WIR 10/23-10/29

Wednesday 10/23: Cormorant still hanging around and a bunch of Ruddies at Arlington Res. More Ruddies and a couple coots at Cambridge Res.

Thursday 10/24: Decided it was murky enough that Great Meadows was the better choice. Cleared up a bit and was pretty quiet. Harrier, ton of sparrows, couple snipe, big snapper. Pulled in at Elm Brook on the way out and had the Snow Goose and almost as many species in 5 minutes as I had in the hour at GM.

Friday 10/25: Sun was brutal at the res, don’t think there was anything different. Pretty quiet at Rock Meadow, BH Vireo walking back to the car at the Lone Tree Hill lot was about the most interesting.

Saturday 10/26: Went west. Started at Wachusett where I had a Red-necked Grebe and Great Egret at Gate 40. Couple scaup and a GW Teal were about it at 37 and just about nothing at 25. Up to Jewell Hill next, where the Red-headed Woodpecker eventually popped up (technically not in Worcester county but whatever) and I flushed a woodcock first. Walked to the overlook and hawkwatched for a couple from the parking lot without much else.

Sunday 10/27: Brant was at Magazine Beach. Worked the Bonaparte’s at Revere Beach, probably got the Little but obscured and then it flew away. Had to run to get to Mt. Auburn for Ted Davis’s service, which was nice although we didn’t exactly see anything on the bird walk portion.

Monday 10/28: Lindentree and St. Anne’s had the usual. Couple Hoodies on Flint’s on the way over, nothing obvious on the res in the evening.

Tuesday 10/29: BBN had the continuing Greater Yellowlegs, a GW Teal, and a few other things at the marsh. Went over to the West Meadow instead of uphill for a change. No Nelson’s yet but a Lincoln’s was nice and a Sharpie was somehow a commute year bird. Went down the side trail and chickadees were very upset. Eventually had to just about crawl into the bushes but found a Screech-Owl. Ran to the office to find out the internet was down, gave the res a swing on the way home and had a few Gadwall and a pair of wigeon. Probably more if I had time to stop.

WIR 10/16-10/22

Wednesday 10/16: Kaveski and Meriam’s had the usual. Merlin, ton of pipits, bunch of Yellow-rumps, Field Sparrow, etc. Tried comet viewing from the BBN parking lot in the evening (barely visible naked eye, ok with bins/phone) and heard a Night Heron overhead.

Thursday 10/17: Not much at Cookson, sapsucker on the river.

Friday 10/18: Nothing terribly exciting at Weston Station Pond, lots of Ring-necks, a few blackbirds, very few sparrows. Flock of Ring-necks flying around the res.

Saturday 10/19: Fought traffic up to Halibut Point. Didn’t expect too much on the water but there was a steady flight of ducks (10 species) and gannets. Also a flyover pipit and 2 flyover longspurs. Walked the trails a bit, although the only interesting thing was a creeper in the quarry.

Meant to go to Waring Field but apparently missed a turn, so just went straight to Audubon Rd. Bunch of teal from the parking lot, then 2 coots from Audubon Rd. Quick check of the res didn’t have much.

Sunday 10/20: Waltham St. early (almost too early as the sun was barely hitting the field when I arrived). Oriole at Dunback first. White-crowned Sparrow and Orange-crowned Warbler in the swale almost together, then a Nashville in the front. Otherwise the usual blackbirds and Savannahs. Did the other section too, which was more of the same. Afternoon loop of the res had a ton of ducks including 8 Ruddy and a wigeon.

Monday 10/21: Sat in traffic for half an hour to get to Danehy. Purple Finch, Field Sparrow, Orange-crown about it.

Tuesday 10/22: Ricci Fields had an apparent Vesper Sparrow (essentially only in flight) and then a Grasshopper Sparrow in the same general spot later. Also a harrier, pipit, etc.

WIR 10/9-10/15

Wednesday 10/9: College Pond had a pile of ducks including both teal, 2 swans, and a pile of common sparrows.

Thursday 10/10: Good warbler day at Dunback including Orange-crowned, Tennessee, Nashville, and what had to be a Connecticut. Winter Wren too.

Friday 10/11: Danehy had what seemed like extra dogs plus construction equipment driving along the path on sparrow hill. And the back path had a sign about herbicide spraying, so I avoided that. Ton of Songs, an Indigo Bunting, and not too much else.

Saturday 10/12: Started at Waltham St. Bunch of Yellow-rumps along the entrance, bunch of Savannahs in the field, and a blackbird perched in the corn. Looked odd, seemed to show some yellow. I tried to get around and get better light but it flew. Started to walk around and saw a bird drop back in, so I circled the one strip and got another view. Still in bad light, but it looked pretty clearly yellow on the throat. And examining the pics, there was a hint down the chest, some white tipped primary coverts, and a tiny bit of yellow at the vent, which was enough to send out a message calling it a Yellow-headed. Worked the rest of the fields, ton of common sparrows, a couple flyover pipits, and not much else.

