Fall Starts with a Bang

Went to Prospect Hill this morning hoping for some early migrants. Started at Big Prospect where I had a Pine Warbler before heading down the slope. Chickadees and titmice all over but nothing with them. I took one of the side trails back up and had very little. Nothing at the end of Whitney, so I headed up the Ridge Trail to start towards the back end of the park. Reaching the more open area just below the tower, I heard some more chickadees and stopped to pish. Four birds promptly flew across the path. The first three were chickadees, the fourth was clearly not.  A quick look showed it to be an American Redstart. Worth a few minutes to work through anything else with them.

Pretty quickly, another warbler popped up. Initial views showed big wingbars and left me a bit puzzled as the only thing I could think of was a Blackpoll, which would have been ridiculously early. After a few seconds of hiding, it came out again and I got a better view. A tiny, tiny tail and a huge eyebrow. That was enough to get Cerulean into my head and another look showed the confirming bluish back.

I scrambled for the camera and got a few poorly lit shots (of anything that moved, somehow I got a cardinal and the redstart before getting the warbler). I wasn’t helped by the fact that I only had enough room for maybe 10 shots on the card and had to scramble for a new one. Fortunately a couple were identifiable. The bird moved towards the tower and I chased after it. A few more shots and it moved down the road.


It took a couple minutes to relocate, but this time it posed for some nice shots.



Check out that blue near the tail!

The bird continued down the road and I let it go and rushed out an email. I then finished my loop through the park. Probably not quite concentrating, but lots more chickadees with not much among them. One hummingbird was nice and a couple of Gray Hairstreaks would have been the highlight on another day.

Back at Big Prospect, I made another pass and eventually caught up with Bob on the Whitney Trail. Although the flock was still present (we could hear the redstart among others), it took a good bit of effort to coax the Cerulean back out. And then we realized that the original spot was much better lit, so we coaxed it up there and got some moderate shots.


And then it was time for lunch.

WIR 7/31-8/6

Wednesday 7/31: Went to the Cranberry Bog for the first time in awhile. Nothing much there, but a probable Sweetflag Spreadwing down the Otter Slide trail was nice as was the miniflock containing a yellowthroat, Ovenbird, and Black-and-white. Two Leasts and a Spotted at the duck ponds.

Thursday 8/1: BBN to start. One small flock at the top of the hill had a Chestnut-sided, Redstart, Yellow, and Blue-winged (last was probably local, the rest not). Quiet from there though. Duck ponds again found Bob, a Spotted, and 2 Solitary.

Friday 8/2: Great Meadows: 3+ Great Egret, not much else. One Spotted at the duck ponds. Down to the Cape for the rescheduled pelagic where we drove around Falmouth and did not hear Chuck-will’s-widow.

Saturday 8/3: Pelagic, link to report sooner or later.

Sunday 8/4: Took a quick check for Clapper Rail without luck and then worked our way off Cape.

Monday 8/5: Great Meadows midafternoon: 14+ Lesser Yellowlegs, 1 Greater, 1 Pectoral Sandpiper, 3 Solitary, 1 Spotted, 8+ Least, 1+ Semipalmated. Same Least, Solitary, Spotted at the duck ponds.

Tuesday 8/6: BBN had presumably the same Black-and-white and Redstart, but not much else for birds. A White-M Hairstreak and Zabulon Skipper made up for that. White-M was probably my most wanted.



Quick stop at the duck ponds had more of the same shorebirds but a Black-crowned Night-Heron was new for the location.

WIR 7/24-7/30

Wednesday 7/24: Great Meadows to start. A flock of Lesser Yellowlegs briefly touched down but nothing much else. Stopped at the duck ponds and had 6 Leasts.

Thursday 7/25: Duck ponds again: 4 Least, 4 Solitary, 2 Killdeer. Rock Meadow was pretty quiet (as expected with it being 60, cloudy, and windy).

