WIR 5/19-5/25

Wednesday 5/19: Chased the Golden-wing around Mt. Auburn for half the morning, eventually got fair views. Commute #239! Also Canada, a dull Swainson’s Thrush, etc. Bay-breasted in the yard too.

Thursday 5/20: Alder Flycatcher and a weasel were about it at Dunback.

Friday 5/21: No migrants east of Watertown Square. None at the square either, but the heron show was better than expected.

Saturday 5/22: Started at Hall’s Pond where a Canada Warbler was #200 in Norfolk. Couldn’t decide on a next spot, ended up at Lost Pond which was pretty quiet (FOY Whitetail) only to see that most of the other spots I was thinking about had at least one bird I needed for the county.

Sunday 5/23: Led my first walk in ages, a BBC one at Great Meadows. Group (probably) had Least Bittern, plus YB Cuckoo and most of the expected birds. Also FOY whitefaces and a few other odes and some Laphria mating.

Monday 5/24: Hanscom didn’t have a ton, did get most of the Bedford year birds I wanted. Also a few more odes, some Syrphids, etc.

Tuesday 5/25: Quietish at Forest Grove, Willow Flycatcher and a couple Orchard Orioles about the most interesting.

‘Commute’ 240

After nothing new for the ‘commute’ list in a couple months (missing multiple Yellow-throated Warblers among other things), two this week. The Golden-winged Warbler at Mt. Auburn was moderately expected. This wasn’t though:

Night Herons

That means only 10 from the 250 milestone. Obvious birds remaining are Common Nighthawk (tougher because of the time that qualifies as ‘commuting’), Clay-colored Sparrow, Surf Scoter, Northern Saw-whet Owl, and Worm-eating Warbler. Others that seem reasonable include Lesser Black-backed Gull, Lapland Longspur, Gray-cheeked Thrush (have a /Bicknell’s that I could count), Red-headed Woodpecker, Upland Sandpiper, and Worm-eating Warbler. Black Vulture, Nelson’s Sparrow, White-eyed Vireo, Short-billed Dowitcher, and Sandhill Crane are all reasonable too. And plenty of random rarities.

Averaging 8-9 a year for the last couple years, so likely still a year away.

WIR 5/12-5/18

Wednesday 5/12: No YT Warbler or Summer Tanager at Mt. Auburn, Chestnut-sided new for the year about it.

Thursday 5/13: FOY Indigo Bunting and Scarlet Tanager plus a few other things at Weston Station Pond, although not as much as I had hoped. Orchard Oriole singing as I passed the res on the way home.

Friday 5/14: Orchard Oriole, redstart by the Braille Trail. Cape May by the pool, which was a patch bird for the Charles.

Saturday 5/15: Birdathon, repeated last year’s on foot attempt. Only had 70, which probably means last year’s was a good effort and not much higher is likely unless something dries out and gets shorebirds. Highlights were 2 Tennessee, a Bay-breasted, and Least Flycatcher.

Sunday 5/16: Did a loop of Mary Cummings, fairly quiet (and looked like that pretty much everywhere). Did have a Bay-breasted and a couple White-crowns. Saw a report of Lesser Yellowlegs in front of the Y, so stopped there on the way home, found 2 Solitaries. Had time to check the res too, loon was out in the middle but not much else.

Monday 5/17: Habitat was hopping. Blackpoll, Bay-breasted, Cape May, Blackburnian among 14 warblers plus a Swainson’s Thrush and 50+ species in total.

Tuesday 5/18: Bit slower at Tanner’s Brook. Another Bay-breasted was new for Lincoln. Also passed 1000 on my local towns yearlist project.

WIR 5/5-5/11

Wednesday 5/5: Gnatcatcher, Nashville, Black-and-white east of Watertown Sq (and Great Black-backed Gull was probably more interesting seasonally). Common Merganser by the dam with a waterthrush and couple other things. After seeing the waterbird fallout numbers from western MA, gave the res a quick look in the afternoon. Loon was the only thing of note and nothing on Hardy (although scoping the swallows may have added something if it wasn’t raining as hard).

