Wednesday 10/19: In office day so got out to the Wayland Community Gardens. Tons of sparrows although I didn’t find any of interest. Male Purple Finch about the most interesting thing.
Thursday 10/20: Dunback had a ton of sparrows and robins plus a few Purple Finches, a late Pine Warbler, and a couple Hermit Thrushes.
Friday 10/21: White-crowned at Gaining Ground, Red-shoulder at Hanscom, lots of the usual stuff too.
Saturday 10/22: Did a Quincy run. Quick check of the res partially because the car was fogging up only had swans. Squantum Point Park was loaded with robins, House Finches, and common sparrows. Dug a Clay-colored out eventually but nothing else terribly noteworthy. Passanageset was windy and fairly quiet. Thrashed around enough to get a Nelson’s finally. Ran into Vin partway around who told me he had an Orange-crowned a few seconds earlier. No luck with that, but one flew across in front of me just before I got back to the car, so two county birds today (and with the Clay-colored, 3 questionably upgraded to finds).
Sunday 10/23: Worked the Sudbury River a bit. Started at the Old 27 Bridge. No NW winds and it’s grown up enough to make it tough to see down the river. Walked the bridge and the chip I couldn’t place (but expected Fox Sparrow) turned out to be a very late waterthrush! Hung around enough for 2 harriers and a sharpie. Went down Water Row but there was a photographer right where I wanted to park, so I continued to Lincoln Meadows first. Did the gardens and a loop to Pantry Brook, which were birdy but more of the same. Back to Water Row where I walked just about the whole length. Managed 40 species including 2 harriers (at least one of which was not one of the ones from the bridge), a Red-shoulder with a snack, 3 yellowthroats, a bunch of Purple Finches, and 2 Lincoln’s Sparrows. Quick check of the res in the afternoon had a bluebird but not much on the water.
Monday 10/24: Was planning on the res then Great Meadows if the rain wasn’t too bad, but fog and dark made me go straight to Great Meadows. Lots of sparrows along the dike included a Vesper (Great Meadows bird #205!) and 2 White-crowns. Also flyover pipts and snipe. Bailed a drop early to hit the res, which had a bunch of gulls but nothing else.
Tuesday 10/25: Yellowthroat about it at the West Meadow, 4 Purple Finches at BBN.