Dunback next, mostly the same as Thursday. Nashville replaced the Tennessee at Bacon, no Connecticut or Blackpolls, even more Yellow-rumps. Circled out to Blossomcrest and around, then went down to the other side of Waltham St, but several of the farm team were there, so I didn’t stay. Quick look at Hobbs Brook had a Semipalmated Plover and 8 Lesser Yellowlegs. Cambridge Res had 4 GW Teal. Hardy had very little.

Sunday 10/13: Started at Great Pond in Randolph. Did a very long loop from Oak St. Had no luck with the godwit but did have the Dunlin, which I somehow still needed for Norfolk. Also a bunch of Semi plovers and sandpipers, a BT Green, BH Vireo, Merlin, couple Field Sparrows, GW Teal, the hybrid Aythya, a Tree Swallow, and a bit more. Stopped at Magazine Beach on the way home. No Brant, but there were people just finishing up on the fields. Did have a Blackpoll, both kinglets, a BH Vireo, one of the Peregrines, etc.

Monday 10/14: Flock of scaup on the res. BT Blue, few Blackpolls, etc at Sandy Beach. Nothing exciting driving out to Stockbridge and back.

Tuesday 10/15: Usual at BBN. Still one egret, one peep(?) that got away, a flyover pipit among the more interesting stuff.

WIR 10/2-10/8

Wednesday 10/2: Slow to get moving so went to BBN. Two egrets, usual ducks, Red-shoulder, and a few Rusties at the marsh. Parula, couple Red-eyed Vireos, Blackpolls, etc up the hill. Working through them for a second time when Lily texted about a Golden-wing at Rock Meadow. Ran back to the car and had 15ish minutes to look without luck. Supposed to be south winds, so hopefully it’ll be out again in the morning.

Thursday 10/3: Nashville, couple sapsuckers, ton of robins and similar at Rock Meadow but no Golden-wing and couldn’t find the Lark Sparrow a photographer told me about.

Friday 10/4: Orange-crowned, Nashville, 2 Lincoln’s, Bobolink at Danehy.

Saturday 10/5: Went down to Plymouth for a change. Started at Ellisville Harbor. Marsh was quiet on the walk out. Tide was super low, lots of Laughing Gulls and cormorants but not much else. Eventually picked out a few shearwaters on the water way out, appeared to be Manx. Walked to the tip without much more, but a whole bunch of Yellow-rumps flew off on the way back and a few more shearwaters joined. Loop of the fields on the way out didn’t have much of anything.

Tidmarsh next. Much improved trails since I was last here, but not a ton happening. One small flock had a BT Green and BH Vireo, a sharpie flew over, a Sachem was out in the asters, and another flock of Yellow-rumps had a Nashville. Drove up to Nelson Park from here. Looked to be a decent bit on the water but the wind looked pretty rough and I had enough.

Sunday 10/6: Walking day. Ton of waxwings at Falzone, nothing much at the West Meadow. BBN had about the same as Wednesday (3 Rusties, 4 Night Herons, 3 egrets) but few warblers anywhere. Rock Meadow was quiet as were the duck ponds. Return trip through Rock Meadow added Savannah and White-crowned, getting me past 50. Walked Concord Ave to the incinerator trail, then back through the West Meadow and Falzone, but about the only thing of interest was a Cooper’s almost at home.

Monday 10/7: Figured the dark and showery conditions would be good for Great Meadows. Started fairly slow beyond a ton of Swamp Sparrows. Made it down to Borden without anything. While photographing a tame Cooper’s on the way back, I heard the call of the Golden-Plover I was expecting. Ran up to the platform and got some lousy shots. Quick stop at Elm Brook on the way out had an egret.

Tuesday 10/8: White-crowned, pipits, continuing Great Cormorant and Semipalmated Plovers at Arlington Res. Couldn’t find Jonathan’s Prairie Warbler though.

WIR 9/25-10/1

Wednesday 9/25: Lots of warblers staying high against the cloudy sky at BBN but did pick out a parula, couple Black-and-whites, and Blackpolls. Also a tanager, turkeys, 5 BC Night Herons, and Yellow-rumps were in.

Thursday 9/26: RE Vireo at Cookson was the most exciting thing there, nothing on the river.

Friday 9/27: 3 Lesser Yellowlegs, more of the usual at Weston Station Pond.

Saturday 9/28: Went a bit north in case the Lark Bunting hung around. North Shore Community Gardens had a Lincoln’s Sparrow, lots of common sparrows, a RC Kinglet, and not too much else. A few shorebirds and an eagle were at Putnamville Reservoir. Hobbs Brooks had a bunch of Semipalmated Plovers and yellowlegs. Waltham St. was quiet. Went around the res just to kill a bit of time before going home and had an egret.

