Wednesday 5/31: Mourning Warbler singing at Forest Grove.
Thursday 6/1: Virginia Rail and Magnolia at College Pond.
Friday 6/2: BT Blue and Black-and-white at Prospect Hill.
Saturday 6/3: Distant singing Prothonotary at October Farm, too cloudy for odes at the Cranberry Bog.
Sunday 6/4: Went out to Athol with Alan. Explored every part of the area except the one that had the ode we wanted but a few FOYs and an Olive-sided made for a decent trip.
Monday 6/5: Stood on the tower at Great Meadows but nothing exciting.
Tuesday 6/6: Too rainy and too many errands to run.
Wednesday 6/7: Hardy Pond had nothing exciting.
Thursday 6/8 – Monday 6/12: DSA meeting, details sooner or later (right after I finish 2012, 2015, and 2016…)
Tuesday 6/13: Short walk around Prospect Hill had nothing of note.