Thursday 6/16: Final Rock Meadow survey had the usual stuff. Stopped at BBN to check for cuckoos and Black-and-white without luck but did have a family of turkeys on the parkway (unfortunately they were too small to climb the curb, hopefully they eventually got around it but I didn’t want to watch in the traffic). Finally saw the Hairy that’s been calling off and on in the yard.
Friday 6/17: Lazy day. Hairy was around off and on, may have a nice size comparison video to post at some point.
Saturday 6/18: Repeat of Friday.
Sunday 6/19: Tried for rails along Concord Ave and at BBN early. No luck with those or cuckoos but did have a Blue-winged in a new spot and an Orchard Oriole. Great Meadows later: nice views of the Least Bittern, a Peregrine and kestrel, and some cooperative gnatcatchers. Also a bunch of first of year odes including Powdered Dancer, Marsh Bluet, Swamp and Slender Spreadwing, Blue Dasher, Eastern Amberwing, and Black Saddlebags.
Monday 6/20: Paine in the morning. Found something.
Tuesday 6/21: Bugs
Wednesday 6/22: Went to hmm looking for huhr without luck. Probable Purple Finch and nesting Cooper’s Hawks weren’t bad.