Sunday 9/29: Went looking for mostly terns in Norfolk county. Started at Nut Island, where one interesting one flew fairly close but I got on it too late. A few more were way too far. Usual gulls and a few scoters otherwise. Wollaston had some Commons and unidentified (and I probably should have scanned harder). Squantum Marshes had egrets and a Merlin. Thrashed around Commander Shea a bit and got one Nelson’s to cooperate just enough. Walked from there up to Squantum Point Park, which was very quiet. Was about to give up, but saw Forster’s reported from Nickerson Rock, so figured I could spend a few minutes scoping. Got a couple flying quickly and then 5 more on the sandbar. Buzzed the Charles and res on the way home without anything.

Monday 9/30: Arlington Res had the Great Cormorant, a few shorebirds, a bunch of Yellow-rumps, and that was about it.

Tuesday 10/1: Kaveski had a ton of birds, mostly Killdeer, red-wings, doves, and waxwings. About the same crossing into Meriam’s. Lincoln’s and an Indigo on Shadyside walking back were nice, as was the Merlin chasing a Cooper’s earlier.

WIR 9/18-9/24

Wednesday 9/18: Waterthrush about it at Dunback.

Thursday 9/19: Expected good Great Meadows weather but it was much too nice for that so went to Arlington Res. Smaller numbers but the same shorebirds and ducks, a Palm, a Peregrine or two, etc.

Friday 9/20: Still minimal rain, but hit Great Meadows. And saw nothing. Gave up with enough time to buzz Hobbs Brook, which had a few shorebirds (but not enough time to actually park and walk back). Res had the cormorant on the sign again but nothing else and nothing but Mallards at Hardy.

Saturday 9/21: Went searching for Forster’s Tern in Suffolk today. Started at Revere Beach where there were gulls at both ends but not much else. Gave Winthrop Beach a check next, which was a mistake considering how hard it was raining. Had what was probably a Western Sandpiper but not much else. Town Landing had what was probably a tern but distant, so I went over to Fisherman’s Bend where there were a couple perched on a boat with some Commons. They flew, so I went to Pico to get closer. Terns didn’t return but lots of birds around including a golden-plover flyby with a flock of Black-bellies. Got wet again at Earhart on the way home, Palm, bunch of Savannahs, and a couple Yellowthroats the only things of interest.

Sunday 9/22: Quick check of the res had a Cooper’s but nothing else. Nothing but swans on Heard. Heard Farm had a few shorebirds, lots of raptors and first of fall White-throats (plus a heron that looked interesting flying way off). Decent flock of warblers behind the community gardens along with FOF Lincoln’s Sparrow, although the light didn’t allow for a full check. That took a bit longer than I expected, so I skipped Hobbs Brook and just went to Waltham St. Lots of Savannahs, another Lincoln’s, a Yellow Warbler, and that was about it.

Monday 9/23: Danehy had a BH Vireo, redstart, pile of sparrows (mostly Savannah), towhee, and junco. Couple Ruddy at Hardy.

Tuesday 9/24: Was going to Rock Meadow but a tree truck pulled in in front of me so Lone Tree Hill it was. One decent flock with 3+ RE Vireos, a Blue-headed, a few Blackpolls, a redstart, and a Black-and-white plus a few others scattered along with a Field Sparrow. Had enough time to cross over and do the gardens, not much there.

WIR 9/11-9/17

Wednesday 9/11: Red-shoulder, handful of warblers including a BT Blue at BBN.

Thursday 9/12: Prospect Hill had a handful of warblers, mostly on the way out. Had almost as much at Hardy while waiting for an oil change, although nothing exciting.

Friday 9/13: Pec, snipe, bunch of other sandpipers at Arlington Res. Egret at Hardy.

Saturday 9/14: Did the annual Watatic hawkwatch trip. Ring-neck and 4 loons on Fitchburg Res. Grouse flushed on the way up the mountain. Sort of a slow day with under 300 birds counted, but excellent variety including 2 Black Vultures, a close Peregrine, and a ton of eagles and kestrels. Walk down had the grouse again but little else.

Sunday 9/15: Started at Deer Island, which was pretty quiet. Turnstone and a few other sandpipers at the tip, nothing in the trees. Walked from Yirrell to Winthrop Beach next, picking up the Golden-Plover and having some good chats. Just short of back at the car, 3 birds that looked like Caspian Terns flew over and kept going. I had the tripod folded by then, so had to fumble with putting it down to get the camera up and pretty much missed, then tried viewing with only one leg open, which left me unconvinced. So I was very happy when my text of “any chance you had Caspian Terns” to someone still at the beach got a reply of “yes, 3!” Checked Fisherman’s Bend quickly without anything of note. Tried Lewis Lake for a minute after, mostly to catch Soheil (failing that). Nothing much in birds, a few Familiar Bluets and a forktail were good. Got home and checked facebook and saw someone posting a Rambur’s from there, so I should have paid more attention.

