WIR 1/20-1/26

Wednesday 1/20: Quiet at Forest Grove.

Thursday 1/21: Went over to Fresh Pond for the Red-necked Grebe, loon, and scaup. Found all those plus 3 Red-breasted Mergansers.

Friday 1/22: Uncooperative redpolls along the Mystic Lakes. Eagle, lots of mergansers (1 Red-breasted), about it.

Saturday 1/23: No redpolls along the lakes, good numbers of ducks. Quick stop at Meadowbrook had the usual, as did Spy Pond.

Sunday 1/24: Flock of waxwings near the res were my first locally in a little while. Nothing else there or at Nine Acre. Looped Round Hill and Great Meadows Headquarters, chipmunk was the only thing of any interest.

Monday 1/25: Raven was about it at College Pond.

Tuesday 1/26: GW Teal (just one) at Watertown Square, few ducks to the east.

WIR 1/13-1/19

Wednesday 1/13: GW Teal and a Wood Duck by Watertown Square, eagle but no interesting waterfowl at Mt. Feake.

Thursday 1/14: Quick buzz of Nine Acre had nothing, walked St. Anne’s a bit and had a few things of minimal interest.

Friday 1/15: Odd finch call at BBN eventually turned out to be a Pine Grosbeak (‘commute’ 237, patch 186)! Also had 2 Yellow-rumps and maybe some crossbills plus a flock of grackles on the way over.

Saturday 1/16: Waited for the rain to stop (or thought I did), then ran to Draw Seven. Found the scoter flock (11 Surf, 1 White-winged) and eventually the Black on the other side of the dam plus a few redpolls. Thought about Sylvester Baxter but no close spaces so went to Station Landing instead. A few Ruddy and more redpolls plus more of the same ducks (minus the scoters).

Almost lucky

Sunday 1/17: Got the Fox Sparrow at Horn Pond but other than 50+ coots there wasn’t too much else.

Monday 1/18: Gadwall and the pintail were at Arlington Res, bluebirds at Cambridge Res.

Tuesday 1/19: Wood Duck at Watertown Square, single redpoll over Gore.

WIR 1/6-1/12

Wednesday 1/6: Falzone and West Meadow had a Ruby-crowned Kinglet (calling only).

Thursday 1/7: Redpolls at Cookson and by the pool in Watertown, not much else along the river or at Gore.

Friday 1/8: Ring-necks and the usual other ducks at Forest Grove.

Saturday 1/9: Quick trip to Meriam’s and Kaveski had a harrier. Afternoon visit to the riverwalk (down to Prospect St) had a few ducks but no Pine Warblers.

Sunday 1/10: Finally got out to Bolton for Pine Grosbeaks. Poked around Nine Acre a bit after, distant Red Crossbills but no obvious White-wings, a Pileated, and a few other things.

Monday 1/11: 3 Yellow-rumps, a Barred Owl, and 3 Purple Finches at Dunback.

Tuesday 1/12: Didn’t get out.

WIR 12/29-1/5

Wednesday 12/30: Redpolls about it at Forest Grove. No big mallard flock to pick a pintail out of.

Thursday 12/31: Just did a very brief res/Flint’s/Nine Acre check, wigeon and Ring-necks at the res, 300+ geese at Nine Acre, and that was about it.

Friday 1/1: No BBC trip this year, so just did the res (not much) and Dunback (distant crossbills, a siskin, another interesting flyover call).

Saturday 1/2: Only able to do a very quick check of Hardy, nothing there.

Sunday 1/3: Concord CBC, few redpolls, lots of tree sparrows, and a calling crossbill in lousy weather.

Monday 1/4: Quick run partway around Arlington Res had a raven but no interesting ducks.

Tuesday 1/5: Very little at BBN.

WIR 12/23-12/29

Wednesday 12/23: Couple redpolls but nothing else at BBN.

Thursday 12/24: Kingfisher east of Watertown Square.

Friday 12/25: Too nasty.

Saturday 12/26: Started at Draw Seven, where two of the three scoters were barely visible in the sun (turns out the Black was around the corner). Also a nice kestrel. Crossed the river to get all that from the Earhart side and added a loon and an Iceland Gull. Decided on the Mystic Lakes instead of Ell Pond and vicinity after which was a mistake, but did see the cormorants at least.

Sunday 12/27: Supposed to be a finch day. Started at Watatic (after a quick, birdless scan of Fitchburg Res). Surprise of the day was a Herring Gull as I was starting the hike up. Grouse flushed in the usual spot, nothing at the top, but did at least hear a WW Crossbill as I started down. Pretty birdless on the way back to the car. Continued to Townsend State Forest where I did the longer loop and had 3 chickadees and a RB Nuthatch, then a few more plus titmice and WB Nuthatch at a feeder walking back along the road. Townsend Hill WMA had a mobile flock of redpolls and Michael Veit, who I hadn’t seen in years. He gave me a couple spots for Pine Grosbeak in Pepperell. Headed over to those but only found Cedar Waxwings. Decided it was too late for the Bolton ones and headed home.

