WIR 2/5-2/11

Wednesday 2/5: Hermit Thrush was about it at Hanscom, but a Fox Sparrow at Gaining Ground on the way back was nice.

Thursday 2/6: Too snowy/wet.

Friday 2/7: Same stuff along the river plus the eagle was right by the footbridge and a Peregrine on Cronin’s.

Saturday 2/8: Did a bit of a coastal loop. Started at Nut Island where the King Eider was almost close. Wollaston didn’t have anything obvious, so on to Squantum Point Park. Nice group of sparrows down the Boston Scientific trail including a Fox and Swamp but little else. Castle Island next, spent 30 minutes staring at a bird on the mound at Logan that was probably a harrier. No shorebirds, no Barrow’s, maybe the northern Eider. On the way back, the Rough-leg hovered for a minute. Decided to make the run up to King’s Beach from there. Lesser Black-back was one of the first birds I got on and an Iceland came in later but no Kamchatka or anything else.

Sunday 2/9: Too snowy

Monday 2/10: Great Meadows parking wasn’t cleared, Meriam’s and Brooks weren’t cleared, so Hartwell it was. Nothing exciting as expected there but good to walk a bit.

Tuesday 2/11: Pintail but no shoveler at the Mystic Lakes. A few hoodies and not much else at the duck ponds.