Monday 9/16: Indigo was about it at Rock Meadow. Single Solitary and Killdeer in a couple minutes at the duck ponds.

Tuesday 9/17: 2 BT Green, the usual herons at BBN.

WIR 9/4-9/10

Wednesday 9/4: Lots of shorebirds at Arlington Res but only the usuals.

Thursday 9/5: Weasel and that was about it at Great Meadows.

Friday 9/6: Nothing particularly exciting at Weston Station Pond.

Saturday 9/7: Dunback had a couple redstarts and a Black-and-white. Waltham St. had a RB Grosbeak, 2 Yellow Warbler, and not much more. Arlington Res had a snipe and most of the same shorebirds. Afternoon trip to Gloucester had a few Laughing Gulls.

Sunday 9/8: Finally visited Ashland, getting 25 species at the state park (Blackpoll, eagle, not much else of any note). Whitehall Res had a Black-and-white, parula, creeper, Pileated, and a few common things adding 8 species to the Hopkinton list. Didn’t have time for Holliston because the Whimbrel at Wachusett was still around.

Monday 9/9: Fairly quiet at Hayden Woods, handful of common warblers. Eagle over the office walking in.

Tuesday 9/10: Ovenbird, 3 BC Night Herons at Cookson, nothing much at the square.

WIR 8/28-9/3

Wednesday 8/28: Quiet at BBN.

Thursday 8/29: Barred Owl and nothing else at Hanscom (well, kestrel flying by while driving home).

Friday 8/30: Prospect Hill was totally dead. Tanager calling was my first in a bit and a Wandering Glider actually landed but that was it.

Saturday 8/31: Went west a bit. Started at High Ridge, where there was a small pocket of warblers including Chestnut-sided and Northern Waterthrush. Also a black duck flying over was interesting, but pretty quiet otherwise. Watatic next, got Blue-headed Vireo (surprising August gap), a Field Sparrow, and a few other warblers. Gave it a few minutes at the summit but it was too cloudy for any movement. Black-tipped Darner perched on the way back down.

Sunday 9/1: Started at Millennium. Picked out the Pec way out from the boat ramp along with a pile of peep and both teal. Trails were quiet other than a screaming Red-shoulder and several Cooper’s. Better views of the sandpipers with the scope at the end but nothing new. Hobbs Brook next, a Little Blue was at the overpass opening, turkey along the power lines, and Peregrine over along with the usual shorebirds. Checked the res quickly without anything.

Monday 9/2: Started at Nobscot, which was dead. Also a house has finally been built by the nice clearing, so probably not spending much time here in the future. Raymond Reservation had a pile of teal but no shorebirds. Walked up to the bridge on Pelham Island Rd and 25 Mourning Doves flushed, which scared off any shorebirds (don’t think there was anything of interest at least). Scoped Delaney Pond a bit then walked the field and woods, quiet here too. Waltham St. had no sparrows beyond Song but a few ducks including a GW Teal. About to leave and something odd landed, doubled back to get it in better light. It was a cowbird, but walking past the channel again, I noticed a Great Egret. No idea if I had missed it or it dropped in behind me, but new bird for the fields either way.

Tuesday 9/3: Less than expected at BBN. All the herons except the Little Blue were around but a flock of redstarts and a BT Green were it for warblers.

WIR 8/21-8/27

Wednesday 8/21: Herons all still at BBN plus 2 Blackburnian, a Parula, a bunch of Redstarts, a waterthrush, and more.

Thursday 8/22: Redstart at Cookson, nothing on the river.

Friday 8/23: Redstarts and Black-and-whites about it at Lone Tree Hill, nothing much at the duck ponds.

Saturday 8/24: Did an on foot day. Not great but not bad, 61 species with a bunch of easy misses. Added the Little Blue and a Prairie Warbler to my overall green list plus got Great Egret off the house only version and Merlin off the house/neighborhood only version. Also FOF BT Green, an Ovenbird, etc.

Sunday 8/25: Started at Danehy where there were 2 redstarts, a couple interesting flycatchers, and an Osprey. Fresh Pond next was very quiet, as was Mount Auburn (where the goal was seeing if I could see the terns at Spy Pond from the tower). Gave the res a quick look on the way home, 4 Turkey Vultures were the only things of interest.

Monday 8/26: Magnolia, bunch of redstarts, Black-and-white at Dunback.

Tuesday 8/27: Semipalmated Plover finally at Hobbs Brook, usual otherwise. Fox on the way home.