WIR 1/8-1/14

Wednesday 1/8: Too cold but did a loop of the res while moving my car. About 120 geese, 3 swans, 1 black duck, 1 Mallard, 1 RB Gull, 15 pigeons.

Thursday 1/9: Barely a bird at Cookson. A few ducks and GC Kinglets by the dam.

Friday 1/10: Fresh Pond had 3 Lesser Scaup, 1-2 Common Loon, a kingfisher, a Merlin, and a few other things.

Saturday 1/11: Decided the snow was just strong enough every time I thought about going out and had a lazy day instead.

Sunday 1/12: Started at Jamaica Pond where I found the Cackling Goose fairly quickly but had to wait half an hour for it to wake up and confirm itself. Usual ducks and loon otherwise. Leverett had the usual too. Roslindale Wetlands Urban Wild Park next, Rose-breasted Grosbeak showed up at the feeder eventually. Gave Norumbega a run on the way home, all frozen. Out again to School St where there were a bunch of larks and 3 longspurs in close. No geese at Nine Acre and not much at the res.

Monday 1/13: Yellow-rump was still along the riverwalk (first by the ballfield and then by the museum). A few ducks were in, not too much else. Frozen above the dam and no Pine by Moody St.

Tuesday 1/14: Got Norm’s Marsh Wren at St. Anne’s plus a Winter Wren, Coyote, and sharpie on the Lindentree side. Nothing at Nine Acre or around the res.