One of the highlights from this weekend was a Green-winged Teal that flushed and proceeded to fly circles around me for an extended period of time. Eventually it occurred to me to that when it made a close pass it was possible to get a photo. Surprisingly, a few came out.
Category: birding
Not a House Wren
Consecutive Photos
Back from a fantastic trip to Texas. Much more coming soon, but after last year’s Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl/Ivory Gull back to back
I got another odd combo. Probably actually a bit more likely as the two birds were close together and many others made the drive from one to the next:
Unfortunately the first shot of the second bird wasn’t the best (it’s the dark blob facing away to the right of the coot), so I’ll include a later one that’s just a bit better.
Accipiter part 4?
WIR 1/26/-2/5
A week and a half this time as next week will be very different.
Tuesday 1/26: Beaver Brook ponds were flooded but had 2 Hooded Mergansers and a few American Black Ducks.
Wednesday 1/27: Charles, refound the Lesser Scaup and finally had a goldeneye for the year but very quiet otherwise. Not a single gull! Also had at least 25 Mallards buzzing around the neighborhood after sunset.
Thursday 1/28: Nothing of note.
Friday 1/29: Freezing cold but hit Lyman Pond quickly. It was frozen.
Saturday 1/30: Still freezing but checked Dunback briefly. Creeper and not much else.
Sunday 1/31: Plum with MBC. Snowy Owl (even further than last time), Rough-legged Hawk, Horned Lark, Bald Eagle, and lots and lots of ice and wind.
Monday 2/1: Beaver Brook North, nothing of real note.
Tuesday 2/2: Purgatory Cove: Lesser Black-backed Gull (last year’s bird back?) but no eagles.
Wednesday 2/3: Paine: creeper and not much else.
Thursday 2/4: Moody St, nothing much (no dark-mantled gulls at all)
Friday 2/5: Charles: scaup still around, 1 fish crow calling, fairly quiet otherwise.
Eider with Stuff
Pretty self-explanatory, a new project: the gull gallery
WIR 1/19
Tuesday 1/19: Still snowing, stayed in at work.
Wednesday 1/20: Figured the only place with open trails would be Beaver Brook. Nothing other than Mallards that wouldn’t be in the yard right now (and not the 50 red-wings that flew over the yard in the morning).
Thursday 1/21: Charles by Moody St. Few Common Mergansers, nothing interesting among the gulls.
Friday 1/22: Duck ponds, 4 hoodies in with the mallards.
Saturday 1/23: Went to Cape Ann with my parents and a friend. Most of the usual stuff, missed King Eider and a few of the gulls. Did get 2 Peregrines on the tower, many Harlequins, and 2 Iceland Gulls including this adult:
Sunday 1/24: Stayed in. Great Black-backed Gull was yard bird #26 for the year, lots and lots of the usual stuff in very quick waves.
Monday 1/25: Raining. Quick check of Hardy Pond had a few gulls and some mallards flying around. Did have 6 Red-wings fly over at work.
Tree Sparrow
WIR 1/12-1/18
Tuesday 1/12: Checked the duck pond. Bunch of mallards, 1 hairy, not much else in 15 minutes.
Wednesday 1/13: Charles, more of the same plus 5 Fish Crows.
Thursday 1/14: Paine, nothing different.
Friday 1/15: Beaver Brook North, nothing different.
Saturday 1/16: Took a long walk to Lot 1 and then the West Meadow. Two red-wings at Lot 1 were the highlight, although lots of regular stuff.
Sunday 1/17: Checked Rock Meadow in the morning, 2 bluebirds, 2 Carolina Wrens, lots of regular stuff. Led the Waltham Land Trust duck walk along the Charles in the afternoon. All the regular stuff (minus the goldeneye) were there and a Lesser Scaup was a very nice surprise. A big crowd as well.
Monday 1/18: Snowed, stayed in taking photos (see next post).