WIR 12/25-12/31

Wednesday 12/25: Nine Acre had an eagle, raven, and 350 Canada Geese. One tiny bit of open water at the res had the usual ducks.

Thursday 12/26: Started at Draw Seven. RB Mergs, goldeneye, etc but nothing unusual. Lot of gulls on the ice driving off, so stopped at Station Landing. Couldn’t find anything interesting with them, 3 scaup the most exciting. Got in the wrong lane for Rivergreen so went right to Revere Beach. No oystercatchers but 20+ turnstones were nice. Quick stop at Short Beach had nothing and a flyover Snow Bunting was about it at Winthrop Beach. Made it to Rivergreen on the way back but it was very quiet.

Friday 12/27: Couldn’t find the pintail when I arrived at the Mystic Lakes. Walked up to the dam and found a shoveler on the way, plus the Fox Sparrow and cormorants. Got back to the south end and more ducks were flying in and the pintail was with them. Horn Pond next, took 30 minutes but I got the thrasher. Also a coyote and raccoon plus most of the usual waterfowl (although confined to a hole way out in the middle).

Saturday 12/28: Waited out most of the rain and went to Jamaica Pond. Gadwall was #100 for Suffolk in December (and as I just noticed, I never fixed the Semipalmated Sandpiper, so 101). Also 2 loons, a goldeneye, and lots of mergansers. Leverett Pond had a few Wood Ducks and Ring-necks. Drove to Chestnut Hill Res next but it looked frozen, so I just kept going to Norumbega (gulls) and Cambridge Res (less birds in a smaller opening).

Sunday 12/29: Concord CBC in the fog. 3+ Field Sparrows, 2 Savannah, 35 turkeys at Ricci, nothing exciting at Hartwell, sapsucker or 2 at Tanner’s Brook.

Monday 12/30: Midafternoon loop of the res had the same. Hardy was still frozen.

Tuesday 12/31: Started at Wachusett Res. Gadwall off 40 was a county bird, otherwise normal stuff. Gates 36 and 25 had more of the same. Spruce Grove had a calling Yellow-rump. Decided to try for the RH Woodpecker in Groton from there but there were 4 cars taking up what was room for maybe 3, so skipped. Turned the wrong way on 119 for Fitch’s Bridge Rd, so just went to School St (geese and distant larks) and Nine Acre (nothing).

WIR 12/18-12/24

Wednesday 12/18: Pileated, GW Teal, usual sparrows at Kaveski.

Thursday 12/19: Got all three longspurs at School St (‘commute’ #258) plus a Snow Bunting. Nothing exciting at Nine Acre or the res. Afternoon trip to BBN and the West Meadow had both Snow Geese, lots of Canadas but nothing else.

Friday 12/20: Tried for the Western Tanager in Cambridge. Light snow as I arrived soon became fairly heavy and wet. Red-tail roosting right above the spot the bird has been hanging around didn’t help either, gave up after an hour. Did luck into a turkey turning around on my way out, which was long overdue for Cambridge (non Mt. Auburn portions). Had time for a quick stop at Hardy (and there hadn’t been a flake at home) with a bunch of mergansers and not much else.

Saturday 12/21: Did a short walking loop. Kinglet on the way over to Falzone. Chat was very cooperative, also 28 Common Mergansers and a swan flying over. Not much at the West Meadow. No birds on the pond at BBN (bluebird along the edge at least). Geese were all on the golf course, but in a tough spot to view and I didn’t find anything but Canada. Vulture over Trapelo and Lexington was the only thing of note on the way home.

Sunday 12/22: Eventually wandered out to Silver Lake, which had just above zero gulls. None came in and none were visible in flight after half an hour, so I moved on to Martin’s Pond. There were a bunch of ducks and geese along the edge, nothing exciting (although all 4 were North Reading additions). Buzzed the res on the way home without anything obvious.

Monday 12/23: Winter Wren, bunch of Bufflehead by Watertown Square.

Tuesday 12/24: Hardy was frozen and nothing was at Graverson. Afternoon check of Waltham St. and some of Dunback was quiet.

WIR 12/11-12/17

Wednesday 12/11: Too rainy but did a pond/fields loop with the usual.

Thursday 12/12: Very little at BBN.

Friday 12/13: Did some CBC scouting with the river walk to Prospect St. Pretty quiet along up to Elm, where a Yellow-rump was calling (warbler #6 of December). Crossed Moody and went to check on the Pine from a couple weeks ago. Walked up to the tree and immediately had a Pine, but it was a very dull one. The one I was expecting was as bright as Pines get, so clearly a second! Nothing too exciting on the rest of the loop.

