Wednesday 2/26: Blackbirds were in at BBN. Red-shoulder was flying around the West Meadow and a Green-winged Teal was on the pond.
Thursday 2/27: Usual along the riverwalk.
Friday 2/28: Fish Crow was about it at the Great Meadows skating rink but a Pileated flew across Virginia Rd on the way home.
Saturday 3/1: Started at Franklin Park where the Red-headed Woodpecker took 20 minutes to show up. Nothing else of note. Millennium next. River was dead and very few sparrows around, which made my goal of hitting 100 March Suffolk birds tough. Did get Hairy and Red-shoulder but still three short. Also GW Teal, Turkey Vulture, etc. Walked the boardwalk and powerline at Cutler Park next in case the Rough-leg was hanging out, Fish Crow the only thing of any interest. Gave the river and res a quick loop on the way home, nothing of any note.
Sunday 3/2: Rather cold and windy but started at Pelham Island Rd. Sun was also not good here but I picked out a pair of pintail. Wayland side of Water Row had a couple GW Teal. Walked the Sudbury side, nothing particularly interesting. Buzzed over to Mill Pond in Maynard next, no pintail but Common Merganser was an addition. School St had lots of geese and a vulture, as did Nine Acre.
Monday 3/3: Lesser Scaup was the most interesting duck at Forest Grove, usual landbirds too.
Tuesday 3/4: Usual at BBN.