Wednesday 6/15: Not much at BBN. First European Skipper of the year but that was about it.
Thursday 6/16: More Bobolinks at Heard Farm.
Friday 6/17: Two or three Least Bittern at Great Meadows (finally).
Saturday 6/18: Bug day. Atlantis Fritillary and Harris’s Checkerspot on Watatic, then a milestone at Willard Brook. Couldn’t dig up the Crimson-ringed Whiteface at Townsend State Forest and Bertozzi was fairly quiet late afternoon, but a good day.
Sunday 6/19: Minuteman survey was pretty quiet. Shadow Darner in the yard at night was very early for me.
Monday 6/20: YT Vireos cooperated (audibly at least) at the Wayland gardens.
Tuesday 6/21: Nothing too exciting at the duck ponds, mud hopefully will continue to look good.