DSA 2016 Day 2

Tuesday 7/12: Up early and out to Corn Creek. Couldn’t find the thrasher spot on the way in, but got Lucy’s Warbler stepping out of the car. Looped around a bit with Pale-faced Clubskimmer, my first Flame Skimmers, and a few other goodies. Flycatchers and hummingbirds baffled me a bit, although I’m fairly sure the hummers were all Black-chinned. On the way out, a couple juvenile Black-throated Sparrows were nice.

Lucy s WarblerFlame Skimmer


Black throated Sparrow


Next stop was Floyd Lamb State Park. Typical pond odes and birds, but a nice stop for a few minutes.

Great tailed Grackle

Widow Skimmer

Off to Utah. Very few birds on the road. A brief stop in Arizona at the Virgin River campground had more confusing flycatchers and White-belted Ringtails, a major target. Got into Hurricane and grabbed Subway (partially for lunch tomorrow) before a brief meetup with the group.

FlycatcherWhite belted Ringtail

DSA 2016 Day 1

Monday 7/11: Morning flight direct to Las Vegas. Arrived early afternoon, got the car, stopped for gas, muffins, pretzels, and water, and went to the Clark County Wetlands. Not overly wet but a few birds included lots of Chats, a Gallinule family, and an Abert’s Towhee (lifer #1). Odes were limited to a few dancers (Blue-ringed and Powdered), a Familiar Bluet, and some gliders.

Gallinule family

Powdered DancerBlue-ringed Dancer

Continued on to the Duck Creek trail on the other side, which was even drier. Eventually found a pond which had some avocets, a White-faced Ibis, and some Clark’s Grebes but no odes.

Clark's Grebes

Viewing Platform

Given that it was over 100 and not shady, I gave up quickly and found the hotel (one of the nearby casinos). Had dinner at the burger stand inside, then crashed.