Wednesday 7/19: October Farm and Brewster’s Woods had Fish Crows, Autumn Meadowhawks, and mosquitoes.
Thursday 7/20: Night-Heron at Cookson, 2 RB Grosbeaks at the square.
Friday 7/21: Barred Owl, Hoodie, and a redstart at BBN.
Saturday 7/22: Did a walking day instead of going to the Cape. Virginia Rail, woodcock, and Osprey were new for the on foot year list, so still ahead of my target pace, fairly quiet otherwise. Nothing much for bugs, sleeping raccoon was ok though.
Sunday 7/23: Down to the Cape for the first time in a couple years with Alan and Brendan. Mountain Plover was cooperative, Purple Martin was nice too. Went to Myles Standish to get ahead of returning traffic and had all the later season coastal plain stuff, although nothing actually unusual.
Monday 7/24: Virginia Rail was about it at Forest Grove.
Tuesday 7/25: Very little at Great Meadows.