WIR 9/25-10/1

Wednesday 9/25: Lots of warblers staying high against the cloudy sky at BBN but did pick out a parula, couple Black-and-whites, and Blackpolls. Also a tanager, turkeys, 5 BC Night Herons, and Yellow-rumps were in.

Thursday 9/26: RE Vireo at Cookson was the most exciting thing there, nothing on the river.

Friday 9/27: 3 Lesser Yellowlegs, more of the usual at Weston Station Pond.

Saturday 9/28: Went a bit north in case the Lark Bunting hung around. North Shore Community Gardens had a Lincoln’s Sparrow, lots of common sparrows, a RC Kinglet, and not too much else. A few shorebirds and an eagle were at Putnamville Reservoir. Hobbs Brooks had a bunch of Semipalmated Plovers and yellowlegs. Waltham St. was quiet. Went around the res just to kill a bit of time before going home and had an egret.

Sunday 9/29: Went looking for mostly terns in Norfolk county. Started at Nut Island, where one interesting one flew fairly close but I got on it too late. A few more were way too far. Usual gulls and a few scoters otherwise. Wollaston had some Commons and unidentified (and I probably should have scanned harder). Squantum Marshes had egrets and a Merlin. Thrashed around Commander Shea a bit and got one Nelson’s to cooperate just enough. Walked from there up to Squantum Point Park, which was very quiet. Was about to give up, but saw Forster’s reported from Nickerson Rock, so figured I could spend a few minutes scoping. Got a couple flying quickly and then 5 more on the sandbar. Buzzed the Charles and res on the way home without anything.

Monday 9/30: Arlington Res had the Great Cormorant, a few shorebirds, a bunch of Yellow-rumps, and that was about it.

Tuesday 10/1: Kaveski had a ton of birds, mostly Killdeer, red-wings, doves, and waxwings. About the same crossing into Meriam’s. Lincoln’s and an Indigo on Shadyside walking back were nice, as was the Merlin chasing a Cooper’s earlier.

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