WIR 1/15-1/21

Wednesday 1/15: Flock of turkeys and two deer but little else at Habitat, which left time for a feeder pass at Mount Auburn where I didn’t find any Orange-crowns.

Thursday 1/16: No late sparrows at Ricci, no Killdeer at Hobbs Brook.

Friday 1/17: Nothing exciting at BBN. Quick check of Arlington Res didn’t have a Killdeer but did get a Hermit Thrush at the farm.

Saturday 1/18: Made the drive down to Chatham for the Ferruginous Hawk. Got there maybe 10 minutes late (or on time but didn’t get to the right spot?), then wandered around in the wind for 5 hours seeing not too much. Stopped at Cold Brook Preserve on the way home and saw almost as much in 40 minutes, mostly ducks and nothing of much interest.

Sunday 1/19: With no goose reports, let the ice melt a bit then went to Castle Island. Took a few but got the Rough-leg (and an interesting paler raptor). Also bunch of Brant, Dunlin, a harrier, etc. Continued to Draw Seven picking up a Merlin on the way. Two Surf Scoters but not much else there. Station Landing had an eagle and more of the same.

Monday 1/20: Too snowy

Tuesday 1/21: Too cold