Wednesday 8/29: Forest Grove had a RB Nuthatch and a couple other more expected Charles year birds.
Thursday 8/30: Not a whole lot at Rock Meadow. No sandpipers in a quick run around the duck ponds but a waterthrush popped up across the pond on my last scan.
Friday 8/31: Very litlte at Nobscot, 2 RB Nuthatches, 3 Kingbirds, 2 Redstarts, and a Pileated about it. Stopped on Pelham Island Rd on the way home, Solitary and 2 Spotted got Wayland to 100 for the year.
Saturday 9/1: Cambridge was quiet, essentially nothing of note at Danehy. Kingbird at Alewife was about it there. Thorndike field was a complete waste. Blair Pond had 2 Least and a Spotted then 6 Killdeer flew in. Unfortunately what sounded like a Semipalmated Plover overhead didn’t call clearly enough. Raven did though. Meadowbrook had a Scarlet Tanager. Hobbs Brook was starting to show some mud, nothing terribly exciting. Good raptor show at Waltham St with a Broad-wing, Red-shoulder, Sharpie, TV or two, and 4+ Red-tails.
Sunday 9/2: Walked from home to the duck ponds. Ovenbird at Lot 1, RB Nuthatch at West Meadow, 2 BT Green at BBN, and that was about it.
Monday 9/3: Wandered a bit west. Bolton Flats had a Virginia Rail, a couple Bobolink, a redstart, and a Pileated. The farm pond just down the road had a few shorebirds next to it. Nothing at Sterling Peat. Stopped at Hobbs Brook on the way home and had both yellowlegs and a few peep.
Tuesday 9/4: Indigo Bunting, waterthrush, 2 Least plus all the shorebirds from the other day on Pelham Island Rd. Nothing at Heard Pond.