WIR 1/1-1/7

Wednesday 1/1: The usual BBC trip. Six Snowies, Red-headed Woodpecker, Ross’s and Cackling Geese, 4 Iceland, Black-headed, and Glaucous Gull, etc.


Iceland 3


Thursday 1/2: Snow. All the expected stuff at the feeders.

Friday 1/3: Still stayed in. About the same.

Saturday 1/4: Figured the Mystic Lakes would be open. They barely were but a couple Great Cormorants and a flock of Snow Buntings were nice. Continued to Oak Grove and got the sparrows easily.

Sunday 1/5: River walk: Wood Duck, Lesser Scaup, lots of the usual ducks, and a Bald Eagle finishing a meal. Continued to Moody St where the Iceland Gull was in close. Checked the area east of Watertown Square after but couldn’t find the thrasher. Very quick check by Forest Grove didn’t have anything worth walking for and what I thought was open water on the res on the way home was ice.



Monday 1/6: Cold.

Tuesday 1/7: Quick check of the Cambridge Res. Surprisingly a bit of open water, but 2 gulls and nothing else.

WIR 12/25-12/31

Wednesday 12/25: Stayed in.

Thursday 12/26: Peregrine near the Elm St carwash but otherwise not much between the river walk and Prospect St. Tree Sparrow at the feeder was the first in a couple years.

Friday 12/27: Wandered to Revere Beach where 1 Glaucous and 1 Iceland cooperated.

Saturday 12/28: Waltham St and Dunback were generally quiet. Lots of Tree Sparrows, a couple bluebirds, a few hawks, etc.

Sunday 12/29: Forest Grove had a creeper and not much. Peregrine at Moody St. Another creeper and not much along the riverwalk. Eagle at the res.

Monday 12/30: First Red-bellied in the yard in a few months. Too windy at Meriam’s and Kaveski. Snow Buntings and Horned Larks at School St.

Tuesday 12/31: Started at Rock Meadow, which had a Sharp-shinned Hawk and not much else. Decided a quick check of the field station was a good idea. No sparrow flock that was there during the CBC (but a big bunch of turkey(?) feathers). Walked the field hoping for buntings or something. Got 3/4 of the way around, figured there weren’t any and noticed 9 almost at my feet.

Snow Bunting

Snow Bunting

Continued to School St (no buntings/larks while I was there) then Hanscom (more buntings, a male Harrier, and a distant Snowy).

YIR 2013


Gull lineup

(No photos of the county Red Crossbill)



Redpoll #1


(Repeat of that, not that bird)







Common Ringed Plover





Mating Robbers



Plus the cameraless Lark Sparrow




Cackling Goose






(And Short-eared)

Bullock's Oriole



Wayland Empid

Not much travel this year.  Four lifers, all in MA. Two additional state birds. Five county birds and three for Waltham. Five new yard birds (and 82 total!). For the Beaver Brook/Rock Meadow patch, 127 total with 8 additions. For the Charles, 105 with 7 additions.

For the bugs: 5 new odes (4 for the state, 6 for the county) and 2 new butterflies (3 for the county).


WIR 12/18-12/24

Wednesday 12/18: Nothing doing.

Thursday 12/19: Great Horned and Winter Wren at Dunback. Nothing exciting at Moody St.

Friday 12/20: Turkeys and bluebirds at West Meadow plus a grackle almost at Dawes. Nothing along the parkway. Normal stuff on the river walk, although I chased a presumed Iceland Gull from Elm St to Prospect without getting a good look.

Saturday 12/21: CBC, more eventually but nothing terribly exciting.

Sunday 12/22: Stayed in.

Monday 12/23: Stayed in.

Tuesday 12/24: Five flickers together at BBN were about it. Tried for count week ravens at Prospect Hill with no luck.

WIR 12/11-12/17

Wednesday 12/11: Nothing much on the Charles, loon and hundreds of ducks on the res.

Thursday 12/12: Nothing at Paine or Gore. First goldeneye of the season on the Charles.

Friday 12/13: Too cold, although lots of ducks on the res but I didn’t have a scope for them.

Saturday 12/14: With the CBC canceled for Sunday, I wandered to the Oak Grove Cemetery instead of scouting. Couldn’t find the Lark Sparrow and it was too cold to get of the car and see the Chipping (not to mention working trucks and a Merlin scattering stuff). Also checked the Mystic Lakes quickly but didn’t see anything beyond mergansers. Stopped at the res on the way home, but stuff was too close to the highway and the heat waves were too strong to really sort through, although I could pick up pretty much all of the ducks that had been there.

