Place 9 – Fresh Pond

This is the time of year to visit Fresh Pond in Cambridge. It’s by far the easiest place around to find Canvasback and there are often other interesting ducks as well. On the whole, I don’t like the place but make a trip or two each year.

I normally park along Huron Ave as it’s the closest point for me, but there is (or was, not sure about current access) some public parking at Neville Manor and you can always park at the mall and work your way over. Cambridge residents can park near the waterworks (and can also let their dogs run free unfortunately). Those entrances are much closer to where the birds tend to hang out if you want to drop in and not walk all around. Other than circling the pond, Lusitania Meadow often has good passerines.

Fresh Pond is covered well elsewhere, so start with The Friends and go from there for more information.

Week 12 Answer

Quiz 12

So we have a dragonfly. By the apparent large size, striped thorax, spotted abdomen, and vertical hanging, it’s one of the darners. We can eliminate Common Green and Comet by the lack of a solid thorax, Springtime, Harlequin, and Taper-tailed by date. Swamp and Cyrano have a more ringed appearance. Spatterdock has bright blue eyes. That leaves the genus Aeshna, of which there are quite a few in Massachusetts.

We can eliminate Mottled on thoracic pattern right away but several others are close. However, looking at the appendages we can see that they are fairly expanded and paddle-ish. Only Lance-tipped and Shadow match those. Lance-tipped is eliminated by the thoracic pattern, which would be more jagged. Shadow normally shows thin stripes with a slight triangle extending from the rear of the front one, which this one shows.

Shadow Darners are among the most common darners, especially late in the season. In fact, after the first week or two of September, I assume it’s a Shadow unless otherwise. They’re relatively darker than most others and often fly very low to the ground, which makes them much easier to observe. They can fly quite late (I just had my first November record the other day, so they may still be out there now).


Big fallout inland today. There was a very large flock on the Cambridge Reservoir and then a smaller flock on Flint’s Pond in Lincoln. How many can you count in each?

The Res flock:


View it full size to count better

Flint’s (this one was digiscoped, didn’t even realize it was possible with a 100-400 until I tried):

More Scoters

full size

I see about 130 on the Res and about 45 in the other. Both flocks were flying around for a minute or two and I got the same count on the Flint’s flock at that point. The Res flock was too big to count, especially on the water where they were constantly moving in front of each other and very tightly clumped.


These two immature White-crowned Sparrows were at Great Meadows on 10/13. Gambel’s, Eastern, or integrade? I’m not sure if I have both birds shown singly or if I ended up with 6 of the same one.

Which White-crowned?

Which White-crowned?

Which White-crowned?

Which White-crowned?

Which White-crowned?

Which White-crowned?

Which White-crowned?


White-winged Scoter and friends

Thanks to Marj for Middlesex county #259.

Other highlights on the day included a White-eyed Vireo (unfortunately the only photo I snapped was of a blog going behind branches) and some great deals on books. And Pyle Pt. 2 came in the mail, more on that soon.

Place 8 – Quabbin Overlook

The Quabbin Overlook in the center of New Salem isn’t particularly well known (I think I’ve seen exactly 1 post on Massbird mentioning it). It also probably doesn’t have a whole lot of wildlife compared to other parts of the Quabbin and the area, but the view is great.

The trail is also very short, so it’s very easy to run up, check, and run back. I’ve yet to find much along the trail, but most of my trips have been at lousy times of day so that may not mean much.

To reach the overlook, follow the road next to the fire station. It leads down to some playing fields (edges of which are worth checking) and then to a small parking area. The trail starts here and is easy enough to follow. There’s some nice blueberry patches early and then a wooded section before reaching the overlook.

Although I haven’t seen a whole lot from there, several sightings were quite memorable. One of my first good looks at a Scarlet Tanager was a bird that popped up in one of the trees just down the slope (so it was right at eye level). And another time, the loons down in the water were calling loudly enough to be heard from up above. And one day, I’m sure there will be a moose swimming through the water.

Week 12

Quiz 12

Taken September 2005 at Prospect Hill. And since I’ve used this photo elsewhere, it’s already tagged, so click for the answer if you’re impatient.

Duck Hunt

My field trip to the Waltham St. Fields had a rather interesting experience today. We saw a large, immature Cooper’s Hawk sitting in the trees along the channel. Once we got up to the water, we were getting good looks at the Wood Ducks and Green-winged Teal that were mixed in with the Mallards when the hawk decided it wanted one for lunch. It dropped over the water and hovered above the ducks for several seconds. The ducks flapped but didn’t take off and the hawk had to return to the trees. This repeated several times and by the third or fourth time I remembered I had my camera. Pictures aren’t great, but they do show a bit of the action.

The hawk was clearly concentrating on the smaller ducks but the ducks were smart enough to stay on the water, so it remained empty-taloned.

Cooper's Attacking Ducks

Cooper's Attacking Ducks

Cooper's Attacking Ducks

Cooper's Attacking Ducks

Place 7 – Farm Meadow

Farm Meadow is a field in Lincoln, MA best known for being the last place where Henslow’s Sparrows have bred in the state. In recent years, it hasn’t been planted in a way to encourage grassland birds but it’s still a good spot in migration.

To reach Farm Meadow, park at the commuter lot beyond the lot at the Mall at Lincoln Station (on Lincoln Rd.). It’s a pay lot during the week, but since it’s probably full then anyway, it’s not a concern. If you have to park elsewhere, Mt. Misery or Old Concord Rd. off 126 are probably the best (see below for details). A trail starts right by the parking lot (it’s worth checking the train station first as there’s often a lot in the brush along the edge). Follow the trail for a couple minutes walk and you’ll reach Farm Meadow.

The trees that border the railroad tracks are often loaded with migrants. On year on an MBC trip, we spent over an hour just working the hundred yards or so that the trees run. Once you reach the little treatment station, work to the right. In fall, the piles are often loaded with sparrows and other birds. Hawks often buzz through and woodpeckers (including Pileated) can be vocal.

You can also work along the close edge of the field and the field itself. Obviously, if things change and the field is planted again, stay out of any planted area. When the field was a big hayfield, it was loaded with Bobolinks. The Henslow’s were present in 1994, so it’s been quite some time.

After checking the field, if you enter the woods and then cross the railroad bridge, you can enter the Codman Estate or take the trail that starts to parallel the railroad tracks. That ends up at a small field on 126, right near Old Concord Rd. and you can enter the Lindentree and St. Anne’s fields from there (and continue on to Mt. Misery if you want a long walk).

Since I haven’t spent much time here outside of early spring mornings and fall, I can’t say much about the insect life but I’d imagine a good number of the regular butterflies and dragonflies can be found.