WIR 10/2-10/8

Wednesday 10/2: Slow to get moving so went to BBN. Two egrets, usual ducks, Red-shoulder, and a few Rusties at the marsh. Parula, couple Red-eyed Vireos, Blackpolls, etc up the hill. Working through them for a second time when Lily texted about a Golden-wing at Rock Meadow. Ran back to the car and had 15ish minutes to look without luck. Supposed to be south winds, so hopefully it’ll be out again in the morning.

Thursday 10/3: Nashville, couple sapsuckers, ton of robins and similar at Rock Meadow but no Golden-wing and couldn’t find the Lark Sparrow a photographer told me about.

Friday 10/4: Orange-crowned, Nashville, 2 Lincoln’s, Bobolink at Danehy.

Saturday 10/5: Went down to Plymouth for a change. Started at Ellisville Harbor. Marsh was quiet on the walk out. Tide was super low, lots of Laughing Gulls and cormorants but not much else. Eventually picked out a few shearwaters on the water way out, appeared to be Manx. Walked to the tip without much more, but a whole bunch of Yellow-rumps flew off on the way back and a few more shearwaters joined. Loop of the fields on the way out didn’t have much of anything.

Tidmarsh next. Much improved trails since I was last here, but not a ton happening. One small flock had a BT Green and BH Vireo, a sharpie flew over, a Sachem was out in the asters, and another flock of Yellow-rumps had a Nashville. Drove up to Nelson Park from here. Looked to be a decent bit on the water but the wind looked pretty rough and I had enough.

Sunday 10/6: Walking day. Ton of waxwings at Falzone, nothing much at the West Meadow. BBN had about the same as Wednesday (3 Rusties, 4 Night Herons, 3 egrets) but few warblers anywhere. Rock Meadow was quiet as were the duck ponds. Return trip through Rock Meadow added Savannah and White-crowned, getting me past 50. Walked Concord Ave to the incinerator trail, then back through the West Meadow and Falzone, but about the only thing of interest was a Cooper’s almost at home.

Monday 10/7: Figured the dark and showery conditions would be good for Great Meadows. Started fairly slow beyond a ton of Swamp Sparrows. Made it down to Borden without anything. While photographing a tame Cooper’s on the way back, I heard the call of the Golden-Plover I was expecting. Ran up to the platform and got some lousy shots. Quick stop at Elm Brook on the way out had an egret.

Tuesday 10/8: White-crowned, pipits, continuing Great Cormorant and Semipalmated Plovers at Arlington Res. Couldn’t find Jonathan’s Prairie Warbler though.

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