Thursday 5/6: Finally got out to School St. Ibis flock remained plus yellowlegs, Spotted and Least Sandpiper, a pipit, and a Broad-wing. Another Spotted at Nine Acre but not much else in a quick drive around. Nothing at Flint’s, res, or Hardy either.

Friday 5/7: Reasonably good at BBN, 50+ species including 10 warblers plus FOY Wood Thrush and kingbird. Wish I got a bit more on what was surely a siskin. Something in there was #100 for the commute patch year list too.

Saturday 5/8: Attempted Squantum for the ebird big day. Started with a quick stop at Wollaston Beach for the Piping Plover then went to Squantum Point Park. Orchard Oriole was Norfolk #199. Also White-crowned Sparrow, a hummingbird, and a couple other things but not much. Squaw Rock was quiet. Orchard Beach had a couple terns and an oystercatcher. Quick stop at the marshes had egrets and yellowlegs. Res on the way home had a pile of swifts and 8 swans.

Sunday 5/9: Even though I would be too early in the day most likely, went to Two Rod to try for boghaunters. No luck with any odes but 13+ warblers including Prairie and Blackburnian plus a Broad-wing and what had to have been a calling loon overhead. Also would have been nice to get the very Worm-eating like triller to show in Concord.

Monday 5/10: Arlington Res was dead, Solitary the only thing new.

Tuesday 5/11: Usual migrants at BBN, Ovenbird singing from the yard.

WIR 4/28-5/4

Wednesday 4/28: Arlington Res had FOY Chimney Swift (‘commute’ #100!), Black-and-white Warbler, and Northern Waterthrush plus parula, lots of Yellow-rumps, a Purple Finch, etc.

Thursday 4/29: Yellow Warbler at Cookson, Warbling Vireo, Black-and-white, waterthrush, etc by Watertown Square.

Friday 4/30: Nothing much at the res. Kestrel at Hobbs Brook was somehow a patch bird (183). Had a few minutes still so walked up to Shade St. New trails have been cut but I only had time for the fire land, RB Grosbeak about it. Turkey in the yard later.

Saturday 5/1: Alewife, had almost 50 species on the north side then could barely find anything along the bike trail. Night-Heron and Rough-winged Swallows got me to 150 in Cambridge (minus Mt. Auburn), also most of the same warblers that have been in, a Green Heron, gnatcatcher, etc. Nothing at Blair Pond after.

Sunday 5/2: FOYs at Westborough WMA included oriole, Nashville, yellowthroat, YT Vireo. Nashville and RW Swallow were Worcester county birds as well. BT Blue and Yellow-rump in the yard later.

Monday 5/3: Eagle was the only thing of note at the res on the way to jury duty. Got out around noon, so made a loop of Horn Pond, which was pretty quiet for birds but had first Common Green Darner of the year plus a few butterflies.

Tuesday 5/4: Veery was new for the Charles at Forest Grove, plus Purple Finches and a few more patch commute year birds.

WIR 4/21-4/27

Wednesday 4/21: 

Thursday 4/22: BBN had 2 BH Vireo, a House Wren, ravens, and a few others.

Friday 4/23: Tanner’s Brook was fairly quiet.

Saturday 4/24: Went out to Assabet (south side) and the Desert. Flyover crossbills and a siskin or two plus lots of pine elfins and a few azures. No tiger beetles or other bugs of note. Got home in time for the DSA meeting.

Sunday 4/25: Went up to Essex county for my annual miss of White-faced Ibis. Started at Cherry Hill Res for the Cave Swallow though. Second pass it was perched along the side of the road (thanks Ava!). Spent half an hour with it and then half an hour waiting for it to come back. Rain started shortly after and no ibis were obvious as I drove by so I didn’t even stop (although as I write, no sightings yet today). Pulled in at Lake Quannapowitt on the way home just in case something came down in the rain, but Bufflehead was the only thing of mild interest. Even less at Cambridge Res.

Monday 4/26: Parula about it at Dunback.

Tuesday 4/27: Nothing new at BBN. Scanned Cutler Lake on the way home from a vaccine appointment, nothing there.

WIR 4/14-4/20

Wednesday 4/14: Fish Crow, Hermit Thrush, and not too much else at Falzone/West Meadow.