Friday 7/26: Waited out the rain then wandered to the duck ponds again. Rain had refilled them, nothing of note.

Saturday 7/27: Started at Rock Meadow where I finally got a local Willow Flycatcher for the year. Walked through there and BBN without much else. Stopped at the duck ponds yet again on the way home, about halfway down and with 3 Least Sandpipers. New Salem in the afternoon. Only took a short walk, but came across a family of Ruffed Grouse (no camera unfortunately, although I was close enough to being attacked that I doubt I would have gotten any good shots).

Sunday 7/28: Great Meadows: Caught up with a Great Egret and a BW Teal finally, not much else.

Monday 7/29: Purgatory Cove was quiet. Couple Leasts in a two minute stop at the duck ponds.

Tuesday 7/30: Started at Cat Rock Park where I had a Pileated, Marsh Wren, and pair of bluebirds. Six ravens on the tower at Prospect Hill was a bit of a surprise, but quiet otherwise (another river cruiser and a spinylegs about it).

WIR 7/17-7/23

Wednesday 7/17: Quick walk at BBN didn’t have much. Went back to Purgatory Cove with a camera but no Vespers to photograph.

Thursday 7/18: Prospect Hill had the usual, plus a Swift River Cruiser. Quick stop at the duck ponds had 5 Solitaries.

Friday 7/19: Very quick stop at Hardy Pond, where I picked up about 15 dragonfly exuviae that I may eventually key out. Sat on the deck instead of heading to the Cape for Saturday’s canceled pelagic and added a kestrel to the yard yearlist (and a Red-bellied at the peanut feeder in the morning made for another).

Saturday 7/20: Great Meadows started with 3 Least Bitterns and a Green Heron from the tower. A few shorebirds were around, but none easy to see. Made it down to the river and after dismissing an odd call by the opening to the left as a blackbird, I noticed a Sora standing right there.

Sunday 7/21: Dunback to start. A female kestrel and lots of overgrown paths. Quick check of the duck ponds on the way home added a Killdeer, 2 Least Sandpipers and a Solitary.

Monday 7/22: Mt. Misery to Farm Meadow without much of anything.

Tuesday 7/23: Dodged rain to run to Hardy (1 Herring Gull, a few geese) and the res (eagle, more geese, mallards, and cormorants). Continued to the duck ponds but a landscaping crew was working so didn’t stop.

WIR 7/10-7/16

Wednesday 7/10: Checked Hardy Pond and the res but it was too foggy out to see at either. Moved on to Great Meadows where I could see, but the highlight was an all white pigeon. Also made a quick stop at Purgatory Cove in the afternoon, where there were 10 Wood Ducks, 7 swans, and a night-heron.

Thursday 7/11: Got to Prospect Hill just as the rain started. Tanager on the ground was all I managed before it got too heavy. Eagle again at the res.

Friday 7/12: Walked from Rock Meadow through BBN and the West Meadow without seeing much. Quick stop at the duck ponds had a Solitary in the usual corner. The left pond is very low (possibly to fix the walkway) and has potential for shorebirds soon.

Saturday 7/13: Concord Butterfly Count.

Sunday 7/14: Great Meadows early. No repeat of the Whistling-Duck, but a Least Bittern put on a good show.

Monday 7/15: Duck ponds again. Solitary and Spotted plus a deer and a huge snapping turtle.

Tuesday 7/16: Purgatory Cove eventually. Vesper Bluet and Striped Hairstreak.

WIR 7/3-7/9

Wednesday 7/3: Went to Horn Pond Mountain for my hairstreak fix. Found good numbers and everything but Acadian. Also had 2 ravens on one of the towers.


Thursday 7/4: Went to BBN earlyish. Doe and fawn, Scarlet Tanager feeding young (cowbird unfortunately), Orchard Oriole, towhee, Mocha Emeralds, and a Unicorn Clubtail made it worthwhile.

