up a few Yellow-rumps.
The first stop I made was at the Zapata Public Boat Ramp (LTC-085 mentions it). Apparently it’s a big fishing area (I forgot to take a picture of the hotel parking lot, but it was 90% pickups with trailers and boats). At the water were more coots and some Neotropic Cormorants (I think, cormorants trouble me). I walked up the road a bit and found a bunch of Orange-crowned Warblers (probably more than I’ve seen total in Massachusetts) and the only House Finches of the trip. There were a couple Ruby-crowned Kinglets mixed in as well and Laughing Gulls and American White Pelicans flew over.
After the boat ramp, I went looking for the city park to check for White-collared Seedeater. On the way out from the boat ramp, I got a quick look at a Green Jay in someone’s yard, life bird number two. I missed the turn for the park somehow and decided to head up to San Ygnacio (LTC-087) instead. Upon arriving there, I took a quick look around but didn’t feel comfortable by myself and headed back toward Zapata. On the way I got yet another lousy life look when a Crested Caracara flew over. There were also a couple Chihuahuan Ravens along the side of the road and some Eurasian Collared Doves as well. A couple Black Vultures overhead were nice.
I took a quick trip down the Hebbronville Scenic Drive (LTC-086), or at least in the general direction. Lots of kestrels on the wires and at least 5 Caracaras as well. Meadowlarks flushed regularly, but I never was able to figure them out (for the entire trip actually).
Eventually, I made my way over to Falcon State Park, arriving at about 10:30 and picking up Loggerhead Shrike and Lark Sparrow along the road in. I pulled up at the gate but the window appeared closed so I pulled in to the parking lot to pay. Started to walk over to the self pay station and someone walking by tells me that this is the employee’s entrance and the visitor entrance is over there. So there were people in there. I went in, paid, and grabbed a map. It was a bit windy, but I decided to walk the nature trail for a few minutes at least anyway. I ended up spending a couple hours walking around.
Early highlights on the trail included a huge flock of cormorants going by. I took 4 photos of different parts of the flock and don’t think I got them all. Here’s one, anyone want to comment on which cormorant? You probably want to click through and hit all sizes to get a decent look.
I got two more life birds on the walk in: a lousy look at a Great Kiskadee as it flew over and a better look at Black-crested Titmice.
Other good birds included several Pyrrhuloxia, White-eyed Vireos, and good numbers of gnatcatchers. I spent some time working the gnatcatchers and could only come up with Blue-gray.
There were also lots of bugs around here. Butterflies included my first Queen, Gulf Fritillary, Reakirt’s Blues, and Little Yellow along with Ceraunus Blue, Dainty Sulphur, and White Checkered-Skipper. There was also a Familiar Bluet or two and a good number of Robber Flies. The experts aren’t sure about the robbers (probably because of the picture quality) but there apparently aren’t any species expected in January.
Dainty Sulphur:
Little Yellow:
Reakirt’s in various stages of wear:
Two Robber Flies (male and female):
On the way back, I heard a bit of scratching in the brush and eventually found a Long-billed Thrasher but yet again had lousy looks.
Back at the car, I drove around a bit and came across an immense flock of cowbirds:
I stopped at the boat ramp where there was another Vermilion Flycatcher. I started down the trail from there and flushed an interesting dragonfly off the ground. It landed and I was able to snap one photo before it flew off again, moving along the path about 2 feet off the ground until I lost track of it. Checking out the photo later, I expected one of the pondhawks, but it turned out to be a Straw-colored Sylph. The date ranges I can find for that appear to be April to November, so it’s quite an extension. Whether that’s early or late I’m not sure but it was the first of several seasonal extensions I found.
It was also ode #100 for me. Other things along the trail included a female Band-winged Dragonlet, a Wandering Glider, a Checkered White, a Mallow Scrub-Hairstreak, a Fatal Metalmark, and a Texan Crescent. Birds weren’t overly plentiful and I headed back to the car fairly quickly.
Checkered White:
Mallow Scrub-Hairstreak:
Fatal Metalmark:
Texan Crescent:
Once back at the car, I drove around a bit and then headed out. On the way, I flushed a flock of pipits. Most flew off, but one stayed on the ground and ran around, giving me time to roll down the window and get a few shots.
The next stop was at Salineno. For those who haven’t been, it’s a tiny spot along the Rio Grande. It was formerly a trailer park populated by birders but has since been transfered to USFWS. One birder still lives there and has a huge number of feeders set up. You can wander in to the yard, sit down, and watch. It was absolutely spectacular with tons of Texas specialties flying around and making lots of noise. In 20 minutes, I had about 20 species including another three lifers (Audubon’s Oriole, White-tipped Dove, and Golden-fronted Woodpecker). But I also finally got good views of Altamira Oriole, Green Jay, and Great Kiskadee, in addition to Inca and White-winged Doves, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, and the only Chipping Sparrows of the trip. A Lincoln’s Sparrow also popped up, which was a highlight until I discovered that they were the most common sparrow around.