Monday 12/28: No crossbills or anything else at Habitat.

Tuesday 12/29: Little bit of CBC scouting, 8 redpolls, 3 flickers, 27 turkeys at Ricci Fields. Quick check of Nine Acre had lots of geese and a few cowbirds.

YIR 2020

Interesting to say the least.


January: Lots of lingering birds including Sora and Virginia Rail and Chipping Sparrows everywhere. Highlight was the hybrid Mallard x Pintail.

February: Started with the distant Eared Grebe in Beverly, some nice gulls in Wilmington, and that was about it.

March: Barnacle Goose in Plymouth county, did a bunch of town listing, getting my 20th over 100 in county. Shoveler made for a nice patch bird to end them month.

April: Canvasback was a commute bird, grebes at the res, and that was about it.

May: Usual migrants, western Palm the most interesting. Two yard birds (Ovenbird and Black-billed Cuckoo) after a couple years of not adding anything. Walking route for Birdathon had 77 species, would have been a really nice day for a full run.

June: Pileated finally on patch, Hooded Warbler in Lincoln, and the start of the RB Nuthatch invasion.

July: Crossbills in Ashby, Golden-winged Skimmer in Townsend, second weasel of the year, and a few ibis.

August: Glaucous at Earhart was one of the highlights of the year, dowitchers at the res, plus Sooty Tern and Bonaparte’s Gulls from the storm. Usual start to fall migration.

September: Sanderling at Great Meadows was #200 there, Townsend’s Warbler at Sandy Beach, Golden-plover at Westborough, Kentucky (barely) in Newton, skimmers in Revere, and more migrants.

October: Chasing siskins around, adding to lots of lists, first redpolls, and some ducks.

November: Bird of the year with the Common Cuckoo plus Loggerhead Shrike on the way home. Lark Sparrow at Danehy was the first good find in a while, guillemot at Deer Island, and the Pacific-slope made for a nice month (without even getting to the Glaucous Gull returning at Earhart and the meadowlark at Torbert McDonald.

December: Better show from the Pacific-slope, the Eared Grebe in Boston, and the Tundra Swan rounded out a good year.

Two state birds, one Middlesex bird, and one lifer wasn’t bad for no travel. Not much for bugs, Arctic and Pepper-and-salt Skipper the best of the butterflies, the Martha’s Pennant in Acton on the butterfly count and the Golden-winged Skimmer the good odes. Made some progress with robber flies, not as much with Syrphids.

Bird of the year as mentioned was easily the cuckoo. Pacific-slope takes the more local honors.

Blew past my goal of 170 for the workday Cambridge Region (176+) and added 9 species to the overall “commute” list (all after I stopped going to the office), now at 236. Also passed 200 in the local (two town) region, cumulative list there now 299. And now at 23 towns over 100 species. Didn’t do the county listing I hoped for, only picking up a few in Suffolk, Norfolk, and Worcester plus a couple from chases in Plymouth.


Goals for 2021 are a bit open given I have no idea about any travel possibilities. Workday list is a combined Charles/Cambridge Res/BBN+Rock Meadow patch list, hoping for 150? More effort in the county listing game, getting Berkshire, Hampden, and Hampshire to 100 would be nice as would 200 in Norfolk, Worcester, and Barnstable. Six towns have lists between 80 and 100, so getting those to 100 and the 19 under 50 to 50 would be a stretch but it’s a goal. Got new month birds in 11 of 12 this year, so getting at least that would be nice. Still not focused on the state list and a drop too far away from 400 to really push, but getting a few of the regular gaps (Arctic Tern, WF Ibis, Sabine’s Gull, Hoary Redpoll) would be good. Middlesex County list is nothing but vagrants (give or take Hoary Redpoll) missing, so no goal is really settable there. A couple more butterflies and dragonflies would be nice (clean up the missing bluets, a pygmy clubtail, and Needham’s Skimmer wouldn’t be too hard, finally getting Baltimore Checkerspot, Hoary Elfin, Cloudless Sulphur, and Sachem would be enough for butterflies, and Purple Tiger Beetle.


Also managed to add about 45 species with audio records and 80 with photos to ebird, still have a couple years of photos to go through. Get that done and I can go back to the archives for inat.

WIR 12/16-12/22

Wednesday 12/16: Yellow-rump and a flyover redpoll were it at Dunback.

Thursday 12/17: Nice out.

Friday 12/18: Made a lunchtime run down the Charles, one Bufflehead about it. A few mergansers on Hardy.

Saturday 12/19: Semi-attempted CBC scouting. Checked whether the road at Prospect Hill was cleared, then gave the res a quick buzz. Or would have been quick had a Tundra Swan not stuck its head out. Waltham #222, res #182! Didn’t really check much beyond that.