Friday 7/5: Great Meadows had a Unicorn Clubtail. Showed Alan the Squannacook after, it was much more comfortable out there for most of the morning. Highlights included the jewelwing show, a posing Dragonhunter, male and female Eastern Least Clubtails, and a distant Common Sanddragon.

Saturday 7/6: Nothing outdoors.

Sunday 7/7: Eventually wandered to Lone Tree Hill where the humidity and afternoon heat were brutal. Very few butterflies. One Aeshna and a couple Somatochlora had me going back for a net but nothing came close.

Monday 7/8: BBN again. More of the same, lots of Spot-winged Gliders and skippers. Ducks ponds quickly too, nothing exciting there.

Tuesday 7/9: Paine for a change, nothing to say I should go more often.

WIR 6/26-7/2

Wednesday 6/26: Started at Great Meadows, which was hot and quiet. Checked St. Anne’s fields again as I was debating a heard only flycatcher yesterday. Still unsure but likely just a Willow. Flushed a woodcock on the way in though. Another (well likely the same immature) Broad-wing over the yard.

Thursday 6/27: Kestrel and displaying Cooper’s at Dunback (plus a few million mosquitos).

Friday 6/28: People generally require you to do things like lunch on your last day of work.

Saturday 6/29: Long, disappointing day.

Sunday 6/30: Rock Meadow and Lone Tree Hill for bugs mostly. One Somatochlora sp, a few hairstreaks, and an Orchard Oriole.

Monday 7/1: Purgatory Cove had 3 BC Night-Herons and not much else. Lots of mosquitoes at Forest Grove. More night-herons along the river walk plus lots of Powdered and Blue-fronted Dancers.

Tuesday 7/2: Eventually wandered to Prospect Hill for butterflies even though it was still cloudy. Good numbers, although nothing exciting there. One good bird though with a singing Winter Wren down the Pine Ledges Trail. And a very nice dragonfly with a Mocha Emerald landing (picture here if I hadn’t drained my camera battery accidentally overnight). Circled the res on the way home and there was an eagle in the normal tree.

WIR 6/19-6/25

Wednesday 6/19: Spent the day odeing. Started trying to find a good access point for Ashby WMA but gave up and went to Townsend Hill instead. Very quiet there, best things were a couple Petite Emeralds and a Barn Swallow grabbing a Four-spotted Skimmer. Moved on to the Squannacook, which was rather high. Add in that it had clouded over a bit and there wasn’t much around. A few Stream Cruisers, some Racket-tailed Emeralds, and a Hylogomphus sp that got away. On to Arched Bridge in Dunstable, where there wasn’t much at the stream (only 2 jewelwings!). The path out to the quarry was a bit overgrown and it was fairly quiet, although the usual field birds were singing. A very worn elfin on the way out appeared to be an Eastern Pine. A quick run around the Cranberry Bog was very quiet but pushed the day’s total to 38+.

Thursday 6/20: Caught up on paperwork.

Friday 6/21: Baby raccoons and not much else at the duck ponds.

Saturday 6/22 and Sunday 6/23: DSA meeting in CT/RI, will write up something sooner or later.

Monday 6/24: Busy with other stuff.

Tuesday 6/25: Went out to Lincoln and enjoyed lots of Bobolinks at Farm Meadow.

WIR 6/12-6/18

Wednesday 6/12: Nothing doing.

Thursday 6/13: MNHP survey finally. Veeries and little else though, probably a little too late.

Friday 6/14: Another(?) Broad-wing over the house.

Saturday 6/15: Joined the Menotomy walk from Met State to Paine, didn’t see much beyond a juv Swamp Sparrow.

Sunday 6/16: Joined at ode walk at the Cranberry Bog. Mostly the same, the one interesting thing got away.

Monday 6/17: Nothing exciting at Prospect Hill.

Tuesday 6/18: Started with Rock Meadow and BBN (couple Blue-wings, a Redstart, not a whole lot else), then went to Great Meadows for the Sora show.