A selection of shots:
This female oriole’s a bit interesting and I need to actually do some research on it:
After watching the feeders, I went back to check on the car. The nonbirder type had been down at the river and there aren’t too many people who go down there for legal things other than birds. Fortunately, he had left and I spent a few minutes watching the river. There was something big in the trees where the Red-billed Pigeons are supposed to hang out but after I set up the scope it turned out to be an Osprey.
A car of birders from Alabama drove up and I spent a few minutes talking to them while we waited for Muscovies to flew by (which never happened). Apparently there were Olive Sparrow, Clay-colored Thrush, and a few other things at the feeders earlier and a Green Kingfisher along the river. I wandered down the path a bit after they left, but other than a Sharpie I didn’t find much.
I also did manage to build up a list of birds on the Mexican side of the river (some ducks and herons and blackbirds flying over), so I now have a 6th country I’ve seen birds in.
Leaving Salineno, I got back on the highway for the drive to Mission. The GPS didn’t seem to be able to find my hotel (Hawthorn Suites) but I got there after a little bit of circling. Quite nice, although I probably didn’t need a suite or the two table settings that were provided. Dinner was at the first place I found, a Chili’s. About what I expected, acceptable and would have been good if they trimmed the steak properly.
Oops: I managed to forget that as I was driving along the highway to Mission, I came across two kingfishers together. One was huge and had to be a Ringed (yet another lousy life look). I think the other was a Belted, but it was hard to tell at 70MPH.
Double oops: The Long-billed Thrasher appears to be world #500!
Just back from Texas, so lots of photos to go through. This one’s a Clay-colored Thrush (formerly Robin) at Santa Ana NWR and might be the dullest-looking bird possible.
More bird photos:
Texas Day 0
Saturday, January 10
Day 0 was a travel day, flying from Boston to San Antonio with a stop in Atlanta and then driving south to Zapata.
Up at 6, off to the airport by 6:30. A crow, some gulls, and a red-tail along the way. Got dropped off, walked in, checked my bag and cleared security in about 10 minutes. I found the gate, which was being used for an earlier flight and settled in nearby. An amusing moment came when a TSA agent walked over and shouts to someone sitting a row over that he left his keys at the counter. He went running back and after returning kept cracking up every few minutes.
The flight took off right on time and was pleasant, even though I was stuck in a middle seat (maybe I should have paid the $6 to pick the seat out ahead of time). Halfway through there was a page for any medically trained person. Nothing appeared to be happening until just before we began the descent when the two people in the first row moved and an older man and woman took those seats. The man was given an oxygen tank and they announced that there would be an ambulance at the gate.
Once we landed in Atlanta, two EMTs came aboard. I was sitting close enough to hear the general story. Apparently the guy had a pacemaker put in about a year ago and it was malfunctioning a bit and he blacked out. Once he got the oxygen, he appeared to be doing much better and was probably ok by the time we landed. And even with waiting for the EMTs to take him off, we still were out early (presumably we had cut all the lines to get to the ground).
The gate for the next flight was only a few down, so I walked around a bit checking out all the food. I eventually settled on Popeye’s, which was quite good (and my 3 chicken strip meal came with 4 pieces of chicken for some reason). After that, it was a fairly long wait for the next flight.
We eventually boarded. This time, I had an aisle seat (on the 2 seat side). Again, the flight was very pleasant. The landing in San Antonio was a bit rough for no apparent reason but an extra bounce is still not much. My bag came off the carousel quickly and a Hertz shuttle was pulling up as I got outside.
After a quick trip to the Hertz location, I got the standard “oh, we don’t have the car you rented available” but they did have a Mazda 6 (instead of a Ford Focus) for a couple dollars more and then started applying various discounts so who knows how much different it actually was. Soon enough, I was handed a set of keys and out at the car. I grabbed the lever to open the trunk and instead popped the hood. Apparently the trunk was the thing that didn’t really look like a button next to the lever.
Once settled into the car, I entered Zapata into the GPS and started out. Inside the packet of information Hertz gave me was a note that the airport expansion has made a mess of the roads right there and old directions don’t work. I didn’t see that until much later and ended up driving in circles and entering areas that didn’t look like the public was overly welcome for a few minutes before I decided to just start for a highway and assume things will figure themselves out.
Sure enough that worked. The GPS recalculated and had me going in the right direction almost immediately. Other than a fast merge across 3 lanes, it was quite easy to get onto I35 and start south. Even though it was about 6PM, it was still light enough to see the flocks of grackles, a cormorant, some pigeons and starlings, and a few vultures and Buteos as I headed south.
The road emptied out pretty quickly. The GPS had issues with the business road (it told me I was off the route every time I passed an exit for a good 100 miles) but otherwise there were no problems. It worked well as the highway ended in Laredo (which was good, as it didn’t look nice) and got me to the next part with ease. I stopped at a Subway in the middle of nowhere. It was at a truck stop and was rather interesting to hear broadcasts that shower 1402 was now ready over a loudspeaker as I was eating.
