Wednesday 12/9: Red-shoulder, Marsh Wren, Yellow-rump at BBN.
Thursday 12/10: Crossbills at College Pond.
Friday 12/11: Pair of Great Horned at Habitat.
Saturday 12/12: Jamaica Pond once the fog burned off, took a minute or two but the Eared Grebe showed really well. Nothing too exciting with it. Continued out to Wellesley for the chat, no luck with that but a few ducks at least.
Sunday 12/13: Foggy again. Couldn’t see much at the res. Nine Acre had 500+ geese but nothing else. South end of Nagog was clear, north end not so much, nothing particularly interesting. Decided to try Rocky Hill in Groton, Winter Wren the only thing of note. Nagog was foggier somehow on the way back.
Monday 12/14: Two grackles, 5 Red-wings, and a probable northern Red-tail at West Meadow, nothing much at Falzone.
Tuesday 12/15: Nothing by Moody St. Two eagles at Mt. Feake, nothing different at Hardy.