Saturday 12/14: Started with some more scouting. Field Station had a pile of juncos and Tree Sparrows but nothing else exciting. Tried east of Watertown Square in a warbler attempt, didn’t find any. Decided to head to School St for open ground birds. Drove through Nine Acre on the way, 4 ravens and no geese. Small crowd at School St had just had a longspur, we eventually pulled 2-3 out of the flock, although at a distance.

Sunday 12/15: CBC. Barred Owl at Dunback, chat again at Falzone (7 years, 10 feet), 4 Hermit Thrush, a Yellow-rump, no Pine Warblers, frozen ponds.

Monday 12/16: Quick check of the res had mergansers, Gadwall, and the usual.

Tuesday 12/17: Usual at Fresh Pond. Made an afternoon walk for the chat but no luck or much beyond the RC Kinglet.

WIR 12/4-12/10

Wednesday 12/4: Started at Drumlin Farm for the Lark Sparrow. Followed the juncos around the parking lot/entrance road a bit but only turned up a sapsucker. Decided to try the fields as there didn’t seem to be any sparrows among them. Went over the drumlin and had a Pine Warbler with a bluebird. Boyce Field had a pile of bluebirds, juncos and other sparrows but no Lark. The light was pretty bad, especially along the back edge. Went back the way I came and the sparrow promptly flew across the road.

Continued from here to Nine Acre. Didn’t see any obvious geese and thought there was construction by Verrill, so I went around towards White’s Pond (although passing by, I don’t think there was any work beig done). The field at Powder Mill and Plainfield had a pile of geese and there was a young Snow among them. Drove back through Nine Acre and saw nothing.

Had enough time for a good scope of the res. Found most of the usual ducks plus a Lesser Scaup and a couple cormorants.

Thursday 12/5: Eventually did a res loop, which had more Common Mergansers but not much else. Decent number of mergansers on Flint’s too. Canadas at Nine Acre were all in tall vegetation and no geese in the field that had a Snow yesterday.

Friday 12/6: Creeper at Cookson was the most interesting thing there and at the square.

Saturday 12/7: Started at Kendrick Pond, which was busy although nothing particularly noteworthy (did get 6-7 Norfolk December birds though). Nahanton after, picked up the towhee and a couple other month birds. Had enough time for a quick check of Millennium. Orange-crowned was nice, if mostly uncooperative, nothing beyond a kinglet or two otherwise.

Sunday 12/8: Twitch. Went to Plum after, nothing terribly exciting.

Monday 12/9: Both Accipiters(ish now), Purple Finches, waxwings, etc at Dunback but no Yellow-rumps.

Tuesday 12/10: Great Meadows was quiet. Red-shoulder, bunch of bluebirds, usual waterbirds and sparrows. Ran over to Horn Pond in the afternoon. If there was any light, I would have had spectacular photos of the Blackpoll and Cape May. Ran down to the gardens and then along the causeway after, nothing noteworthy.

WIR 11/28-12/3

Wednesday 11/27: Sharpie at Gaining Ground, not much at Hanscom.

Thursday 11/28: Turkey hunt had a pile of geese at Nine Acre and an eagle at the res.

Friday 11/29: Did a bit of a coastal swing. Started at Sandy Beach in Cohasset, where I scanned from the car for a bit without much of anything (too many dogs and rough seas). Stodders Neck next, might have skipped if I realized that it was basically a dog park. Nothing of interest either.

Saturday 11/30: Went to Franklin Park. Got the RH Woodpecker quickly. Watched a bunch of geese fly in while I was on that, so doubled back to the pond and eventually picked out the Cackling (which then walked back to where I had been originally). No luck with any warblers though. Allendale Woods after, no Pileated or much else. Quick stop at Hammond Pond didn’t have anything besides a PB Grebe.

Sunday 12/1: Gave BBN a quick check before heading to Horn Pond for the warblers. Missed the Snow Geese by a couple minutes and didn’t have much of interest in a quick loop. Little late for the BT Gray at Horn Pond but the Townsend’s cooperated and the Blackpoll buzzed through. Both cormorants were on the docks of the Lower Mystic Lake on the way back.

Monday 12/2: No Empid at Danehy, creeper and Killdeer the most interesting. Did an afternoon loop of Riverwalk Park figuring there are more rare warblers around and almost succeeded with a Pine. Not much else there and just the usual on the res.

