WIR 3/11-3/17

Wednesday 3/11: Another quick check of the town building added another Wood Duck or two, a few more mergansers, and a Ring-neck. Probably had a good-sized flock of grackles heading home.

Thursday 3/12: Got the coot I missed at the building plus more Wood Ducks. River Rd had Ring-necks and Hoodies.

Friday 3/13: Zipped through Nine Acre Corner and Water Row without much of anything. Finally had a grackle from the yard though.

Saturday 3/14: Got ready to head up, opened the door and heard the rain, went back in.

Sunday 3/15: Fish Crow(s), 1 Cedar Waxwing, 8 Ring-necks, 4 Bufflehead, 2 Common Mergansers at the river walk. Four Wood Duck, 1 Common Merganser at Forest Grove. Eagle and more mergs at Norumbega. Grackles and/or Red-winged Blackbirds everywhere. Res and Hardy still frozen.

Monday 3/16: Turkey Vulture in Lincoln, usual ducks plus some land birds and a heron at the town building.

Tuesday 3/17: Too nasty in the morning, but pulled throug the town building driveway on the way home and added a couple GW Teal.

WIR 3/4-3/10

Wednesday 3/4: Found a few ducks at the town building, nothing exciting among them. Presumed GW Teal with some mallards flying over Smith St on the way home.

Thursday 3/5: Some Common Mergansers on Pelham Island Rd but nothing new at the town building.

Friday 3/6: Nothing new at the town building.

Saturday 3/7: Indoors all day.

Sunday 3/8: Wandered the West Meadow to Lot 1. GH Owl on the way over was about it, but a few turkeys on the way back and a singing Red-winged Blackbird eventually made it worthwhile.

Monday 3/9: Made a quick stop to get the waxwing on the commute list, fortunately one was still there (by itself). Also had a Peregrine fly over but nothing much in the ducks below the dam.

Tuesday 3/10: Two Wood Ducks at the town building but the good sighting for the day was a Woodchuck crossing Heard Pond.

WIR 2/25-3/3

Wednesday 2/25-Friday 2/27: Eh

Saturday 2/28: Besides the waxwings, the scaup and Green-winged Teal were around along with an adult eagle.

Sunday 3/1: Went to Revere Beach for a change. Nice Iceland and Glaucous but nothing else exciting. Brief stop at King’s Beach had nothing shortly before the Mew Gull turned up (fortunately I’ve been told it wasn’t there until later).

Monday 3/2: Eh

Tuesday 3/3: Stopped at Wayland Town Building, still frozen and nothing but geese.

WIR 2/18-24

Wednesday 2/18 – Friday 2/20: Eh

Saturday 2/21: Posted

Sunday 2/22: Wandered around Dunback a bit in the afternoon. Two Purple Finches and not much else.

Monday 2/23 – Tuesday 2/24: Eh

More River

First time out in a couple weeks.


Didn’t get the camera up for the redpolls or the Peregrine. Scaup still around, not much else duckwise.

WIR 2/4-2/10

Wednesday 2/4: Tree Sparrow in the yard finally.

Thursday 2/5: Eh

Friday 2/6: Got out of work early so made the quick stop at the Wayland Town Building that I’ve been skipping because of traffic. Couple hoodies, lots of blacks/mallards, and a few geese were it.

Saturday 2/7: Went looking for Redhead along the river. No luck with that but Lesser Scaup and Green-winged Teal were nice. Continued to Moody St, which was frozen but decided to walk anyway (redpoll or Bohemian in mind). Creeper was a nice surprise halfway down, but something was better at the other end. Nothing new on the way back and a very quick check of the Watertown end was totally frozen.

Sunday 2/8: Eh

Monday 2/9: Eh

Tuesday 2/10: Sigh

WIR 1/28-2/3

Wednesday 1/28: Flicker across the street and Cooper’s were about it for additions to yesterday’s list.

Thursday 1/29: Nothing.

Friday 1/30: Nothing.

Saturday 1/31: Too windy.

Sunday 2/1: River walk about the same. Watertown end mostly frozen but about the same. Great Cormorants at Mystic Lakes. Hermit Thrush but little else at Dunback. Hairy in the yard.

Monday 2/2: More snow, nothing good at the feeders.

Tuesday 2/3: Cold/snow.