WIR 9/4-9/10

Wednesday 9/4: Lots of shorebirds at Arlington Res but only the usuals.

Thursday 9/5: Weasel and that was about it at Great Meadows.

Friday 9/6: Nothing particularly exciting at Weston Station Pond.

Saturday 9/7: Dunback had a couple redstarts and a Black-and-white. Waltham St. had a RB Grosbeak, 2 Yellow Warbler, and not much more. Arlington Res had a snipe and most of the same shorebirds. Afternoon trip to Gloucester had a few Laughing Gulls.

Sunday 9/8: Finally visited Ashland, getting 25 species at the state park (Blackpoll, eagle, not much else of any note). Whitehall Res had a Black-and-white, parula, creeper, Pileated, and a few common things adding 8 species to the Hopkinton list. Didn’t have time for Holliston because the Whimbrel at Wachusett was still around.

Monday 9/9: Fairly quiet at Hayden Woods, handful of common warblers. Eagle over the office walking in.

Tuesday 9/10: Ovenbird, 3 BC Night Herons at Cookson, nothing much at the square.

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