I reached Zapata by 9:30 or so and found my hotel (the Holiday Inn Express) easily.
Heading home
Quick post from the airport in San Antonio. Trip was a great success. Fell a little short on the bird goal, but decided that I was too tired to get all the way to Laguna Atascosa and South Padre on Tuesday, so I probably would have made it if I got there. Also didn’t have a lot of luck with the harder birds (no Hook-billed, Red-billed Pigeon, Muscovy, etc) except for this guy:
And I didn’t even have to pay for it.
Full report in the coming weeks.
Texas preview
off to Texas
With perfect timing, ahead of the next storm and during a week that will have high temperatures reaching 30 at most (and probably not even 20 one day).
- Birds: reach 500 (30 away, should be possible)
- Texas list: multiply by 125x (I saw a Great-tailed Grackle and nothing else while being diverted through the Dallas/Fort Worth airport while heading to Arizona 10 years ago)
- Butterflies: reach 100 (14 away, should be easy, maybe even 125-150)
- Dragonflies: reach 100 (1 away, can’t fail but 125 may be out of reach)
I have a netbook and should have internet (which is good since I’m doing the Eastern Mass RBA for BirdEast this week), so I may sneak a picture or two up while I’m there, but don’t expect much.
One from the archives: a vagrant Sage Thrasher in York, Maine, November 2001.
Might be enjoying these by this time next week.
And for the people, note that the goldeneye from last week has a follow up and appears to actually be a Barrow’s!
Goldeneye Again
I stopped by the Charles today and spent some time watching the odd goldeneye again. Fortunately, today there were a total of 5 goldeneye along the river, including another female that would occasionally be close enough to get a photo of both in the same frame.
Here’s three more photos of the bird, twice with the male and once with the female for comparison:
Note on the last one that I cut most of the water between them out and then made a bit of a mess with the clone stamp fixing my quick cutting and pasting, but that’s one photo.
Also remember that these are all hosted on Flickr and clicking on any of them and then All Sizes will blow them up to the original size.
I’m not seeing much of a difference in bill structure, so I’m leaning towards Common. And since every shot shows a slightly different head shape, I’m not sure that the one with the strong peak is actually the normal shape.
Then again, I just took a look at Ted Floyd’s new field guide and the Barrow’s there looks pretty close. Via Amazon, search for goldeneye and then go to page 53.
Update: I heard from Jim McCoy who was quite sure it’s a Barrow’s. And just now I came across Sean McMahon’s series, which seem to show the bill and head shape quite definitively.
Last update: Simon Perkins agrees on Barrow’s, so I’m done questioning.
Everyone else is doing a year in review, so I will too.
Winter highlights included my first Pine Grosbeaks and Bohemian Waxwing in Middlesex County (winter birds at least, the waxwing was in April).
Spring included a Fork-tailed Flycatcher, a Prothonotary Warbler, and finding my own Cerulean.
Summer began with Mississippi Kites and a pelagic. There were also lots of cool bugs. Summer continued with a hard-to-find Moorhen.
Fall had lots of nice things including a Connecticut Warbler, several Fiery Skippers, and scoters inland (both White-winged and Black).
Winter’s been slow so far, but the roost was cool and the goldeneye may still prove to be.
It was a slow year for life birds (only Thayer’s Gull, Mississippi Kite, and Leach’s Storm-Petrel), but I did have 5 county birds (Pine Grosbeak, Bohemian Waxwing, Prothonotary and Cerulean Warblers, and White-winged Scoter). I also added quite a few birds in Waltham (Cerulean, Prairie, and Connecticut Warblers, and a two week stretch where I had American Pipit, Black Scoter, Dickcissel, and Blue-winged Teal).
I only added two new butterflies (Hessel’s Hairstreak and Frosted Elfin and 4 new ones in Waltham (Henry’s Elfin, Pepper-and-salt Skipper, Appalachian Brown, and Common Buckeye). New dragonflies included Arrowhead Spiketail and Illinois River Cruiser (also new for Waltham).
Year totals were on the low side, only 231 (229 in MA, about 15 below my average). Middlesex county was 181. I did raise my Waltham record again, reaching 131 (after 129 and 130 the last couple years, so 132 next year). I had 63 butterflies, which was a record but right about my average for the last couple years (43 in Waltham, also 1 or 2 above the last couple years). Dragonflies numbered 58 (34 Waltham), which was down from the last two years, probably because I didn’t go on any group trips for them.
I can say with certainty that 2009 will be a better year. Texas in under 2 weeks alone guarantees that (I should be hitting 500 birds, 100 butterflies, and 100 dragonflies while there) but with any luck we won’t get the ridiculous rains again this summer and I can get shorebirds in the county.
One last statistic: 12722 records added to AviSys (I try to track everything, every day at least to city).