Tuesday 12/3: Went back for another try at the BT Gray. Townsend’s and Blackpoll cooperated but no other warblers. Quick check of the pond had a few ducks but no Gadwall or PB Grebe.

WIR 11/20-11/26

Wednesday 11/20: Pileated, 3+ Killdeer, a few ducks at Weston Station Pond.

Thursday 11/21: Pond/field loop had very little.

Friday 11/22: Same stuff at BBN.

Saturday 11/23: Decided to do some town listing and check ponds while it wasn’t terribly nice out. Started at Lake Quannapowitt, which had gulls and little else. Audubon Rd had 5 Gadwall (Wakefield tick). Found the Common Loon at Martin’s Pond in North Reading, then eventually parked at the little playground. Ton of juncos and stuff there, including a robin for the first bird I’ve seen in every town in the county (9 total new North Reading birds). Also a ton of gulls came in, estimated close to 450 Herring. Decided that was a good sign for Silver Lake so headed that way. Gulls were more interested in flying, but Hooded Merganser was another addition. Horn Pond from here, no luck with the Great Cormorant. Fox Sparrow was the most interesting.

Sunday 11/24: Made a coastal swing hoping for Cave Swallow. Decided to try to find my own at Deer Island instead of chasing the one from yesterday at Winthrop Beach. No luck (but none at the beach either). Did have a RB Nuthatch, siskin, American Tree Sparrow, usual water birds, etc. Too windy to check the south side though.

Yirrell Beach next, didn’t see much of anything until I crossed to Winthrop Beach where a flock of Snow Buntings dropped in. Started to check those for a longspur and got a notification that a Cave Swallow had just been seen. No birders and no swallow in sight though. Several people arrived almost immediately and we wandered around without any luck (Peregrine and kestrel maybe getting in the way). Eventually I bailed to check elsewhere, which worked out as no one else found the bird. Quick stop at Pico/yacht club and Bayswater had nothing and a swing along the Charles on the way home didn’t have much.

Monday 11/25: Went to Great Meadows with faints hope of a swallow. Obviously none, big flight of crows and a couple coot about it for anything of interest.

Tuesday 11/26: Tried Fresh Pond. Loon on the water, Yellow-rump by the golf course, and Palm near the road.

WIR 11/13-11/19

Wednesday 11/13: Started at Dunback, where there was a Merlin enjoying breakfast along Allen St. Also sapsucker and a couple Yellow-rumps but not much else. Gave the res a swing but other than goldeneye and mergansers didn’t notice much. Looking at reports during the day, I noticed how the Long-tailed Duck flock out west looked somewhat like Bufflehead and figured I better give the res another look. Sure enough there was one mixed in.

Thursday 11/14: Kaveksi was pretty quiet. Work was being done at Meriam’s, so didn’t go onto the trails there. Quick check of Flint’s had a loon and a swan, nothing jumped out at the res or Hardy.

Friday 11/15: Chased the Snow Goose around BBN a bit (watched it fly over the parkway, worked towards the golf course only for it to fly back to the parkway). Also a sapsucker, not too much else.

Saturday 11/16: Tried a bit of town listing building. Started at Ell Pond in Melrose where nothing was new but lots of Hoodies and Ruddies. Pine Banks Park next. Very quiet but my Malden list is low enough that I added five. Tried for Pinnacle Rock but one parking area was full and the on street option had multiple landscapers and leaf blowers, so just went to Prospect Hill instead (doesn’t look like I missed anything anyway). Almost an hour and a half of scanning had a few Red-tails and a Cooper’s.

Sunday 11/17: Started at Heard. Late catbird, Fox Sparrow, sapsucker, not much else. Old 27 Bridge next. Another Fox Sparrow but zero movement. Nine Acre had very little, so on to BBN. Spent an hour and a half scanning the geese and didn’t find any obvious Cackling.

Monday 11/18: Started at Rock Meadow, which was fairly quiet and a bit rainy. Had time to check the parkway but there were no geese so went to Concord Ave instead. Found a couple hundred on the golf course, again the Snow was the only different one I could see. Quick res check didn’t have much.

Tuesday 11/19: Nothing much at Cookson or the square.

WIR 11/6-11/12

Wednesday 11/6: Hanscom was quiet (other than meadowhawks) as were a bunch of ponds.

Thursday 11/7: Couple Red-shoulders at the West Meadow, waxwings and an RC Kinglet at Falzone.

