WIR 12/25-12/31

Wednesday 12/25: Nine Acre had an eagle, raven, and 350 Canada Geese. One tiny bit of open water at the res had the usual ducks.

Thursday 12/26: Started at Draw Seven. RB Mergs, goldeneye, etc but nothing unusual. Lot of gulls on the ice driving off, so stopped at Station Landing. Couldn’t find anything interesting with them, 3 scaup the most exciting. Got in the wrong lane for Rivergreen so went right to Revere Beach. No oystercatchers but 20+ turnstones were nice. Quick stop at Short Beach had nothing and a flyover Snow Bunting was about it at Winthrop Beach. Made it to Rivergreen on the way back but it was very quiet.

Friday 12/27: Couldn’t find the pintail when I arrived at the Mystic Lakes. Walked up to the dam and found a shoveler on the way, plus the Fox Sparrow and cormorants. Got back to the south end and more ducks were flying in and the pintail was with them. Horn Pond next, took 30 minutes but I got the thrasher. Also a coyote and raccoon plus most of the usual waterfowl (although confined to a hole way out in the middle).

Saturday 12/28: Waited out most of the rain and went to Jamaica Pond. Gadwall was #100 for Suffolk in December (and as I just noticed, I never fixed the Semipalmated Sandpiper, so 101). Also 2 loons, a goldeneye, and lots of mergansers. Leverett Pond had a few Wood Ducks and Ring-necks. Drove to Chestnut Hill Res next but it looked frozen, so I just kept going to Norumbega (gulls) and Cambridge Res (less birds in a smaller opening).

Sunday 12/29: Concord CBC in the fog. 3+ Field Sparrows, 2 Savannah, 35 turkeys at Ricci, nothing exciting at Hartwell, sapsucker or 2 at Tanner’s Brook.

Monday 12/30: Midafternoon loop of the res had the same. Hardy was still frozen.

Tuesday 12/31: Started at Wachusett Res. Gadwall off 40 was a county bird, otherwise normal stuff. Gates 36 and 25 had more of the same. Spruce Grove had a calling Yellow-rump. Decided to try for the RH Woodpecker in Groton from there but there were 4 cars taking up what was room for maybe 3, so skipped. Turned the wrong way on 119 for Fitch’s Bridge Rd, so just went to School St (geese and distant larks) and Nine Acre (nothing).