Wednesday 9/14: Green Heron and nothing else at Forest Grove/Purgatory.
Thursday 9/15: Good start with 5 species of warbler at BBN and then nothing for the remaining 50 minutes.
Friday 9/16: Wilson’s and BT Green at Dunback. Also woken up by a screech-owl.
Saturday 9/17: Started at Alewife. Pretty quiet, a couple Purple Finches by the ponds and then a long walk in the wooded section for a redstart. Continued to Waltham St. Main section was dead (1 Palm, 1 Indigo, 10 Song Sparrows, 6 goldfinches, and that was about it). Tried the greenhouse side and a Connecticut popped up. Unfortunately right as Marj walked in, so I waved instead of photographing and it disappeared before she caught up. Very few birds at Hobbs Brook but a Familiar Bluet finally along with a decent number of other odes and butterflies. Twelve+ Ring-necks and an Osprey at the res, people walking around on Old County so didn’t check.
Sunday 9/18: MBC walk at BBN was dead. Little bit more at the duck ponds after, then a few plovers, peep, and teal at the Old County end of the res. Main section of the res had some ducks including 10ish Wigeon and 20ish Ring-necks plus an early coot. Egret by Trapelo was the first that’s made it to that side.
Monday 9/19: Old County Rd had the same and then it rained too hard to see anything.
Tuesday 9/20: Usual at Hobbs Brook.