WIR 11/28-12/3

Wednesday 11/27: Sharpie at Gaining Ground, not much at Hanscom.

Thursday 11/28: Turkey hunt had a pile of geese at Nine Acre and an eagle at the res.

Friday 11/29: Did a bit of a coastal swing. Started at Sandy Beach in Cohasset, where I scanned from the car for a bit without much of anything (too many dogs and rough seas). Stodders Neck next, might have skipped if I realized that it was basically a dog park. Nothing of interest either.

Saturday 11/30: Went to Franklin Park. Got the RH Woodpecker quickly. Watched a bunch of geese fly in while I was on that, so doubled back to the pond and eventually picked out the Cackling (which then walked back to where I had been originally). No luck with any warblers though. Allendale Woods after, no Pileated or much else. Quick stop at Hammond Pond didn’t have anything besides a PB Grebe.

Sunday 12/1: Gave BBN a quick check before heading to Horn Pond for the warblers. Missed the Snow Geese by a couple minutes and didn’t have much of interest in a quick loop. Little late for the BT Gray at Horn Pond but the Townsend’s cooperated and the Blackpoll buzzed through. Both cormorants were on the docks of the Lower Mystic Lake on the way back.

Monday 12/2: No Empid at Danehy, creeper and Killdeer the most interesting. Did an afternoon loop of Riverwalk Park figuring there are more rare warblers around and almost succeeded with a Pine. Not much else there and just the usual on the res.

Tuesday 12/3: Went back for another try at the BT Gray. Townsend’s and Blackpoll cooperated but no other warblers. Quick check of the pond had a few ducks but no Gadwall or PB Grebe.