Sunday 12/15: Watched feeders.

Monday 12/16: River walk had the same.

Tuesday 12/17: Watched feeders.

WIR 12/4-12/10

Wednesday 12/4: Dunback and Waltham St were fairly quiet beyond the continuing catbird.

Thursday 12/5: Started at BBN and the West Meadow. Loads of robins, starlings, and turkeys but not much else. Continued to the res, where the usual ducks were still around (but since it’s December 6 of the 15 entries on the eBird checklist were caught by the filters for high counts). School St was quiet. Decided to scan through geese at Nine Acre Corner on the way home. Got out of the car at Willow Guzzle and the first bird I saw was another late catbird. Also another 40 or so turkeys but nothing in the 150ish geese.

Friday 12/6: Did some scouting at the field station with nothing much to show for it. Quick stop at Hardy Pond had the usual, Bufflehead and Kingfisher the most interesting.

Saturday 12/7: Nothing much at Purgatory Cove. Winter Wren at Forest Grove. Nothing along Moody St. Then chased a flycatcher.

Wayland Empid

(Click through for more)

Sunday 12/8: Savannah Sparrows at Waltham St, Barred and Great Horned Owls plus 2 Winter Wrens at Dunback.


Monday 12/9: Nothing.

Tuesday 12/10: Started at the river walk. Fairly quiet other than a creeper which was new for the spot. Nothing in a quick check of the gulls at Moody St and nothing by Purgatory Cove. Swung by the res on the way home, tons of ducks (225+ Ring-necks, 10+ Greater Scaup, 60+ Ruddy, 75+ Hoodie) and a Common Loon.

Patch 2013

Working the Charles this year (Watertown Square to Norumbega although probably not much in Watertown). Goal is 105 birds (and to get my river list up to 150, which means 11 new) . As usual bold is new for the river, italics is otherwise interesting.

As of 12/8:

  1. Canada Goose (1/2)
  2. Mute Swan (1/5)
  3. Wood Duck (3/1)
  4. Gadwall (12/7)
  5. American Wigeon (9/22)
  6. American Black Duck  (1/2)
  7. Mallard (1/2)
  8. Green-winged Teal (3/22)
  9. Northern Shoveler (4/12)
  10. Canvasback (1/20)
  11. Ring-necked Duck (1/5)
  12. Lesser Scaup (2/6)
  13. Bufflehead (1/2)
  14. Common Goldeneye (1/22)
  15. Hooded Merganser (1/2)
  16. Common Merganser (1/2)
  17. Red-breasted Merganser (3/20)
  18. Ruddy Duck (1/5)
  19. Pied-billed Grebe (1/9)
  20. Great Cormorant (2/14)
  21. Double-crested Cormorant (4/15)
  22. Great Blue Heron (1/5)
  23. Green Heron (8/8)
  24. Black-crowned Night-Heron (6/10)
  25. Turkey Vulture (3/20)
  26. Osprey (10/16)
  27. Cooper’s Hawk (1/5)
  28. Sharp-shinned Hawk (4/22)
  29. Bald Eagle (1/25)
  30. Red-tailed Hawk (1/2)
  31. American Coot (1/2)
  32. Killdeer (3/12)
  33. Spotted Sandpiper (7/17)
  34. Ring-billed Gull (1/2)
  35. Herring Gull (1/5)
  36. Iceland Gull (1/5)
  37. Great Black-backed Gull (1/5)
  38. Rock Pigeon (1/5)
  39. Mourning Dove (1/5)
  40. Chimney Swift (4/22)
  41. Belted Kingfisher (4/28)
  42. Red-bellied Woodpecker (1/5)
  43. Downy Woodpecker (1/5)
  44. Hairy Woodpecker (1/12)
  45. Northern Flicker (1/5)
  46. Peregrine Falcon (1/8)
  47. Eastern Wood-Pewee (6/10)
  48. Willow Flycatcher (5/20)
  49. Least Flycatcher (5/27)
  50. Eastern Phoebe (4/8)
  51. Great Crested Flycatcher (5/4)
  52. Eastern Kingbird (5/7)
  53. Warbling Vireo (5/1)
  54. Blue Jay (1/5)
  55. American Crow (1/2)
  56. Fish Crow (5/4)
  57. Tree Swallow (4/3)
  58. Bank Swallow (8/8)
  59. Northern Rough-winged Swallow (4/20)
  60. Barn Swallow (4/20)
  61. Black-capped Chickadee (1/5)
  62. Tufted Titmouse (1/5)
  63. Red-breasted Nuthatch (4/8)
  64. White-breasted Nuthatch (1/5)
  65. Brown Creeper (1/5)
  66. Winter Wren (10/28)
  67. Carolina Wren (1/5)
  68. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (4/20)
  69. Golden-crowned Kinglet (1/9)
  70. Ruby-crowned Kinglet (4/15)
  71. Eastern Bluebird (10/16)
  72. Hermit Thrush (4/15)
  73. American Robin (1/5)
  74. Gray Catbird (5/4)
  75. Northern Mockingbird (1/2)
  76. European Starling (1/2)
  77. Cedar Waxwing (7/1)
  78. Nashville Warbler (12/2)
  79. Common Yellowthroat (5/16)
  80. American Redstart (5/20)
  81. Northern Parula (4/26)
  82. Magnolia Warbler (5/16)
  83. Yellow Warbler (5/4)
  84. Blackpoll Warbler (9/22)
  85. Palm Warbler (4/8)
  86. Pine Warbler (4/8)
  87. Yellow-rumped Warbler (4/15)
  88. Black-throated Green Warbler (9/22)
  89. Yellow-throated Warbler (4/20)
  90. American Tree Sparrow (1/5)
  91. Chipping Sparrow (4/17)
  92. Song Sparrow (1/2)
  93. Swamp Sparrow (1/5)
  94. White-throated Sparrow (1/5)
  95. Dark-eyed Junco (1/2)
  96. Northern Cardinal (1/2)
  97. Rose-breasted Grosbeak (5/20)
  98. Red-winged Blackbird (2/14)
  99. Rusty Blackbird (10/28)
  100. Common Grackle (3/11)
  101. Brown-headed Cowbird (4/15)
  102. Baltimore Oriole (5/7)
  103. House Finch (1/5)
  104. American Goldfinch (1/2)
  105. House Sparrow (1/2)