Friday 11/8: Weasel (presumably Long-tailed), Snow Bunting, Peregrine, few other things at Great Meadows. Gadwall at the res in the afternoon and very little in an evening check of the parkway marsh at BBN.

Saturday 11/9: With NW winds, decided to try for Golden Eagles at Watatic. Started hiking at about 8:30 and made the watch by 9:15. Unfortunately, the winds seemed a bit too strong. In the hour before I gave up, I had one Red-tail, one Bald Eagle, a couple ravens, a few finches, and 50 geese. More geese and a couple Red-shoulders on the way down. Reports indicated it was a scoter day, so I did a few ponds on the way back. Hoodies on Ashby Res, nothing on Fitchburg, nothing on Nagog, geese on Flint’s. Cambridge Res however was very birdy. Big flock of wigeon with a few Gadwall at the south end along with some mergansers. Found the scoter flock in the middle but they disappeared before I got photos. Ton of swans and Ring-necks further down, then some Bufflehead at the Trapelo end.

Sunday 11/10: Was thinking about a Cave Swallow search at Heard but realized Water Row would probably be better. Got to the overlook just after 7:30 and gave it an hour. No swallows and very few larger birds moving (a few geese and Mallard, a hunting harrier, a flock of teal) but there were good numbers of robins and blackbirds and a creeper that landed right in front of me was nice. Eventually decided walking was a better idea. Put the scope in the car and immediately heard a siskin going over. A few feet down and 70 Canada Geese fly by. Got down to the FWS buildings and heard an odd call that eventually I realized was crane bugling. Searched a bit and 4 flew over. Unfortunately I was basically too slow on the audio and had no chance at any photos. Continued down to the end where there was a Fox Sparrow mixed in with some juncos and a pile more siskins. Started back and heard a Marsh Wren across from the pond, then had a phoebe and Winter Wren at the pond. A Red-shoulder was sitting behind one of the houses, but there wasn’t too much else from there.

Back at the car, I drove to Cow Common just in case the cranes had landed there, then doubled back to the Old 27 Bridge. Forty-five minutes of scanning there had a Yellow-rump andanother Fox Sparrow or two, but not much flying around. To Heard from here where there were swans and an eagle. Nothing exciting at the swamp, so home.

Went back out to check the res, which had about the same as yesterday. Then, just at halftime, got a text from Lily that the Snow Goose was back at BBN. Perfect timing to run over, patch bird!

Monday 11/11: Started at Horn Pond. Egret was one of the first birds, then 3 Gadwall. Nothing much exciting after that, most of the usual stuff, no Great Cormorant. Sandy Beach after was pretty quiet. Decided on Earhart next and had very little.

Tuesday 11/12: Usual ducks at Arlington Res highlighted by 5 Lesser Scaup. Bluebird at the farm was a new bird for me here. Quick buzz of the res and Hardy didn’t have anything of note, although I didn’t scan most of the dabblers.

WIR 10/30-11/5

Wednesday 10/30: Nothing much at College Pond other than a Pileated driving over. Couldn’t find the dabbling ducks at the res but did have a flock of scaup (awake ones were Lesser).

Thursday 10/31: Lesser Scaup, couple coots, 2 Palms about it at Fresh Pond.

Friday 11/1: Very few sparrows at Ricci but 2 were Field. Also 24+ turkeys, a bunch of pipits, a ton of robins overhead, etc. Quick check of the res had lots of ducks but nothing obvious of note.

Saturday 11/2: Started at Millennium where there were a few siskins, a couple Hermit Thrushes, a Winter Wren, and not too many sparrows. Great Pond next, did a full loop. Two BB Plovers, 2 Semipalmated, a Semipalmated Sandpiper, 2 Snow Buntings, 3 eagles, and Osprey, etc.

Sunday 11/3: Tried for some of the stuff seen recently on the Rose Kennedy Greenway without much luck. No chat, no Dickcissel, no towhees. Lincoln’s, 2 Swamps, sapsuckers about it. Went towards the public garden to look for kingbirds but ended up on Storrow looking for a space, so just continued to Revere Beach. Good number of Bonaparte’s but all far out. Had time for Winthrop Beach too. No oystercatcher but a golden-plover, pile of Dunlin, a few turnstones, 2 Bonaparte’s, a bunch of gannets, a few Snow Buntings, a few scoters, lots of loons were all good.

Monday 11/4: Got the BT Gray at Mt. Auburn after a bit of a wait, ‘commute’ #257!

Tuesday 11/5: Nothing of note at Cookson or along the river.