WIR 7/10-7/16

Wednesday 7/10: Nothing much at Weston Station Pond, did the loop around the quarry pond for the first time.

Thursday 7/11: Eagles, Osprey, not much else at Mystic Lakes.

Friday 7/12: Woodcock, Least Sandpipers, etc at BBN.

Saturday 7/13: Original plan was to go check on the Acadians and maybe Belle Isle. That changed with the Brown Booby report. Didn’t rush quite like the Anhinga, but I was up and out on the early side. Couple showers on the way, but it was when I got there and the bird was sitting in the open. Good looks, good crowd. Thanks Laura!

It started pouring as I was about to head out, so figured that was it for the moment, but it had pretty much stopped by the time I reached the pike, so I continued to 30 and cut over to the Raymond Reservation (and wasn’t the only one who did exactly that). Bushwhacked in and the gallinules were out in the open. Bushwhacked further and had a night heron, Bank Swallow, and 2 PB Grebes plus a bunch of Least and Solitaries.

Returned home via Heard Pond (nothing), the swamp (more Least at the bridge), and the res (nothing).

Sunday 7/14: Rescheduled butterfly count, in Acton as always with a detour into Carlisle. Spencer Brook had flying turkey poults and Appalachian Browns. NARA Park had very little. Nagog Hill had a ton of Wood Nymphs and Pearl Crescents and nothing else. Grassy Pond had very little. Conant School back field was 90% empty and the other 10% had the count’s only Silver-bordered Fritillaries, a bunch of different skippers, and a few other things.

Monday 7/15: Water level too high at Arlington Res, flyover Least was about the only thing of interest. Nothing on Hardy.

Tuesday 7/16: Powdered Dancers the most interesting thing at Cookson and the square.