WIR 11/27-12/3

Wednesday 11/27: Owl

Thursday 11/28: No outdoors time and nothing incidental in Otis.

Friday 11/29: Started at BBN, where I managed a Ruby-crowned Kinglet and Hermit Thrush. Nothing at the West Meadow. Continued on to Hanscom where one Snowy was way, way out. School St. was quiet. Common Loon and the usual ducks at Flint’s. Thought that was it for the day, but a late afternoon phone call had me running back to Hanscom where Simon had found a Short-eared Owl. About as far as the morning’s Snowy, but fortunately it eventually started hunting in the field on the other side of Virginia Rd (and flew over our heads).

Saturday 11/30: Family stuff in NYC.

Sunday 12/1: Spent most of the day stuck in traffic but an eagle flew across the Hudson before we left.

Monday 12/2: River walk was quiet, except for a Nashville Warbler! Continued to Prospect St without much, then Purgatory Cove and Norumbega (2 shovelers). Lots of mergansers on the res and lots of ice at Hardy Pond.

Nashville Warbler

Tuesday 12/3: Not much.


With the rain today, wasn’t expecting to go out (had debated circling the res but didn’t bother). A 3:15 call from Marj was a nice surprise then.


Glad someone was out and about, thanks Simon!

WIR 11/20-11/26

Wednesday 11/20: Started at Rock Meadow but it was too windy. Moved to School St where I worked the larks and pipits for 45 minutes but couldn’t find a longspur. Quick check of Flint’s Pond (no obvious scoters/loons/grebes but wasn’t about to get the scope out and then a quick walk through Waltham St. had nothing.

Thursday 11/21: Shrike and 2+ White-crowns at Kaveski. Still no luck with longspurs at School St. Lots of ducks but nothing exciting at Flint’s.

Friday 11/22: Waited out the rain before a quick check of the Cambridge Res. Two eagles but no scoters, so I ran around Fresh Pond and got the 2 White-wings that had been hanging around, plus a loon and a few scaup.

Saturday 11/23: Charles from Shaw’s to Prospect St then a scan of Purgatory Cove and Norumbega without anything of note. Ducks in bad light at Cambridge Res but nothing jumped out.

Sunday 11/24: Early check of Cambridge Res had ducks in awful light. Nothing at the north end (mostly with a bit of ice) or Hardy.

Monday 11/25: Dunback had the catbird still, a Killdeer, bluebird, Fox Sparrow, and Great Horned Owl.

Tuesday 11/26: Started by heading west. Flint’s had the usual. Spent 40 minutes at School St, pretty sure I heard a longspur in with the larks at one point but no luck finding it. Norumbega had gulls, geese, and mallards (and ice). Purgatory Cove was frozen but a Great Cormorant on the river was a nice surprise. Cambridge Res looked fairly quiet.