Have to say I was at least partially expecting this yesterday morning at Nine Acre Corner.
Author: jason
WIR 11/30-12/6
Wednesday 11/30: 50ish waxwings at Lot 1.
Thursday 12/1: Nothing at BBN.
Friday 12/2: Quiet at Forest Grove.
Saturday 12/3: 2 Ravens were new for me at Arlington Res. Another at Dunback but little else. Good number of Gadwall among the usual at the res, although I missed at least one good duck and maybe more.
Sunday 12/4: Watertown section of the Charles had a Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Orange-crowned on the way out from Shaw’s was a patch bird (160!). Absolutely nothing on Moody St. Rounding Prospect, I got a text from Cliff: Pink-footed Goose Cambridge Res. Jogged back to the car (managing to need to stop and catch my breath right where a Nashville was), then got the goose and the Redhead.
Monday 12/5: Too snowy.
Tuesday 12/6: 12+ Red-wings at BBN.
Patch Birds
WIR 11/23-11/29
Wednesday 11/23: Looped Forest Grove without anything, but a Great Cormorant on the river as I was finishing up was very nice.
Thursday 11/24: Nothing of note in a quick run around the res and Flint’s.
Friday 11/25: Quick drive around Otis/Sandisfield had a Pileated at Lower Spectacle but nothing else beyond juncos.
Saturday 11/26: Tried to clean up a few gaps in my Burlington list but only managed Hooded Merganser.
Sunday 11/27: Tried cleaning up county gaps in Norfolk county. Didn’t refind the BT Gray in Brookline but a nice selection of sparrows, wrens, etc. Great Pond had a few ducks (pintail the best). Might have had more if it wasn’t so windy, which also meant the Squantum area was a waste (as was Earhart, Spy Pond, and the res).
Monday 11/28: Flyover grackle was about it at Dunback, too early for the tanager.
Tuesday 11/29: Single pintail at Great Meadows.
WIR 11/16-11/22
Wednesday 11/16: Nothing on the ponds.
Thursday 11/17: Horned Larks over Lindentree were new for me in Lincoln but little else.
Friday 11/18: Late Pine Warbler at Purgatory.
Saturday 11/19: 4+ Fox Sparrows at Dunback, nothing at Waltham St, continuing yellowlegs at Arlington Res, nothing new at the res.
Sunday 11/20: Nasty at Great Meadows then drove around not seeing much.
Monday 11/21: Nothing new at Flint’s or Heard. Eagle and 55+ teal at the swamp.
Tuesday 11/22: Fox Sparrow and 4 more teal at Heard Farm.
WIR 11/9-11/15
Wednesday 11/9: Chased the Hammond’s. Uncountable view. Winter Wren the best of the rest.
Thursday 11/10: Nothing at Dunback.
Friday 11/11: Hammond’s, then windy at Fresh Pond and the res.
Saturday 11/12: Nothing much at Kaveski (missed a few things seen earlier), no geese around, Dickcissel and a meadowhawk still at Waltham St, no Brant late at Clay Pit.
Sunday 11/13: Started at West Meadow, which had a ton of waxwings. Deer walked out onto the path as I was heading back and refused to leave, so I went the long way, which meant I was more or less at the car when Marj called. Over to Dunback for county bird #2 for the weekend.
Monday 11/14: 3 Rusties at BBN.
Tuesday 11/15: 20+ Snow Buntings at School St.
296 and 381/297
WIR 11/2-11/8
Wednesday 11/2: Very quiet at BBN.
Thursday 11/3: One flock of larks at School St, nothing among the geese that were visible.
Friday 11/4: Very little at West Meadow. No luck with John’s RT Loon at Heard Pond at sunset (and no more after work birding for 4 months).
Saturday 11/5: BBC leader’s walk at World’s End had a redpoll and Baltimore Oriole. After the party, a few of us had Barred Owl and Winter Wren at Wompatuck.
Sunday 11/6: Started at McClennen for a change. Orange-crowned and a few Ruby-crowned Kinglets were about it. Went to Deer Island hoping for a wagtail after. Obviously luck with that and it was too windy for much else. A pair of Peregrines zooming around and harrassing gulls were nice plus a yellowthroat and RB Nuthatch. Back to the Sandy Beach, which was pretty dead, then Spy Pond, Flint’s, and the res all without anything exciting.
Monday 11/7: Quiet at Great Meadows beyond 2 meadowhawks.
Tuesday 11/8: RN Grebe among the ducks at Flint’s.
WIR 10/26-11/1
Wednesday 10/26: Forest Grove for a change. Late-ish Pine Warbler and Purple Finch about it.
Thursday 10/27: Twitch
Friday 10/28: Nothing at the res or Flint’s. Also nothing at Heard Pond, except as I started to pack up 3 otters decided to swim by. Rusty, teal, wigeon, etc at the marsh in a half second scan.
Saturday 10/29: Another twitch or two. Evening stop at the res had 40 wigeon among other ducks.
Sunday 10/30: Rock Meadow had a BT Green and a White-crowned. Wandered the marsh at BBN without anything exciting. Waltham St was also quiet. Dunback had a Nashville or two and an Orange-crowned but no interesting sparrows. A couple minutes on Old County had 70ish GW Teal and zero shorebirds.
Monday 10/31: College Pond had both Accipiters, a few Purple Finches, and the usual other stuff.
Tuesday 11/1: Red-shoulder at Meriam’s/Kaveski.