Sunday 12/20: CBC, but with covid protocols it was easier to do solo sections. Falzone had 2 Hermit Thrushes, a Purple Finch, and a Winter Wren. Hardy was frozen, Paine reminded me why we don’t go anymore (although I did hear the geese that the eagle apparently flushed from the field station), and a few Mallards by the Y. Graverson had another Winter Wren and a few sparrows. Afternoon attempt to find some active feeders failed pretty miserably.

Monday 12/21: Gave the res a quick scan, swan on the commute list (236 overall, 189 for this year). Had enough time after for the duck ponds, one of which was somehow mostly open. Just geese and Malllards and not much in the trees.

Tuesday 12/22: Nothing particularly interesting at Forest Grove.

WIR 12/9-12/15

Wednesday 12/9: Red-shoulder, Marsh Wren, Yellow-rump at BBN.

Thursday 12/10: Crossbills at College Pond.

Friday 12/11: Pair of Great Horned at Habitat.

Saturday 12/12: Jamaica Pond once the fog burned off, took a minute or two but the Eared Grebe showed really well. Nothing too exciting with it. Continued out to Wellesley for the chat, no luck with that but a few ducks at least.

Sunday 12/13: Foggy again. Couldn’t see much at the res. Nine Acre had 500+ geese but nothing else. South end of Nagog was clear, north end not so much, nothing particularly interesting. Decided to try Rocky Hill in Groton, Winter Wren the only thing of note. Nagog was foggier somehow on the way back.

Monday 12/14: Two grackles, 5 Red-wings, and a probable northern Red-tail at West Meadow, nothing much at Falzone.

Tuesday 12/15: Nothing by Moody St. Two eagles at Mt. Feake, nothing different at Hardy.

WIR 12/2-12/8

Wednesday 12/2: Sapsucker at Prospect Hill.

Thursday 12/3: Pacific-slope put on a good show this morning (‘commute’ #235). Had enough time for Blair Pond too, but they were working on the train tracks so nothing beyond a kinglet and bunch of Hoodies there.

Friday 12/4: Heard a couple crossbills at Kaveski, no redpolls or White-crown but did have a sharpie and harrier.

Saturday 12/5: Rather nasty, quick run around the res had an eagle going after the coots but nothing else close enough.

Sunday 12/6: Dunback had a vulture, 6 redpolls, and a Winter Wren. Nothing but Canada Geese at Nine Acre and the usual ducks at the res, although more scaup than there had been.

Monday 12/7: Tried to the very late Spotted Sandpiper at Menotomy Rocks without success. PB Grebe and cormorants were the best at Spy Pond after.

Tuesday 12/8: 20 Redpolls at Cookson, not much else there or Watertown Square.

WIR 11/25-12/1

Wednesday 11/25: Started early at Fresh Pond but no sign of the Western Flycatcher. Second run later in the day missed the bird by about 5 minutes.

Thursday 11/26: Nastier than I hoped, did a res-Flint’s-NAC run without much of note.

Friday 11/27: Started at BBN where I finally got a Marsh Wren for Waltham (and a second later). Also a late catbird, a crow/raven/Red-shoulder group mobbing a Great Horned Owl and jays mobbing a Barred Owl, and a couple Yellow-rumps. Back to Fresh Pond. Bird was slightly cooperative, although not vocalizing. Not a ton else in a full loop.

Saturday 11/28: Decided a trip up Rt. 3 was a good idea. Lake Mascuppic zero birds, so on to a quick check of River Front Park. That was pretty dead but at least I got some common stuff I needed for Tyngsborough. Two Pileated over High St on my way to Amos Kendall. One distant crossbill and a siskin but not much else. Arched Bridge was even quieter (even though it was getting sunny), but I had a couple more crossbills close enough to record just before leaving. Quick check of Waltham St on the way home had nothing.

Sunday 11/29: Started at Alewife/Thorndike (after a Merlin eating breakfast on Lexington St). Not much there. Continued to Torbert McDonald, which wasn’t bad. Flyover redpoll and a Yellow-rump to start, then a few more redpolls at the far end. Started to cut back across and noticed something among the geese, which turned out to be a meadowlark! Couldn’t make it a Western, but not a bad bird for here. Another 20 redpolls went over while watching it.

Next stop was Draw Seven, email check before I got out had me scanning for Jonathan’s Brant. No luck with that but the Surf Scoter was present and another redpoll flew over. I moved on to the Wellington Greenway to check further up the river and noticed that it had moved to Sylvester Baxter, so I got the scope out. And couldn’t find it. Lots of geese visible in the water back at Torbert, so I went back there instead of getting the scoter for Everett too. No Brant visible but the meadowlark was still hanging around.

Monday 11/30: Falzone was pretty quiet.

Tuesday 12/1: Evening Grosbeak, lots of waxwings, few flyover redpolls at Dunback.