Thursday 4/15: Expected towhee, kestrel, Field Sparrow at Hanscom. No luck with a meadowlark or much else. Savannah Sparrows at Gaining Ground on the walk over.

Friday 4/16: Nothing of note on the res, nothing at Flint’s or Nine Acre, Tree Swallows in the snow at Hardy.

Saturday 4/17: Even less on the res. Great Egret at Fresh Pond was nice (and it was one of 5 new birds for me there, finally over 100). Nothing at Blair Pond or the duck ponds.

Sunday 4/18: Started at the Winthrop Greenway, which was fairly quiet. Stopped at Pico for oystercatcher and Revere Beach for Manx Shearwater (and got the Glaucous Gull without trying). Quick check of Earhart on the way home had a Harbor Seal.

Monday 4/19: Took the morning to work the Sudbury. Heard Pond had lots of Palms and Yellow-rumps plus a Bank Swallow. Water Row had another egret, a PB Grebe, a Merlin, and a harrier. Quick check of the res had 2 Bufflehead and a PB Grebe. Stopped at Waltham St and the ibis was flying around and visible from the car.

Tuesday 4/20: No solitaire or much else at Mt. Auburn. Did have a kinglet in the yard.

WIR 4/7-4/13

Wednesday 4/7: Sapsucker, Hermit Thrush, GH Owl at Hayden Woods. Greater Scaup and a bluebird at the res.

Thursday 4/8: Pretty busy at Weston Station Pond, year birds included Chipping Sparrow and Northern Rough-winged Swallow, plus commute Palm Warbler and a few other things.

Friday 4/9: Usual at Forest Grove, singing Rusty the most interesting.

Saturday 4/10: Went a bit west for some town list building. Not too much in Boxborough, got 7 (out of a hoped 13) plus a few more in Littleton. First butterfly of the year too with an azure.

Sunday 4/11: Nothing too exciting at Arlington Res, 3 swallows about it. Snipe at Waltham St, nothing at the res (although I thought I had a grebe from 128) or at Hobbs Brook.

Monday 4/12: PB Grebe, Swamp Sparrows in finally, few other things at Great Meadows.

Tuesday 4/13: Cabbage White at Gore, Fish Crow by Watertown Square.

WIR 3/31-4/6

Wednesday 3/31: Tried the North Bridge but no sign of any migration so ran to Great Meadows for a bit, which was also pretty quiet.

Thursday 4/1: Yuck again so another pond loop. Usual at Hardy and the res except for a Barn Swallow, which is my earliest by 5 days and #100 for the county this year. Flint’s had a couple ducks, nothing at Nine Acre.

Friday 4/2: Quick check of Flint’s had nothing. Lindentree had another Barn Swallow plus RB Nuthatch and the usual stuff.

Saturday 4/3: Started at Farm Pond, Palm and Pine but no interesting waterbirds. Osprey and a ton of Tree Swallows at Heard, not much along Water Row.

Sunday 4/4: One Surf Scoter still at Earhart along with both loons, a Greater Scaup, and a Field Sparrow at Draw Seven. Both scaup at the res.

Monday 4/5: Field Sparrow east of Watertown square.

Tuesday 4/6: A couple groups of Red Crossbills (including some that landed) and a Virginia Rail at BBN.

WIR 3/24-3/30

Wednesday 3/24: Arlington Res had the usual. Cambridge Res had 2 scaup (probably Greater), Hardy had the usual.

Thursday 3/25: Having car work done, quick check of the res first had a Wood Duck and a few Ring-necks but no scaup.

Friday 3/26: Nothing at Gore or by the dam.

Saturday 3/27: Started at Horn Pond. Pretty quiet, FOY cormorant on the drive out about it. Stopped at Sandy Beach and had 3 bluebirds. Later check of the res and Waltham St. had nothing.

Sunday 3/28: Out to Bolton Flats for a change. Wasn’t terribly nice and the field was a bit dry. Didn’t find the shovelers others had and not too much else either. Stopped at Mill Pond in Maynard to boost that list slightly, then had nothing at the res.

Monday 3/29: Icky, so a pond/Nine Acre loop with not much to show.

Tuesday 3/30: Usual at BBN, no Rusty, no Marsh Wren, no interesting ducks.Yellow-rump in the woods may or may not have been a new arrival.