Wednesday 3/19: Barred Owl, pair of Common Mergansers, a Ring-neck, and a bluebird at BBN.
Thursday 3/20: Lesser Scaup, eagle, usual at Forest Grove. Nothing much on Norumbega and just mergansers on the res.
Friday 3/21: Raining a bit too hard for Fresh Pond, so went out to Nine Acre where it was almost sunny. Nothing much there, couple Bufflehead at Flint’s, couple eagles at Spy Pond, nothing on the Mystic Lakes. Walked a bit of Arlington Res, lots of ducks but no snipe.
Saturday 3/22: Ended up fairly local. Alewife had a couple Rusties but not much else. Couldn’t find the Horned Grebe at Fresh Pond but had a loon. Woodcock was a surprise at Waltham St., snipe was expected. Tried a hawkwatch at Prospect Hill but the wind was really coming over the side and I wasn’t seeing much. Nothing exciting at the res.
Sunday 3/23: Started at Belle Isle. Lawn Ave had very little (interesting small hawk took off too fast). Gadwall and the shovelers were visible from the boardwalk but it was far too windy, so I headed inland. No Pileated at Allandale Woods but did have a Fox Sparrow and bunch of Turkey Vultures. First pass at Millennium didn’t turn up the Eurasian Teal but did have an eagle hovering by the canoe launch. Walked down to Brook Farm without much beyond FOY garter snake. Came back and the teal was right out in the open. Couldn’t find any of the common-ish stuff I needed to hit 100 for Suffolk in March though.
Monday 3/24: Horned Grebe was at the south end of the Mystic Lakes and a few cormorants were visible, so I decided to move on instead of walking up to the dam. Arlington Res had the scaup (obviously a Greater today) and a surprise yellowlegs.
Tuesday 3/25: Wigeon, 2 eagles, 2 Fish Crow, 2 Rusty, not much else at Great Meadows.