WIR 1/1-1/7

Wednesday 1/1: Weather wasn’t terribly good. Deer Island in fog and mist had a RB Nuthatch and the usual waterbirds, although the gull roost was being hit by waves and was pretty nonexistent. Big flock of Snow Buntings at Winthrop Beach, nothing much at Revere Beach. Quick check of the Charles and res had more of the usual.

Thursday 1/2: Too windy for much. Found the Snow Goose at Spy Pond. Watched it fly off, drove to the Mystic Lakes, and DJ waved me over to point at a Snow Goose (seems to be the same). Also the pintail, an eagle, the usual ducks but no shoveler.

Friday 1/3: Even before the wind picked up, BBN was pretty quiet, very few sparrows. Did have a flock of Red-wings and a couple ravens. 

Saturday 1/4: Attempted a bit of town listing. Res and Heard first had nothing. Got to the Hudson Community Gardens and noticed it was freezing in the wind, so didn’t last long. White-throat was new (as were pigeon and Red-tail on the drive) but nothing else much. Tried a couple spots along the river but didn’t see anything obvious and didn’t feel like walking. Skipped Maynard for that reason (other than 3 Ring-bills at the pond in the center) and went to School St. Lot of geese, bunch of larks, couldn’t pick a longspur out without scoping, which I wasn’t about to do. Tried Nagog next, only a couple mergansers and a few land birds while walking at the south end. Flint’s had mergansers. Joined the Concord CBC countdown, then had the Lark Sparrow and a harrier on the way out.

Sunday 1/5: Horn Pond. Dug out the RN Grebe (way out) but no Iceland Gull. Thrasher popped up pretty quickly again. Also Hermit Thrush, sapsucker, etc. Silver Lake next. Handful of gulls in close and a couple hundred flying in the distance but they didn’t come in, so I went up to the Tewksbury parking lot where there were a couple hundred, just about all Herring. Also a bunch of Fish Crows.

Monday 1/6: Harrier and Savannah at Kaveski/Meriam’s. Nothing of note at Nine Acre, Flint’s, or Hardy.

Tuesday 1/7: Did a bit of Dunback before it got too windy. RC Kinglet and a single Yellow-rump. Quick check of the res had a handful of ducks.